"Mosimossi, this is bastieu. Ask the marshal to have a direct conversation immediately."

The rapid call of the telephone bug sounded without warning.

Kappa, who had just sprouted the idea of leaving, was immediately dismissed. With a frown on his brow, he said, "this bastieu, not long ago, robbed my mission and ran to the East China Sea to escort Tianjin. How did he suddenly surpass the superior general and ask for a dialogue with you?"

Looking at the puzzled Karp, the Warring States could not help but stare at him and said, "you want to be lazy in the name of escorting Tianjin, but you have slept too late to snatch the task from bastieu."

"But he was so anxious to get in touch with him. Did he come across any news about the escaped prisoner?"

He said that the Warring States ignored Kapu and connected the phone bug.

But before he could speak, bastio had already spoken first!

"Marshal of the Warring States period, the matter is not good. The merchant ship carrying Tianjin was attacked by Yu Zhibo and Qin Yu. All of us fell into his hands and asked for support!"


The face of the Warring States changed dramatically, and he could not help standing up.

If the sky gold was attacked, he might not be so excited.

But at present, hard to find, but there is no way to find the main brain of the city of prison break, finally appeared.

"Ha ha, it seems that the gold in the sky has been robbed, but it's a great good thing. Report the coordinates to the Warring States quickly. He's so anxious that he's smoking." Kapp pulled out his nostrils and laughed.

"I also want to see what kind of person this kid is, who can make trouble more than the golden lion."

"Good gold robbery in the sky?" Bastieuton's face was bitter. It was about the lives of hundreds of people on their entire ship.

Now it's in the mouth of Karp, but it's a good thing. The gap is too big.

"Cap, shut up!" The Warring States period glared and said, "bastieu, don't be nervous. This time the sky gold was robbed, it seems that I will help you solve the problem. Moreover, it is a great achievement that you can find out the whereabouts of Yu Zhi Bo Qin Yu."

"Now please calm down and tell me the whole process of the matter, and why you still have the phone bug in your hand to contact me, and where is the destination of yuzhibo Qinyu."

The Warring States period, known as the intellectual General of the Navy, raised many questions in an instant.

After all, in his eyes, no matter what reason bastieu was able to connect with himself, it was a race against the clock.

Bastieu heard the words, and after a pause of seven or eight seconds, he spoke in a hurry. With the guarantee of the Warring States period, he did not worry about Tianlong people settling accounts in the autumn.

"Not long ago, we just left the windless belt, and on our way back to the holy land of marichia, we met a big skeleton demon from the sky. After that, we also had a short fight!"

With a series of quick words, the Warring States looks more and more gloomy. When bastieu finished his last word, he immediately said: "do you mean that Yuzhi boqinyu can not only create monsters like zombies, but also make creatures of flame type?"

"What's more, at the last meeting, the Yellow ape actually mentioned that yuzhibo Qinyu did not display his armed lust, and according to Magellan's notice, it was not found."

"At the moment, you are suddenly defeated by Liu Ying, who is superior to him. There are only two possibilities. First, he always hides his clumsiness and likes to play the role of a pig and eat a tiger. Second, he has an extraordinary ability to learn. In a few days, he not only learns how to arm himself, but also controls the high domineering spirit."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of solemnity on the face of the Warring States period, saying: "if it is one kind of proof that this Yu Zhibo Qin Yu is attacking on his mind, it is also consistent with the identity of the mastermind of the prison break incident. If it is the second one, in a few days, he will learn how to be armed and domineering, and he will never be able to stay outside. He should be captured as soon as possible."

With the analysis of the Warring States period, even Kapu forgot to continue to dig his nose.

As the developer of six styles, Karp has a high talent of body skill, and his attainments of armed color and domineering power have already been unfathomable.

It can be said that it is no problem to smash a mountain with one punch.

However, it is precisely because of this reason that he is more aware that if in a short period of time, he will be armed and aggressive, and temper to a high-level range.

That means that Yu Zhi Bo Qin Yu can no longer be measured by genius.

The word "evil spirit" is perhaps the best term.

"Well, you don't have to be nervous. This is just my speculation. What yuzhibo Qinyu has done and his strength are under control. Compared with those troublesome qiwuhai and the four emperors, he is still a baby in his infancy before he has his own influence. What we have to do is to kill him in advance." In the Warring States period, he said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words fell, bastieu quickly responded and said in a quick voice, "marshal of the Warring States is not wrong. He is only alone now. As long as we gather the strength of our navy, we can crush him at will."

"It's just that his order now is to let us continue to set out for the holy land of marigioa. We have no way of knowing the exact location and target. Moreover, he should have left this phone bug for us to inform us."The Warring States period could not help nodding, frowning slightly, and said: "he did this, I'm afraid it was a provocation to our navy, but it hit our heart."

"The more arrogant that guy is, the more we will be able to take the initiative as soon as possible. What you have to do now is to obey him for the time being, and at the same time, to transmit the trend back to us."

"Next, since the guy is going to challenge our navy headquarters, I'll show him the real strength of our navy."

E Chang's voice is mingled with an indisputable flavor.

After a few more greetings, the Warring States period hung up the phone bug.

No matter whether the other party intends to do it or not, reducing the call time is undoubtedly the best way to reduce the chance of change.

"Warring States, you should have some countermeasures?" Suddenly Kapp said.

The Warring States put down the phone bug in his hand, looked at Kapu, who rarely showed interest, and said, "ha ha, it seems that you are interested in this guy. I think it was Roger's time when he was alive last time."

"However, for the sake of prudence, I still intend to transfer the red dog and the Yellow ape back. As for Qingzhi's pursuit of ward in the East China Sea, the journey is too far, and he can't catch up with him for a moment or three."

"It's just that the red dog and the Yellow ape are there. No matter which target the guy chooses, he can be captured alive."

"I'm impatient to dare to challenge our naval headquarters alone."

At this point, the Warring States took up another golden telephone bug, and after pressing the red button, a burst of urgent call alarm was heard throughout the Navy headquarters.

The war machine, which had been running to the extreme, stopped in an instant, showing an expression of shock.

The last recorded alarm came 15 years ago when the golden lion attacked Marlin van dor.