Chapter 102: The Shadow

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 102: The Shadow

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

After the piece of human skin absorbed the old woman, logic dictated that the ghost should not have been able to escape. However, the headless shadow appeared once more and began attempting to take over Miless body. If it could have easily escaped, it wouldnt have been captured by the human skin parchment in the first place. Therefore, the only possible explanation was that the piece of human skin willingly released this headless shadow.

Consistent with their previous agreement, the skin was supposed to aid Miles in controlling this second ghost.

The method to do so was depicted right on the surface of the skin. Clear and unmistakable writings were present, seemingly for Miless benefit. They showed no signs of fading, clearly intended for him to read.

Miles was well aware that without proper guidance and assistance, he would be incapable of controlling the headless shadow. If there was a struggle between them for control over his body, he would surely be the one to perish.

This was precisely why he didnt act recklessly when he learned that the method to prolong the revival of a vengeful spirit was to control this second ghost. Its akin to courting death in the young mans view.

Perhaps, out of a thousand ghost tamers, there might be one exception who could succeed. However, such success was not a given; it would be sheer luck. Miles didnt believe he had such fortune. If he were lucky, he wouldnt have encountered a ghost in school in the first place.

Regardless of why this human skin parchment decided to release the headless shadow and display the method of controlling it, I have no choice but to follow its instructions now. Theres no turning back, Miles pondered.

He felt as though he was being ensnared by this human skin parchment and its schemes ever since he first brought it out of the school. It had sown a seed of influence over him, constantly forcing him to concede to its demands like a demons whisper. Eventually, he would be plunged so deep into the darkness that he could no longer return.

If theres no other choice, then so be it. Ill control this second ghost and survive to leave Yellow Hill Village, Miles resolved, glaring at the headless shadow.

At that moment, the shadow tried to rise but seemed to be restrained as if something was holding it back. No matter how much it struggled, it was like a shadow pinned beneath Miless foot, unable to move freely.

Upon closer inspection, a thin black line connected the shadow to the human skin parchment, much like a dark tether. The skin was assisting Miles in suppressing the ghost, akin to a beast tamer restraining a wild animal, preventing it from taking over Miless body and becoming a malevolent spirit.

Yet, in this instance, Miles wasnt fearful. With determination, he reached out his hand, intending to make direct contact with the phantom.

Miles was acutely aware of the risks of doing so. This ghost could effortlessly sever limbs and attach them to its own body. Even the slightest misstep could result in Miles losing an arm to the ghost. However, with the restraint provided by the human skin parchment, the situation seemed more manageable.

I wont give you my arm, but I have seven ghost eyes within me. I can offer you one, Miles said. He then opened a slit in the palm of his hand, revealing one of the ghost eyes.

As the eye appeared, the restless stirrings of revival became more pronounced, and he found himself only able to control a single one. He realized that if he lost control over this last eye, it might be the moment when the vengeful spirit would fully resurrect.

With caution and precision, Miles made contact between the eye on his palm and the dark, headless shadow.

It felt chilling, bone-penetrating, and brought with it an overwhelming sense of dread. The moment his palm touched the shadow, he felt a numbing sensation, and the vision provided by the ghost eye faded. Miles could feel the eye being pulled from his body and being absorbed into the deep abyss of the shadow.

At that moment, my death is certain.

But I have a way to suppress it.

Upon reading this, Miless expression shifted.

It seemed that controlling the second ghost didnt mean achieving a true balance. It was merely a mutual restraint that delayed the resurrection of the vengeful spirit. But the next time it resurfaces, it wouldnt be just one ghost but two that would resurrect together.

As this realization dawned on him, the black thread connecting the headless shadow and the human skin parchment snapped, ceasing the support Miles received from the artifact.

Almost instantly, the headless shadow violently stood up, pressing itself against Miles. It sought to claim the young mans body, aiming to control him rather than being controlled.

Back off! He growled, opening the five crimsons simultaneously.

Immediately, the standing headless ghost collapsed to the ground. Like a mere shadow, it was firmly pinned by the five eyes. Although it struggled, its efforts were futile.

The restless sensations of revival brought about by the use of the ghost eyes largely transferred to the headless shadow. After all, the eyes now resided on its form, thus achieving a temporary balance.

Are the ghost eyes like nails? Used to suppress the potentially uncontrollable headless shadow at any given moment? Miles mused, his expression turning grim.

For some reason, a phrase came to mind: A thorn in ones side.

But a momentary disturbance doesnt mean the headless shadow would always resist him. In fact, Miles felt that he could control the headless shadow if he tackled the issue using a different angle.

As the eyes on the headless ghost began to gradually close, the entity itself started to undergo a transformation. It morphed, akin to a puddle of ink, slowly merging with his own shadow.

Miles turned around to observe the change. Even in the absence of direct sunlight, his shadow stretched out unusually long. Unlike ordinary human shadows, Miless was profoundly dark and headless.

Yes, it was devoid of a head.

While his physical form had a head, his shadow lacked one. It appeared as if it had been cleanly severed by a blade, the head portion utterly disappearing.

This was the second ghost residing within him.

Codename: The Headless Shadow.