Chapter 1392

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
“S-Rank mission?” Ye Han and Minato asked in unison.

Third-Kage said, “Yes! According to information, there are more than 100 ninjas on the fire scene recently. Before you come, I don’t know which country the other side belongs to. But after analyzing the Minato incident just now , There should be no doubt that those people are Yinyan, but what their purpose is and how many enemies are targeting Kono is still unknown…”

Third-Kage took out the information and passed it on To Minato, and then said: “Yinyan’s strength is very strong, not only occupies an absolute geographic advantage, but also has a lot of advantages, so…you teachers and students must be careful when performing missions…”


After less than a long time, the master and apprentice Ye Han arrived at the location shown on the map. According to Third-Kage, this was the last time they saw the enemy’s location.

Ye Han told Minato about the incident, be careful when speaking and acting. This action is different from the previous training, and careless should not be neglected when facing the enemy.

The Minato incident indicated that the two had sneaked into the forest. There was no news until the evening, and no trace of the enemy was found.

The Minato incident said: “I didn’t feel the presence of the enemy along the way. I’m afraid it’s a bit strange in it…”

Ye Han also felt strange that he was still active yesterday. More than 100 people in the forest are missing today? This is really suspicious!

Judging from the traces, these numbers suddenly disappeared. Where did they go? Is it possible to return to heaven?

Thinking of this, Ye Han’s heart brightened, and he whispered to the Minato incident: “The enemy may be hidden in the sky!”

As soon as I heard the Minato incident, I understood Up. No wonder he felt it for so long without results. It seemed that Ye Han was right 80% of the time. The enemy has been hiding in the sky. But what is their purpose in hiding in the sky? More than a hundred people are hiding in the sky together. Is it… an air attack on leaves?

Minato once again expressed his thoughts. Ye Han believes that the possibility is not very high, because if the enemy wants an air attack, there is no need to move on land…

However, the Minato incident believes that actions on land may be a distraction by the enemy cover. Their real purpose may be to air strike Konoha at night.

Ye Han was shocked after hearing the analysis of the Minato incident. He told the Minato incident, “Hurry up and fly back to Konoha with Flying Thor and inform Third-Kage of the situation here so that Third-Kage can prepare. Then you can use Flying Thor to come back to protect me immediately. I want to enter the immortality. Mode!!!”

The Minato incident knew that the situation was extremely critical and immediately followed Ye Han’s instructions.

“The Art of Flying Thor!”


Before the operation, in order to facilitate timely contact, so Muho Ying Third-Kage people left Minato with the impression of flying Thor.

After the Minato incident, the Third-Kage man happened to work overtime in the office. Minato quickly reported the analysis results to Third-Kage, and then flew back to Ye Han with a flash.

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned the relevant combatants and worked out a defense plan in a short time. As the commander-in-chief of this defensive battle, the Third-Kage of Hokage, with Nara Shikaku as a military adviser, divided the rest of the Jonin resistance into defensive and offensive types according to the plan. The Academy student with low endurance is responsible for transferring and protecting the villagers.

The Third-Kage also ordered Tsunade to serve as Captain of the Medic Corps, responsible for rescue work, while Oromoru followed the Third-Kage to battlefield to prepare for the enemy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: “Do you all understand, let’s get started!”


Everyone said in unison, everyone All ready… ..