Chapter 1978 Revenge (2)

Chapter 1978 Revenge (2)

"I will make Zhu Tianlong, Zhu Wuxing, and Zhu Ding watch everything crumble before their eyes," Yun Lintian said calmly. "Everything they've accumulated will vanish."

Li Zong and the old man exchanged a glance. For men like Zhu Tianlong, losing their accumulation lifetime was the most excruciating punishment.

"With many positions now open, do you have any recommendations?" the old man inquired kindly. Clearly, he was hinting at Yun Lintian's ability to openly support the Yang family.

Yun Lintian remained silent, his gaze turning to Yang Ningchang.

Surprisingly, Yang Ningchang declined. "Thank you for your generosity, senior. However, my family doesn't deserve such a position. I'd recommend Uncle Xu to take Zhu Tianlong's position."

The old man and Li Zong were taken aback, but comprehension quickly dawned. They vaguely recalled the Yang family's treatment of Yang Ningchang over the past year, particularly her father, Yang Shen.

"Are you certain?" the old man asked seriously.

"Yes," Yang Ningchang responded firmly. "I only have one request. Please look after my younger brother."

The old man met Yang Ningchang's gaze steadily. "Don't worry. He will be fine."

"Thank you, senior," Yang Ningchang said sincerely.

Suddenly, Li Zong remembered Nantian Fengyu. "Your friend has already been taken to the police station," he said. "I will make a call to release her."

Yun Lintian waved his hand dismissively. "No need, Grandpa Li. Let her enjoy herself."

As if on cue, Nantian Fengyu's livestream flickered onto the big screen.

On the screen, Nantian Fengyu beamed at the camera before panning it to reveal the police station behind her. "Hey chat! Look where I am! Today, I'm taking you on a prison tour! They say there are some real baddies locked up here. Exciting, right?"

The handsome police officer standing beside her chimed in enthusiastically. "Don't worry, everyone. Sister Phoenix is perfectly safe with me on duty!"

The comments section erupted in a flurry of activity:


[I challenge you to a duel! Draw your sword!]

[Let's report him! How dare he stand so close to Sister Phoenix?]

The old man: "..."

Li Zong: "..."

Li Zong stammered, "Your friend is really..." He trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence.

Yun Lintian spread his arms.

The old man chuckled. "No need to worry about that," he said. "This will be excellent publicity."

"Get back here, now!" Zhu Wuxing commanded angrily.

"Understood," Zhu Ding responded hurriedly and hung up.

He turned to the soldier, about to order a withdrawal, when a glimpse out of the corner of his eye caught him off guard. There was Yun Lintian, hailing a taxi and climbing in.

There was no mistaking him. Zhu Ding would never forget his nemesis's appearance.

He jumped into his car and barked, "Hurry! Follow that taxi!"

The soldiers, startled, piled into their vehicles and gave chase.

Inside the taxi, Yun Lintian watched Zhu Ding's car in the rearview mirror, a faint smile on his lips.

"Hold on tight, boss," Lei Hao, behind the wheel, said. "We're picking up speed."

The taxi accelerated, weaving through traffic towards Rain Mountain.

"Cut them off!" Zhu Ding yelled.

"Team leader, something's off," a soldier ventured.

"Shut up!" Zhu Ding roared. "Give me that gun!"

The soldier, intimidated, handed him a machine gun. Zhu Ding checked it swiftly, rolled down the window, and aimed at the taxi's tires.

Bang! Bang!

Two shots rang out, but the bullets swerved off course, thanks to Yun Lintian's intervention.

"Wow, he actually shot at us in broad daylight?" Lei Hao glanced back at Zhu Ding's car, disbelief coloring his voice.

"He's lost it," Yun Lintian chuckled.

"Damn it!" Zhu Ding cursed, bewildered by the missed shots. As he readied to fire again, a truck barreled out from a side street, forcing him to swerve.

Zhu Ding bellowed, "What are you doing? You call yourselves drivers? You can't even catch a beat-up taxi!"

No longer hesitant, the driver slammed his foot down on the gas pedal. The gap between their car and the taxi began to shrink rapidly.

Following the taxi's lead, they sped past the suburbs and into the foothills of Rain Mountain.

The taxi slowed to a stop at the mountain's base.

"Pull over! Weapons out!" Zhu Ding roared, scrambling from the car.

By then, Yun Lintian and Lei Hao had already emerged from the taxi.

"Long time no see."