Chapter 1972 The Price Of Power (2)

Chapter 1972 The Price Of Power (2)

"Let me handle this, Boss," Lei Hao stretched his neck, eager for a fight. He had just broken through to the first level of the Foundation Profound Realm and craved testing his newfound strength.

"No," Yun Lintian shook his head. "Bullets would overpower you at your current level. Besides, we won't engage them."

Turning to Nantian Fengyu, he asked, "Are you ready, Fifth Sister?"

Nantian Fengyu puffed out her chest confidently. "Don't worry, your fifth sister's a top streamer now. Taking a video is a breeze."

Lei Hao was taken aback. "Boss, are you planning on...?"

Yun Lintian smiled. "It's alright. We can rebuild the villa. It's no big deal."

"Are you certain?" Yang Ningchang asked worriedly. She understood the villa's significance to Yun Lintian.

"I'll explain later," Yun Lintian offered a reassuring smile.

"Okay," Yang Ningchang nodded gently.

"Let's go, Fifth Sister," Yun Lintian said.

"Don't forget a generous gift and a like," Nantian Fengyu said with mock seriousness before disappearing.

Yun Lintian was momentarily speechless.

Meanwhile, the strong man and his team swiftly spread out and began planting bombs around the villa. They remained oblivious as their actions were broadcast live on Nantian Fengyu's stream.

Nantian Fengyu pointed her camera at the shadowy figures, her voice trembling. "Chat, what should I do? These people seem to be targeting my junior brother's villa."

Comments flooded the chat.

[Holy cow! What are those things? Bombs maybe?]

[Why do they look like soldiers?]

[Hold on! Soldiers wouldn't do something like this!]

[Run, Sister Phoenix! Those are definitely bombs!]

[Police are already on their way!]

Nantian Fengyu glanced at the chat with a grin, feigning panic. "Oh no! A good hacker friend just sent me information about these people. Let's see it, everyone."

She then skillfully displayed several photos containing detailed information about the Crimson Guard members.

The comments went wild.New novel chapters are published on

[The Crimson Guard? Our country's elite squad?!]

[I knew it! Soldiers!]

[Why are they attacking Sister Phoenix's junior brother?]

"Refuse?" Zhu Tianlong roared, his temper flaring.

"They seem fearless," Qu Yin admitted. "They claim they won't remove the stream unless we produce a warrant."

A sense of unease settled over Qu Yin; this situation felt far from ordinary.

"Li Zong?" Zhu Tianlong pondered. "Besides him, who would dare defy me?"

"Possibly," Qu Yin said hesitantly. "Should we abort the mission, sir?"

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "What are you waiting for?" Zhu Tianlong bellowed. "Find out everything about this woman. I want her entire background on my desk, now!"

"Yes, sir!" Qu Yin acknowledged promptly and hurried out.

Zhu Tianlong rubbed his temples, a tired sigh escaping his lips. How Nantian Fengyu obtained such detailed, supposedly confidential information about the Crimson Guard was a complete mystery.

The sudden ring of a phone jolted him from his thoughts. His expression darkened as he recognized a harbinger of bad news.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Tianlong answered the call.

Before a word could escape his lips, a powerful voice boomed from the other end. "I trust you have a compelling reason for this. Come see me."

The line went dead. A click. Zhu Tianlong hung up, his face a mask of forced calm.

Another ring pierced the silence, this time from his pocket. Zhu Tianlong answered, his voice dripping with icy anger. It was his grandson.

"Grandpa, is it true? Is Yun Lintian still alive?" Zhu Ding's voice crackled through the receiver the moment the connection was established.

"Stay there," Zhu Tianlong commanded coldly. "Don't get involved. Understand?"

"But how is this possible?" Zhu Ding sputtered, disbelief lacing his voice.

"That's all you need to know. Don't cause me any more trouble." Zhu Tianlong ended the call abruptly.

He inhaled deeply and strode out of the room, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Zhu Ding slammed the phone down, his face contorted in a grotesque mix of confusion and fury. Images of him emptying his gun into Yun Lintian's body flashed through his mind. He was certain Yun Lintian had how was he back?

Haunted by the possibility of Yun Lintian's revenge, Zhu Ding couldn't stay idle. He snatched his phone and dialed a number. "Get the men ready. We're leaving for Hangzhou now."


The Crimson Guard members finished planting the bombs and readied themselves to withdraw.

However, their communicators crackled to life with an unexpected order from their superior: "Abort the mission."

The strong man furrowed his brow in confusion and signaled his team. Orders were orders, and they had no choice but to comply.

Just as they were about to turn back, a thunderous explosion ripped through the air.