Chapter 1975 Fallen (1)

Chapter 1975 Fallen (1)

The official elaborated, "Our investigation reveals numerous instances where Minister Zhu abused his authority for personal gains. The current situation is a prime example."

The old man swept his gaze across the other officials, finding silent agreement etched on their faces. Even those within Zhu Tianlong's faction remained unnervingly quiet.

"Seeing no objections," the old man said calmly, "we'll vote after Minister Zhu arrives. Now, let's discuss countermeasures. How do we control the situation?" Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

A debate erupted among the officials. Most favored direct censorship, but some worried about damaging government credibility.

Nantian Fengyu's stream generated a massive international response, and suppressing information would be nearly impossible.

"A swift public statement is imperative," an old official declared. "Minister Zhu's actions shatter the image of peace we've meticulously cultivated on the world stage."

The old man nodded curtly. "Handle it well. All resources are at your disposal."

"I shall endeavor to do so, sir," the official replied with gravitas.

Just then, Zhu Tianlong entered the room under military escort. His first act was a deep bow, followed by a formal apology.

"I sincerely apologize for the problems that my actions have caused to our country's interests. I understand the seriousness of the situation and take full responsibility for my mistakes."

"I value my role in serving the country, and I am deeply sorry for the disappointment and frustration that I have caused."

On the way here, Zhu Tianlong had faced the grim reality. He had thought it through and knew that escape was impossible. In order to protect his family's legacy, voluntary resignation remained his only option. Otherwise, the repercussions would engulf his son and grandson.

No one in the room expressed surprise at Zhu Tianlong's voluntary resignation. His intentions were perfectly transparent.

While Zhu Tianlong's actions had undeniably caused significant problems, the officials present opted not to pursue the matter further. His past influence, built on merit, had evaporated. From this day forward, Zhu Tianlong would be a nonentity in the political arena.

"Sit down," the old man instructed Zhu Tianlong. "You've served the country well. I won't punish you further." His voice remained calm. "Hand over your personnel, and you may leave. Effective immediately, you are barred from any political activity."

"Thank you for your leniency, sir," Zhu Tianlong replied solemnly.

With that, the matter seemed settled. However, further consequences had to be addressed.

"Four years ago," Li Zong explained, "Yun Lintian and his team embarked on a crucial mission to thwart the Hell Church's completion of a horrific genetic technology known as Project Eve. They not only successfully retrieved Project Eve but also dealt a crippling blow to the Hell Church."

"It's Project Eve." the officials exclaimed in sudden comprehension. Yun Lintian's actions now held significant weight.

"However," Li Zong's voice turned icy, "they were backstabbed by our own people."

A stunned silence descended upon the room. The officials gaped in disbelief.

Meanwhile, those privy to the truth exchanged knowing glances, their eyes inevitably landing on Zhu Tianlong, whose expression had darkened beyond description.

"If my memory serves me correctly," an official interjected, "it was the Dragon Soul team who returned with a counterfeit Project Eve."

A collective realization dawned on everyone. Zhu Tianlong's grandson, Zhu Ding, had led the Dragon Soul team at that time.

"Precisely," Li Zong confirmed promptly. "It was Zhu Tianlong's grandson who orchestrated the deception."

He switched from "Minister Zhu" to Zhu Tianlong's name directly.

"He's not involved," Zhu Tianlong abruptly interjected. "I gave the order. While Yun Lintian's group posed no immediate threat, they were a potential wildcard. I believed they could become problematic in the future."

"And you used this opportunity to frame them?" Li Zong's gaze narrowed.

Zhu Tianlong lifted his chin, maintaining a composed facade. "My conscience is clear."

A heavy silence descended upon the room. The officials found themselves begrudgingly understanding Zhu Tianlong's perspective. After all, mercenaries were inherently untrustworthy.

"Then why did your grandson allow remnants of the Hell Church to infiltrate our borders a year ago?" Li Zong countered, his expression hardening.

Zhu Tianlong's brow furrowed. "Speak with evidence, General Li. How could my grandson betray the nation?"

His defiance stemmed from the unwavering belief that no evidence remained.

"Indeed," Li Zong replied coolly, retrieving a USB drive. "Never would I speak without proof."