Chapter 972

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
So someone asked:

“How do we do this activity?”

What should our child’s parents do?

Is this really just for children to discover for themselves?

Tian Xuanze said: “It’s very simple. I will make everyone wear the same clothes and skirts, but I will wear a red silk scarf on my head to cover all my face and face. Then you will sit on the stool.”

“Of course, the stools will be placed on the activity table, and then the baby will be allowed to walk on the stage and operate by himself.”

“Of course , I will lay an expensive carpet on the stage so that the children will not fall and get hurt because of the inconvenience of walking.”

“Secondly, I made a bet with Baby Wang, if the baby can Use your own method to find their father and mother, then he will show you the following program…”

“As for what plan? I think Baby Wang himself is very clear and will bring you It’s a huge surprise.”

“When Ning said this sentence on the same day, the comments on the broadcast of the show broke out.

Because they all want to know how babies find their own parents .

Secondly, as Tianning said, what kind of surprises will Wang Bao give them?

But before they say, they will never think that if Wang Bao loses, He will put on skirts and stockings and dance pole dancing.

Finally, after Tianning said that the event has been completed, he will continue to the next mission.

That is to start their costumes .

So Tian Xuanze came to arrange the staff member, and immediately brought 19 sets of clothes almost the same shape as the fathers present, and the same color.

Of course. There are 19 sets of red dresses for the children’s mothers.

These people are all wearing suits and white clothes.

These women are all wearing red skirts.

It’s like walking into an auditorium to get married.

Tian Ning asked them to change clothes one after another and come to the stage to prepare.

Under such an operation, it takes about ten minutes Later, the baby’s parents changed their equipment and sat on the bench on the stage and stepped on the expensive carpet. In fact, their hearts are now both looking forward to and nervous.

What I am looking forward to is, can their children really find them based on their ability?

Be aware that in this case, they all wear the same clothes, and their top of the The head is also covered with a layer of fast red satin, and it is impossible to see who it is. Even if they are looking for it, they should not recognize who it is.

So how can babies do such incredible things? What about it?

This time.

The audience present are also very much looking forward to it, and when the program was broadcast, the visitors also commented, saying:

“The time to witness the miracle…”

“Then let us see how babies use their abilit y Found their father and mother? “

But now there is a problem, which is basically beyond the imagination of more than 99% of people.

Because how do they order these babies to find their parents?

Lord said that these little babies definitely don’t understand.

After all, there are some children with very high intelligence, some with very low IQ, and those with high IQ may understand some, but those with low IQ’s children may not understand.

Why should children listen to Lord? At their age, do they want to be obedient? If you don’t cry all the time, you will be fine!

However, some people immediately thought of Tianning’s little daughter.

“Have you forgotten? Did Mr. Tian Ning’s treasure daughter, Xiao Xueer, find it? She can communicate with these children. “

Yes, it seems that Xiao Xueer can come and order these children to find their parents.

In this regard, everyone should eliminate the doubts in their hearts and think that Mr. Tianning He would definitely let his little treasure to order these children.

On the other hand, Tian Ning stood on the stage holding his little daughter. Naturally, he hopes his little baby can communicate with these children.

So Tian Ning said, “treasure, Barbie is going to give you a mission now. You must complete it. “

Little treasure’s eyes lit up, and he said to Tian Ning: “What is treasure’s mission?” “

Can you let all the babies present find their own parents?

The baby nodded cleverly and said, “Of course I can, because I can communicate with them, no Any obstacles, so they will listen to me and go find their parents together. “

After listening, Tian Ning smiled and said, “That’s good. It seems I don’t need to worry about this. “

So Tian Ning said, “Then go and talk to these little babies so that they can find their parents together?” “

So Xiao Xueer was placed on an expensive carpet by Tian Ning, and asked her to communicate with the 19 babies present.

In the eyes of the audience, the way they communicate shows They don’t understand, because they don’t seem to say anything.

They just cried and shouted “wa wow”. It started with some strange exchanges and contacts.

That’s it, about Five minutes later, Tianning’s baby has made appointments with all the babies present to find their parents.

So we can see the babies start to move on the expensive carpet. They are just like cute Little insect, crawling towards his parents on the expensive carpet.

This time.

They all want to know how these babies find their parents?

Although it is still not sure whether they can find out, it seems there is nothing wrong with looking these babies crawling methodically on expensive carpets, as if they are crawling towards their goals.

It seems, They have decided that their parents should climb in a certain direction, otherwise, they should climb randomly and search randomly, right?

At this time, Cher looked at Tian Ning and said, “Barbie, I can find Is my mother? “

Because the baby at this time does not want to give up the opportunity to find her mother to damn it. Although her father did not participate, she still wants to find her mother with these friends.

Tian Ning Nodded and said, “Of course, our little baby can also go to his mother. “

Then Xiao Xueer stuck out the tongue and said: “treasure, I will find my mother soon, because I already feel her position, you can’t fool me. ”

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