Chapter 93: Two Ghosts

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 93: Two Ghosts

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

While Miles was fixated on his mobile phones display, a sudden email notification surged onto the screen. It unveiled a peculiar file name: Supernatural Event File of Yellow Hill Village, Spear City.

He scrolled down to find more information:

An unexplainable and supernatural event occurred on a specific date in Yellow Hill Village, located within the premises of Spear City. In just one night, the entire village and its residents mysteriously disappeared.

An accompanying satellite image followed this shocking revelation.

In the image, it was evident that every structure, every villager, and even animals like chickens, ducks, and dogs that once populated the village had vanished without a single trace. It was a haunting emptiness.

It looked as though someone had meticulously erased the village from a meticulously drawn map, resulting in an unsettling void.

Yet, within this vast emptiness, there was one anomaly.

At the exact heart of where the village was, an uncanny object was visible: a coffin.

The images clarity was astonishing. Miles could make out the shape, color, and even the tiniest features of the coffin. It was eerily similar to one he had come across in a mortuary not long ago.

But a notable difference stood out: the coffin placed at the heart of the vanished village was ajar. Standing next to it was a hazy human silhouette.

The figure was obscured.

It seemed as though some external force interfered, rendering even the state-of-the-art satellite incapable of capturing a crisp image.

Merely three days after this bewildering occurrence, Yellow Hill Village reemerged. Yet, its residents remained absent, transforming it into an eerie ghost town overnight.

The unprecedented event sent shockwaves through Spear City. Consequently, a ghost tamer named Frank was assigned to unravel the mystery.

The document hinted that this individual named Frank could very well be the predecessor of Right before he became Spear Citys City Head.

As Miles continued to read on, he quickly got the details of what followed in the ensuing investigation.

At 12:50 PM: Ghost Tamer Frank made his way into Yellow Hill Village. By 1:15 PM, he had officially commenced his investigation.

Miles had encountered individuals under ghostly influence before. Such individuals emanated a unique energy distinctly different from regular humans. However, these villagers did not exude any such aura.

Yet, a perplexing question lingered: How have these villagers managed to coexist in this place for an extended period without falling prey to sinister spirits? Moreover, were they oblivious to the fact that the original Yellow Hill residents had mysteriously vanished post the initial paranormal incident?

Franks dire warning also added to the growing list of mysteries.

What did Frank imply by advising against interacting with the coffin? What catastrophic events might unfold if it were tampered with?

While other matters can be put on the back burner, our immediate objective should be to restrain the malevolent entity within that coffin. That much is clear, Miles reflected. But whats ambiguous is the possibility of another spirits presence in this village. The ghost causing the eerie cough and the entity responsible for Sheng and Tians demise might not be the same. If this suspicion holds merit, then where could the second spirit be lurking?

Miles was now in two minds about his next move.

He surmised a deep-rooted link between the two spirits.

While one spirit exuded sheer malevolence so potent that it could claim the life of a ghost tamer the other appeared less aggressive. In addition, the latter seemed to consistently gather ghost tamers, shielding them from isolation and a subsequent grim fate.

If this speculation were accurate, their primary objective should be capturing the malevolent force accountable for the tragic end of the two ghost tamers.

The repercussions of wrongly imprisoning the benign spirit, the one that seemingly acted as a check on the malevolent entity, could be catastrophic. The hostile ghost could wreak unimaginable havoc without the moderate spirit to counterbalance its malevolent counterpart.

Miles felt a cold realization dawning upon him, a mixture of horror and apprehension coursing through his veins.

He silently expressed gratitude for his decision the previous night. Instead of taking hasty actions, he had wisely chosen to patiently assess the situation, which now seemed more complex than he initially believed.

The ambiance shifted abruptly with the roar of high-powered engines. Three sleek sports cars had roared onto the scene, coming to a screeching halt beside the roadway.

Miles! Oh, thank God, youre safe. Things have spiraled out of control. The malevolent ghost has created a barrier around the village. We tried to drive out, but our escape was thwarted, forcing us to retreat back to the village. The ghost ambushed us last night, and for a moment, we were certain youd fallen prey to it. Evidently, we became its primary targets. Our swift reflexes saved us, or else the village would have witnessed another death. Stretch, visibly shaken, emerged from one of the vehicles, recounting the terrifying ordeal of the previous night.

Regaining his composure, Miles looked at Stretch with a blend of astonishment and skepticism.

Piecing together the narrative from Stretchs account, Miles felt his earlier suspicions solidify.

The village was indeed haunted by two distinct entities: One was confined within a coffin, while the other terrorized the village unhindered.

Gathering resolve, Miles declared, If we join forces and act with precision, we can put an end to this haunting for good. His eyes locked onto Stretch, emphasizing the seriousness and determination behind his words.