Chapter 481

Name:Naruto Mall System Author:zongheng
(New bounty in Chapter 47)

(Thanks for the baby shoes reward)

Suddenly, with a bang, the door was opened. Two people walked in. An old man with gray hair and a very energetic man and a tall young man walked in. It was Vice Admiral Monch D. Karp and Kuzan who had let Ye Han and Robin away. They are also in the future. Qingzhi, one of the three navy generals.

“Uhhahaha~! Warring States, I am here for you again!” Karp walked in with a bag of donuts in his hand and sat on the sofa.

“Is it Karp and Kuzan, Karp, you guy never seems to know that you have to knock on the door when you enter someone else’s office. I told you how many times I have no memory.”


“Don’t pay attention to those details. Every time you come here, you seem very busy. Life is really boring. You have to enjoy your life, or you will waste your time.”

Warring States heard Karp’s words and said angrily: “Then you will be a general, and I will have a good time.”

“General! I don’t want that kind of trouble. Who is willing to be whoever is willing to take care of things, anyway, I won’t take it.” Karp said with a look of killing me and not doing it.

“Then what the hell are you doing here today, I am very busy now and don’t have time to play with you.” Warring States doesn’t care much either. He is very clear about his old friend character and wants him to be General is almost impossible.

“Well! Don’t say that. It’s rare to see the previous side. What have you been up to lately?”

Warring States gnashing one’s teeth said: “What else can I do? They are all hateful pirates. Although the pirate king Roger was executed, his crew is scattered everywhere. These are dangerous characters and must be monitored.”

“And all over the world Because of Roger’s words, all of the pirates were dispatched. This year, the number of pirates has increased by nearly 20 times compared with last year. The crime rate has increased significantly. In order to curb the navy’s serious shortage of manpower, the shortage of manpower is added to the pirates. It’s hard to catch it when you hear the wind, and it greatly damages the reputation of the Navy. These damned pirates! If you want to help me, you can catch the criminals for me. Don’t run to me and affect my work. “

“Uhhahaha~! The general is really hard.” Karp said with a simple-minded smile.

“I knew you would answer this way, so I just hope you don’t mess with me.”

Suddenly, “Puff, Puff~! Puff, Puff~!” The phone worm placed on the table of General Warring States rang, and Warring States answered it and it sounded, “I am Warring States, what’s the matter?”

“General Warring States, the hunting Austrian you requested There is new news from the surviving member Intelligence Division of Hara Island.”

Kuzan couldn’t help but cock his ears when he heard this. It was Nicole Robin and Ye Han, Robin he let go. It was because he heard that he could interpret the historical text and he was deeply impressed by the bounty amount of nearly murder, but it was just a child who had suffered a great deal.

The other one, Uchiha Ye Han’s child, gave him a deep impression. He began to work hard at the young age. The strength is good and the fighting skills are high, but it is not too outstanding. Large, if the tutoring is strict, many children who have been trained since childhood will have stronger strength than that child at that age.

In Kuzan’s heart, Ye Han is most noteworthy and perhaps only the terrifying mind that predicts the future, which should help him and Robin avoid the navy’s pursuit.

But people’s hearts are the most terrifying. If someone who is believed betrays you, then you can talk about it. After all, 79 million berries are not a small number. The wealth is touching, so he wants to know when he hears the news. What is the news? If it is a situation where two people must die, he will give a little help. After all, this is his friend Sauro’s last wish.

“What news? Tell me more about it.” Although Warring States is very busy now, the person who interprets the historical text cannot leave. The main reason is that he also knows a little bit of the content of the historical text because he knows it. To slaughter, even just an 8-year-old little girl can’t let it go. Uchiha Ye Han’s little demon hasn’t heard of anything, but it will help Nicole Robin’s escape, so it’s a bounty. The people of O’Hara, he had the same idea as the red dog, he would rather kill mistakes than let go.

“Ah, it is like this, the demon surviving member of O’Hara Island, the guy named Uchiha Ye Han recruited a subordinate on the island, and took the main target, Nicole Robin, on the boat. On the way to Roma Island, I encountered a robbery of a passenger ship by a crocodile pirate group in the West Sea. The criminal Uchiha Ye Han killed Bounty’s 5 million berry crocodile pirate group leader Sharo on the passenger ship. He was good at using a diamond-shaped dagger. With small arms, Uchiha Ye Han returned all the belongings of the passengers and forcibly recruited the remaining crocodile pirates as his subordinate and left the passenger ship.”

Kapu also came when he heard this. Interested, he also took a look at Bounty when he was okay. If the other side was a heinous pirate, he would send out to capture him. Among the pirates, Iron Fist Cap was synonymous with evil spirits.

The slaughter of magic orders is not a trivial matter. He hasn’t been to Warring States for more than a month for this reason. He didn’t come here until recently. He also saw Warring States’ response to Uchiha Ye Han and Nicole. Robin’s bounty, I’ve never seen such a small child appear on the bounty newspaper.

Thinking that Warring States has done everything about the killing of magic orders, bounty child is not surprised, but this is definitely not in line with the justice in his heart. This time I heard Uchiha Ye Han and Nicole Robin Naturally, I want to know what these two children are like: “Oh? It’s really interesting. I remember that Uchiha Ye Han is a little demon about 6-7 years old, a pirate in the West Sea. Is the quality so flawed? The 5 million Bailey’s pirates were all killed by 6-7 years old little demon. Was it the incompetent navy of the West China Sea? The leader of the pirate regiment that even the child can solve As a regular navy can’t solve it, it’s a loser!”

“But that little demon named Uchiha Ye Han is really interesting. He took the Pirate Ship, but returned the money to the passengers. , Is still very caring!” Karp stroked his chin and became interested in this little demon named Uchiha Ye Han. ..