Chapter 106: The Man in the Portrait

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 106: The Man in the Portrait

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Stretch suddenly shouted a warning, prompting the duo to instantly turn their attention outside.

As they looked out, they observed that the skies were gradually becoming dark once again. Although the descent into darkness wasnt as rapid as they had previously witnessed, they estimated that within the next ten minutes, the village would be engulfed in total darkness.

Frank, who often wore an expression of indifference, now had an earnest look on his face. The ghost is approaching. Every time I make my presence known, it emerges. This has been the pattern for as long as I can remember. In order to protect the coffin, I even made the entire ancestral hall vanish.

Listening intently, Miles questioned, Considering that, why wouldnt you continue to hide? Why make yourself visible again?

Frank replied, deep in thought, Constantly hiding is not a solution. The coffin, this village, myself, and that haunting ghost are all interconnected in a complex manner. This supernatural coffin has always ensured a delicate balance between all of us. If the balance remains, everything is fine. But the ghost you mistakenly freed has caused an upset in this balance, compelling me to show myself.

Franks tone grew more somber, Im now cornered. I either trap this ghost, or we all face certain death here.

Miless brows furrowed as he considered this new information. Could the headless ghost be the reason Frank was forced out?

It made sense.

The headless ghost that had possessed the elderly lady was able to penetrate the ghost domain. For such an entity, locating this shrine wouldnt be much of a challenge. But, the circumstances had shifted, given that the old woman was now consumed by the eerie human skin parchment, and Miles had gained control over the headless ghosts shadow.

However, a sudden realization dawned upon Miles, Wait a minute. If the primary ghost of this village gains power with the addition of other spirits, why didnt the shadow of the headless ghost I released amplify its power? Why did it seem to weaken it instead? What differentiates them? Is it possible that only the spirits ensnared by the village ghost contribute to its power? If thats true, its puzzling that this formidable ghost couldnt even combat the mere shadow of the headless ghost. The answers to all these questions must be linked to the coffin.

Drawn once again to the eerie coffin, Miles realized that unraveling its mysteries would likely provide clarity to the perplexing events they had encountered.

Frank, renowned as a ghost tamer, stood facing Miles with an air of hesitance. His guarded demeanor suggested he was unwilling to divulge details about the enigmatic ghost coffin.

Drawing on the limited information he had, Miles theorized, Franks reluctance to speak openly only emphasizes the unmatched significance of this ghost coffin. If it werent so crucial, the companys upper echelons wouldnt have been so deeply involved in this mission. They wouldnt have gone to such great lengths as to erase pertinent files from the central archive. Franks prior insinuations make sense now. Our main goal here isnt merely to rescue him but to secure this ghostly artifact.

The gravity of his realization sent a cold sensation down Miless back.

The atmosphere was undeniably creepy, and the uniformity of the footsteps amplified the eeriness. Within the confines of the shrine, the trio honed in on the noise.

Its here; the ghost has arrived, Frank murmured, his once lifeless eyes now intently fixed on the shrines entrance.

Notwithstanding his reservations, Miles conceded, In light of the circumstances, it might be prudent for us to join forces and apprehend this spirit. Taking a moment, he drew a deep breath, pushing aside distracting thoughts.

Behind Miles, the expansive shadow of the headless ghost began to spread, cautiously limiting itself to their current locale to avoid tipping off the external ghost and drawing it directly to him.

Detecting a hint of ghostly energy, Frank shot Miles a fleeting, unreadable glance. However, he refrained from probing or commenting, simply shifting his focus back to the entrance.

Stretch, on the other hand, was the lone remaining ghost tamer from the Cockroach Club. Yet, he seemed entirely unaware of the ghostly energy that Miles was channeling.

The approaching footsteps steadily intensified. Miles found himself focusing on a particular wall; the rhythmic sounds seemed to originate just behind it. It appeared as if the entity was circling the perimeter, methodically making its way to the primary entrance.

How courteous of him to use the front door rather than just phasing through walls, Miles thought to himself, a hint of sarcasm playing in his mind.

Moments later, from the encompassing obscurity, a figure stepped into view.

A strikingly handsome young man had emerged. His visage, as pale as moonlight, lacked any warmth or color. Intriguingly, his features bore an uncanny resemblance to the individual depicted in a portrait they had come across earlier.

To the untrained eye, the figure meandering along the street could easily pass for a regular man. In fact, Miles mused that if this individual were to grace the vibrant nightlife of nightclubs or bars, he would undoubtedly turn heads, possibly even drawing the attention of smitten women.

Based on Miless extensive encounters with the supernatural, this ghost stood out as remarkably human-like, almost unsettlingly so. His sharp features and undeniable charisma made Miles wonder about the tragic turn of events that might have transformed such a man into a wandering spirit. Today might just be the day this enigmatic entity would meet his resolution.

As the dashing ghost, who bore a striking resemblance to the man in the portrait, neared the entrance, he paused, showing no intention of proceeding. Directly ahead of him loomed the expansive shadow cast by Miles, which appeared to act as an unforeseen barrier.

Did this shadow unnerve the spirit, making him hesitant to proceed?

Could it be the daunting presence of Frank that caused his reluctance?

Or, as Miles had earlier surmised, maybe the ghost was apprehensive about confronting all three of them simultaneously. The spirit might be biding his time, patiently waiting for an opportune moment to make his move.