Chapter 2388

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
She has not been allowed to go out recently, let alone where Ye Han once lived. “

“Yes, Master. Sun bowed and knelt down. He looked Hidayada, there is no God in his eyes. In his heart, he thought of Ye Han, he was holding a Longsword.

“S-Rank Rebellion… how could that child be so good? “


In the endless mountains, in the deep mountains, a barefooted little girl is scurrying around, squatting on the ground picking flowers, chasing around The butterfly, a light yellow clean kimono was quickly covered with dust. However, the feet of a little girl without shoes are still as clean as jade.

“Hey? Is anyone up there? “The little girl chased a rabbit and came to a big tree. Ye Han was sleeping comfortably on it.

“Hey, uncle above! who are you? How come I haven’t seen you! “

During his sleep, Ye Han vaguely heard someone calling his uncle. He couldn’t help muttering a few angry words, but still did not open his eyes.

” hmph, lazy bones, is it too tired and lazy to plow and run here? This is not good! “The little girl’s purple pupils turned around in her eyes, with a smile on her mouth, turned and ran away.

Soon, the little girl came back with a bamboo pole and a dog on her body. The tail.

He raised the bamboo pole high in a cautious and solemn manner, but he still couldn’t reach Ye Han’s sleeping position. He couldn’t help feeling discouraged and pouted. He had another idea. He started from He took off the dog’s tail grass from the bamboo stick and put it in his mouth with a bright and simple smile. Then he began to support the big tree to climb up.

Fortunately, the tree has a certain The slope, and the tree bark is also thick folds, so the little girl didn’t have to spend too much effort to climb up.

“Hehe, I am really a little expert in Tree Climbing! “The little girl knelt on the tree trunk triumphantly, holding the tree trunk in both hands, looked at Ye Han who was sleeping, with a smirk on her face.

Little girl cautious and solemn crawled forward. Although the tree trunk is thick enough, the little girl is very careful. Although she is fearless, she is still very afraid of pain.

“If you fall, you will definitely get hurt…” The little girl turned her head. Lowered her head. She fought a cold war and continued to crawl towards Ye Han.

When the little girl was less than two meters away from Ye Han, she finally saw Ye Han’s appearance.

Although Ye Han defected from the village, he is not embarrassed. His face is free and his mental state is very good, so the whole person feels good.

“Hey. .. This is not uncle, but… looks good. I don’t seem to have seen it before, it’s okay…” The little girl’s cute little face showed a playful expression and continued to crawl towards Ye Han firmly.

When the little girl climbed one meter away from Ye Han At that time, Ye Han suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: “Who is it? “

Ye Han was sleeping, and suddenly the alarm in his heart was very loud, and the cells of the whole body boiled. After Ye Han opened his eyes, his hands moved, and the silver Longsword was unsheathed and appeared in him. In his hand, he looked forward vigilantly.

The little girl turned pale with fright by Ye Han’s actions, then turned around and instinctively backed away. But because of fear, the little girl’s body slipped down.

“Ah! ! ! “

The little girl fell to the ground when she stepped on the air. She was so scared that she cried loudly. Suddenly, a figure walked by, and her big warm hands hugged the little girl…