Chapter 109: Discovery

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 109: Discovery

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

In the lore of thirty-six stratagems, which is the most effective one?

The answer lies in the wisdom of retreat.

Miles, having a sharp intuition, quickly perceived that the situation was not in his favor. Rather than confronting the impending danger head-on, he judged that it would be wiser to make a hasty retreat. His power to control two spirits paled in comparison to the overwhelming force he was up against. Even with an added advantage of controlling a third spirit, he realized that it would not tip the scales in his favor.

On this particular occasion, he had only just managed to extend the duration of a vengeful spirits existence, a move that had temporarily spared his life. It would indeed be tragic if he were to lose his life now due to a fleeting error in judgment.

As a thick fog began to fill the hall, Miles sought sanctuary within a peculiar vessel known as the ghost coffin.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

The interior of the coffin was pitch-black and felt oppressive. Aside from the suffocating darkness, there was nothing else remarkable about it. Yet, there was this eerie sensation as though there was a weight pressing up from the bottom of the coffin, causing discomfort.

To an unsuspecting eye, it might just look like an ordinary coffin.

Suddenly, Miles noted an oversight. Oh, the coffins lid hasnt been secured! He noticed that the lid was separate from the coffin. He surmised that the true nature and function of the ghost coffin might only be revealed when both components were combined.

Acting quickly, he aligned the lid with the coffin and closed it.

As the lid settled with a muted thud, everything went pitch black.

Inside, it felt as though Miles was being swallowed by a deep void. Even when he strained to open his eyes, he was greeted with nothing but darkness. Is this all? he wondered.

Moments later, a peculiar sensation washed over him.

He felt as though he was gradually sinking. But upon closer introspection, he realized he wasnt sinking; rather, his physical form was disintegrating.

With the ghosts confinement, the supernatural bonds it had exerted on the surrounding began to weaken. Nearby, Stretch, who was previously rendered motionless in a pool of his own blood, initiated a gradual process of healing, retracting and mending the grievous wounds that marred his form.

Elsewhere, a headless phantom, which had been eerily static, began a metamorphic process. From a defined shadowy form, it regressed to a faint silhouette and then gradually vanished, its destination unknown.

However, the ghostly realm, bathed in an ominous crimson light, defied expectations. Contrary to diminishing, its expanse began to grow exponentially. From its initial radius of a mere twenty to thirty meters, it soon proliferated to encase the entire village. Every nook and cranny of the hamlet was now under the influence of Miless spectral realm.

With a heavy tone, Frank intoned, Miles, this has come to an end. Exit the ghost coffin at once. It wasnt intended for you.

Yet, in a startling display, the coffins lid was violently cast aside. From its shadowy depths emerged Miles, his form restored to its original state. As he sat up, a deep sense of dread painted his visage.

The spirit lingers, Miles proclaimed, his voice dripping with sweat and fear.

Franks brow furrowed in confusion. Weve settled matters here. Your presence is no longer needed. Depart, and I shall oversee the cleanup.

Miles, with a burst of energy, sprang from the coffin, his countenance fierce. I said, the spirit REMAINS. Did you not hear me? Your venture into the ghost coffin wasnt about maintaining some equilibrium or subduing this specter. Your true aim was to claim the coffin, aspiring to metamorphose into a bona fide ghost. Do you honestly believe youve successfully imprisoned the phantom here?

I was encapsulated within that coffin. Ive borne witness to truths you might not grasp. The ghost here isnt tethered to a tangible form its essence, a sheer consciousness.

The portraits figure is but an embodiment of the ghost. It symbolizes a composite of all the villagers, or more aptly, every soul that met their end here. It mirrors what the ghost perceives as perfection.

The entity you thought you vanquished was merely a facet of its vast existence.

Seeming to corroborate Miless revelations, distinct footfalls once again resonated from the encompassing gloom.

Franks gaze sharpened, and in a moment of stunned realization, the suitcase slipped from his grip, crashing to the ground.

Had he truly misjudged the essence of this haunting entity?