Chapter 2013 The Glorious Past (1)

Chapter 2013 The Glorious Past (1)

Yun Lintian and his companions crept cautiously along the second-floor hallway. Cobwebs, like tattered shrouds, draped the exposed rafters, and a thick layer of grime clung to everything. The silence was a suffocating weight, pressing down on them with an unseen hand.

Tentatively, Yun Lintian pushed open the nearest door. A stale, moldy odor assaulted his nostrils, sending a jolt of revulsion down his spine. The room was barren except for a pile of tattered straw mats huddled in the corner and a single, dust-encrusted chest shoved against the far wall.

Yun Lintian's gaze lingered on the chest for a moment before a dark stain spreading across the floorboards near the window snagged his attention. Dried blood, unmistakable. It was the first time he'd encountered such evidence after navigating countless skeletal remains.

He scanned the room carefully, finding no remnants of life here. Evidently, the source of the blood hadn't met its demise in this room.

Yun Lintian continued down the hallway, each creaking floorboard a jarring screech in the oppressive silence. He pushed open door after door, each room revealing a similar tableau – dust, decay, and the lingering ghost of blood. But in the third room, something far more unsettling awaited him.

In the center of the room, collapsed amongst a jumble of broken furniture, lay a skeleton. Bleached bone, unmistakably human, formed its skeletal frame, with tattered remnants of robes clinging to it. A single, empty eye socket seemed to stare sightlessly at Yun Lintian, a silent testament to the violence unfolding here.

As he continued his exploration, he found more skeletons – some sprawled across the floor, others slumped against the walls, their vacant sockets appearing to accuse him from the shadows.

These skeletons, however, held nothing of note – unlike the one with the phoenix jade.

Emerging from the room, Yun Lintian found everyone waiting. They all shook their heads in unison, silently conveying their lack of success.

"Then let's move on," Yun Lintian decided, leaving the inn behind.

When Yun Lintian stepped out, a blinding ray of morning light speared his eyes, forcing him to raise a hand to shield them. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Before fully recovering, he found himself standing on a bustling street teeming with life. Gone was the emptiness. Merchants hawked their wares from colorful stalls, their voices a melodic cacophony. People in vibrant silks and jade ornaments bustled past, their laughter echoing off the intricately carved facades of buildings that shimmered with an otherworldly sheen.

Stunned, Yun Lintian whipped around. Instead of Nantian Fengyu and the others, he saw customers spilling out of the inn onto the street. The once-decayed inn now pulsed with life.

"I see," Nantian Yu said, glancing at Linlin with understanding. "She must be quite young." Linlin's low cultivation compared to her age was evident. "Is that why you've come?"

"Actually," Yun Lintian admitted politely, "we'd appreciate some guidance. We're a bit lost, unsure of where to start."

Nantian Yu's expression brightened. "Excellent! I'm heading to the Nine Furnace Alchemy Convention. Why not join me?"

"We'd be delighted," Yun Lintian readily agreed.

With a smile, Nantian Yu merged back into the bustling crowd.

Casting aside his doubts, Yun Lintian followed closely behind. They weaved through the crowds of practitioners until they reached the plaza where he'd previously seen the mountain of bones.

The once-bustling marketplace was now a vibrant tapestry of color and sound. Sect flags of every design fluttered in the morning breeze, boasting ancient lineages and prestigious legacies.

Hawkers peddled a dazzling array of exotic wares, shimmering vials containing rare ingredients, gleaming robes adorned with intricate enchantments, and even pulsating stones thrumming with a faint aura.

Yun Lintian marveled at the sheer variety of cultivation resources on display. Nantian Yu, on the other hand, was a whirlwind of curiosity, her eyes sparkling as they darted from one marvel to the next. Leaning closer to Yun Lintian, she barely managed to make herself heard over the cacophony.

"See the old man over there?" she whispered, pointing. "That's the city lord."

Yun Lintian followed her gaze. Seated on the main seat of a raised platform was a white-haired old man. To his surprise, the man exuded the unmistakable aura of a True God.

What surprised him even more was the people surrounding the old man. Every single one – True Gods. It was the first time Yun Lintian had witnessed such a gathering of these powerful beings.

"He's quite powerful but nowhere near your supreme elder," Nantian Yu said further.

Supreme elder... Yun Lintian thought, a spark of realization igniting in his mind. The White Tiger God Clan in this time must have been at its prime.