Chapter 121: The First Meeting

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 121: The First Meeting

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Miles, Im here. A woman dressed in a short dress stepped into the fried chicken shop. Her attire revealed a pair of flawless, fair legs. With a look of pure innocence and beauty, she walked in, clutching her purse and wearing high heels.

She waved with a captivating smile spread across her face.

River felt confident about her carefully chosen outfit and would rate it an 82 out of 100. She believed that Miles would grant her the remaining 18 points with utmost enthusiasm.

She had made up her mind. River wanted to erase the image of a stern accountant from Miless memory and had therefore made a total transformation in style.

Sure enough, several customers in the shop couldnt help but glance at her, particularly admiring her delicate legs.

Such beautiful legs, thought many of the male patrons silently.

River, come over here. Or do you want me to move the table over to you? Miles teased, raising an eyebrow and slightly lifting his head in her direction.

Got it. With a playful giggle that hinted at her youthful side, River obediently walked over.

You look a bit off. Did you encounter a ghost or something? Miles teased further, staring intently at her neck. Do you want me to check for you?

Dont be ridiculous, River responded, Stop imagining things.

Really? Because it feels like youre becoming increasingly weird. Have I been out of the social loop for too long to understand current trends, or are you just drifting into some realm I cant follow? Miles looked at her with suspicion.

River was instantly irritated and retorted, I dressed up specially for you, and you call me weird? Im just being me. Please, can you think straight for once?

Am I the one being abnormal? Miles countered.

River rolled her eyes, Yes, you are abnormal.

So, whats considered normal then? Miles asked.

Like any other young man, River began, one who enjoys looking at beautiful women, discussing intriguing topics, watching slightly risqu movies. For example, if you ever have any fantasies about me, I wouldnt mind. She said the last line with a hint of seduction in her voice.

Miles was perplexed. Youre not young anymore, and yet you daydream about younger men, and you say youre not strange?

River bit her lip in frustration, contemplating the urge to flip the table.

What was she thinking when she chose to associate with such a man? Was it a generational gap issue? She just couldnt fathom his line of thinking.

Im mad and dont want to talk to you anymore, she huffed, turning her head away.

How about some ice cream? Miles offered as a peace offering.

Id like strawberry flavor, thanks.

Addressing Miles, he inquired, May I ask about your current profession and where you work? Saying this, he took a seat.

Work? I never work a regular job and dont ever intend to, Miles began with a smirk. I basically maintain my lifestyle through minor scams and extortions. You seem to be a good talker and quite thick-skinned. Interested in working for me? Im in need of a salesperson. Id give you a 1% commission on every deal, though theres no basic salary.

Chuckling, Feng replied, You must be joking! Im an educated person, a college graduate. Why would I work for someone like you? And do you honestly believe that money obtained through such means truly sustains your life? Would you mind sharing your monthly income?

Miles responded, I cant disclose exact numbers, but I can confidently say that everything I have, including any luxuries, are all earned.

Such confidence!

Feng looked skeptically at Miles. His clothes seemed to be worth less than a hundred dollars in total, and he ate cheap fried chicken. Miles appeared disheveled, exuding an unpleasant odor, with a makeshift bag beside him containing something that resembled a cardboard box. The only item of value appeared to be the golden-toned stick tucked into his belt, which might be worth a couple of hundred dollars. There was no sign of luxury about him.

Miles caught his gaze, Dont be envious. If you join me, I assure you, youd be able to afford all of this.

Join you? To collect junk?

Feng laughed, a hint of mockery evident, I initially thought you were just a thug, but it turns out youre even lower a scavenger. How could someone like you, in such a pitiable state, be worthy of Rivers love? Leave her be. You cant provide her happiness; dont add to her troubles.

Miles tapped on the table with a chicken bone, his tone becoming more serious, Although you insulted me, I can forgive you this once. And dont misunderstand; Im not her boyfriend. To be precise, shes my employee. Im her boss. She works for me.

River interjected with a hint of resentment, How can you say that? Were living together! How can you not be my boyfriend?

Fengs eyes widened in shock.

Was he misunderstanding?

Was she really attaching herself to such an oddball?

Is this some sort of charitable act?

We simply share a living space, but our relationship is strictly based on an employer-employee monetary agreement, Miles clarified.

River pouted, But weve been sharing a bed for several days.

Thats only because you couldnt win the bed from me, and you refused to sleep on the floor, Miles retorted.

I dont care. You should take responsibility for me, River insisted.

I am responsible only for your safety and not your emotions. And thats only during the period youre working for me, Miles explained.

As Feng listened to their exchange, he felt increasingly confused. The conversation was veering off course. Wasnt he just trying to convince Miles to leave River? He needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

He began to wonder if River was deliberately teaming up with Miles to play a prank on him. Perhaps shed randomly selected someone to act out this scene.

Excuse me, I need to take this call, Fengs phone rang, providing him with a timely excuse to momentarily extricate himself from the situation.