Chapter 862

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
Seeing this, the black maori sledgehammer waved and shouted to Pei Amin:

Look at my sledgehammer.

In fact, Maori black people want to voluntarily admit-defeat. After all, he also knew that in real life he was not Pei Minzhi’s opponent.

However, it is difficult for him to transform from a slave status to the current citizenship of the Roman Empire. Therefore, nothing can go wrong.

If something goes wrong, he may be enslaved again and lead an inhumane new life.


After lifting a sledgehammer, the wind became strong and fierce. The energy carried by the sledgehammer is also heavy. However, none of this is enough to see before Pei Min.

Seeing that the black Maori had taken the initiative to attack, Pei Min spoke politely, and flew over directly. From the gap between a pair of sledgehammers, he went in extremely flexibly, followed by a foot.


No accident. The black Maori were kicked to the tournament table by Pei Min.

Seeing this situation, these foreigners are also very scared:

“What is going on? Are these Datang people really so powerful? Only one swordsman came over. , Did many of us lose to him?”

One was kicked, which is actually equivalent to kicking our face.

“Yes, if someone is kicked by him The sword was defeated, so to be fair, everyone is now kicked out of the tournament by him. What is this?”

“Maybe, Datang only needs one swordsman, we are not opponent? Is Tang really that powerful?”

“We have long heard that Tang Wushu is popular, but we did not expect it to reach this level.”

These foreigners see Everyone who participated in the game was kicked away by Pei Min. They also felt very embarrassed and even lost the confidence to participate in the championship again.

If the next ones are kicked off step by step, I am afraid that when they come to Datang to challenge the country in the name of a tournament, they will become Datang’s laughingstock.

From now on, people in Datang will laugh when they talk about them.

As for the other Datang audiences in the stands, they were filled with emotion.

Lu Gong·Cheng Jinyao also sighed and said:

“This generation young man is not sure how much better than ours at that time. That big black man brought a handful The sledgehammer can be as good as my brother-in-law Pei Yuanqing, but he is vulnerable to the little sword sage Pei Min.”

Hubei Duke Wei Chigong shaking one’s head, sighed.

“Yes, it is said that heroes emerge from troubled times. I think that under the leadership of your majesty, this prosperous era will create more heroes. Any Li Xun, or Pei Min and Marshal Xue Xue Dingshan, his son, will be able to take the lead at that time.”

Wei Guogong Li Jing also sighed and said:

“Yes, it is said that once we enter a period of prosperity, martial arts will gradually Decline. This seems to have never happened in the Tang Dynasty. We still have the popular martial arts in the Tang Dynasty, and it has not declined at all.”

When Xue Guiren listened to the words of their three old country fathers, they were very shaking ones head laughing. Said:

“Three civil servants, what you said is not entirely correct. Although we do not have a civil war now, we still have foreign enemies staring at us. In addition, these foreign enemies are stronger than our previous enemies. Strong. Therefore, if our military style in Datang is not strong, it will definitely not work.”

Wu Zhuangyuan and Wu Yuan also nodded and said:

“Yes, facing this For powerful foreign enemies, we must be stronger than them. It is our duty to fight for your majesty and defeat those who dare to challenge our great Tang Tianwei.”

This old, middle and young Third -Kage Tang dynasty military commander, looked at Pei Min’s black gross profit, also said one after another.

After Pei Min offered the black margin, he also shouted to the foreigners camp.

“You foreigners are not very strong. You still don’t like listening to me, so I won’t fight with you. Let others come up.”

After that, Pei Min went from the tournament Go straight down on the table.

After the championship, except for David, who lost a lot of money for the first time, it was very interesting, all other games of Pei I.M. were boring, so he lost interest in the championship.

Seeing that Pei Min is about to step down, the other young people in Datang are eager to try, and they all want to climb up.

Seeing this, Li Zhi said directly to Li Xun:

“Champion, you go up and solve these opponent as soon as possible. Don’t pester them for too long.”

In fact, after understood the strength of these foreigners, Li Zhi was not interested in observing them. Even Li Zhi did not plan to arrange more than 100 people to take up jobs one after another. Li Xun alone is enough to suppress all young and handsome foreigners.

Li Xun nodded after listening to Li Zhi’s arrangement.

“Yes, your majesty, I will definitely live up to your majesty’s expectations.”

After speaking to Li Zhi, Li Xun is holding his spear and stepping to the competition field. , Looked a group of foreigners and said:

“You can one after another or come up together, I will be able to solve all of you soon.”

Li Xun, naturally and Pei Min Very different, Li Xun himself has his own overlord halo. When he speaks, it immediately sweeps in like the wind, making the foreigner’s face sore.

“It doesn’t matter if you go up together. This is not the champion of Datang.”

“hehe, Hou Champion, the name is quite big. This is a brave army.”

“This Datang champion is about 10 years old. Is he really as invincible as legendary?”

Does Datang only plan to arrange champion Hou Haiyang to defeat all of us? Competitive opponent?

This domineering sentence as far as I’m concerned is really domineering.

Many foreigners do not believe Li Xun’s words. They think that Li Xun is too domineering and despise them too much. They even want players from 100 countries to go together.

However, Olus and Taro Aso, both of them looked at each other and laughed very dirty.

Aso, this Li Xun finally came up, but you must seize the opportunity.

Olus said to Taro Aso with a deep smile.

After hearing this, Aso replied:

“Lord Olut, you can rest assured that he will not come up. As long as he comes up, he will definitely die. After all, we No one wants to see such a powerful character in Datang.”