Chapter 97: Releasing with His Own Hands.

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 97: Releasing with His Own Hands.

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Had Miles truly lost his grip on reality? Not exactly. He wasnt spiraling into insanity but was instead making a daring and strategic gamble, anchoring his decisions on a profound instinct. In the past, Miles exhibited moments of doubt and uncertainty, leading to choices that disrupted the established equilibrium.

Why would that elderly lady try to deceive us over something as mundane as a cough? If we accept that spirits are real in this narrative, then her actions hint at an intent to disturb the balancesomething that contradicts what we previously believed about her.

In the midst of the surrounding pandemonium, there was no luxury of time to ponder these questions. Their immediate concern was survival.

Its taking form!

Miles, with bated breath, watched intently as a silhouette emerged from the elaborate golden box in front of him. It moved fluidly, shaping and reshaping on the floor, resembling a dark mist or a fleeting shadow.

What kind of ghost is this? Yiming posed, his concern palpable, his fingers ready to activate his supernatural skills if necessary.

Stretch, too, appeared on edge, seemingly about to summon his own spectral force.

Im not inclined to share that, Miles replied coldly. While Ive had my misjudgments, you two bear a significant portion of the blame. Your early doubts about me paved the way for impulsive actions. But, the identity of this spirit hardly matters now.

Both Yiming and Stretch appeared frustrated. Really, Miles? Even now, you remain stubborn?

But Miles wasnt merely acting out of stubbornness. He harbored untold secrets and was tired of others thwarting his objectives by instigating this whole mess by sporting misleading deductions.

Nevertheless, he does admit inwardly that these club members had inadvertently served as strategic decoys for him. Otherwise, the ghost wouldve likely taken him out during the initial night when he wandered alone.

Suddenly, the shadow began to rise, gradually taking on a more distinct form. The spirit that materialized had a human resemblance, except for its lack of a head.

It was undeniably the headless ghost.

Yiming, under his breath, cursed, Damn you. However, he restrained himself from further commentary.

In such desperate circumstances, it was evident: self-preservation was paramount. Engaging in needless discourse was nothing but a fruitless diversion.

As the evening deepened, an all-consuming darkness loomed.

Although initially, some lamps had illuminated sections of the village, now their glow had extinguished. The overwhelming obsidian blanket felt stifling, intensifying the atmosphere of dread.

Quick, to the car! Yiming shouted urgently, spinning on his heels and sprinting away.

His car was stocked with specialized equipment that might provide a crucial advantage in this dire situation. Tapping into the energy of the malicious ghost might offer him a brief respite. Yet, there was a downside; once the spirits influence climaxed, Yiming would be vulnerable to its overpowering malevolence.

Taking a deep breath, Stretch remarked, Miles, youve orchestrated every move with such precision, even accounting for a potential exit strategy. There was an undertone of both admiration and bitterness in his voice. Without any further delay, he too bolted in the direction of the car.

Raising his voice above the growing tension, Miles quipped, Farewell for now. Until our paths cross in daylight. He then began the process of securing himself inside the protective body bag.

But as Yiming and Stretch made their hasty escape, Miles observed the elderly woman, now an embodiment of the headless ghost, tracing their steps. Her gaze eventually locked onto Yiming, hinting at a sinister intent.

The enveloping shadows grew thicker, masking the details of their surroundings.

While Yimings car housed some countermeasures, Miles was left to ponder their effectiveness. The bleakness of the situation was undeniable.

The rising threats within the ever-intensifying gloom resembled the ominous gates of the underworld, ushering them into a realm of unknown horrors.

A shiver ran down Miless spine as he silently hoped, May my intuition be accurate. Should everything transpire as envisioned, equilibrium will return to this village. But if my plan goes awry, I risk eternally being trapped within this body bag.

Understanding the increasing peril, he hastily took refuge inside the body bag.

Within moments, an impenetrable cloak of darkness draped over Yellow Hill Village, heralding in a day of pure dread.