Chapter 91: The Open Coffin

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 91: The Open Coffin

This novel is translated and hosted on bcatranslation

Note: Ive changed alot of things compared to the older edit so if youre unaware of some name changes, check the wiki on the site

Three sleek sports cars, one tailing the other, sped down a winding rural road, each heading toward Spear City. Their engines roared in harmony with the surrounding tranquility, and the world outside became a blur of greens and browns.

Initially, a group of five people had embarked on this journey. They came with different backgrounds but a shared purpose. Yet, when the moment of departure came, only three remained to hit the road. And the time elapsed between their arrival and their swift departure wasnt even a full day. In fact, the span between the moment they crossed paths with the menacing ghost and their decision to abandon their mission was astonishingly less than an hour. It could very well be a record-breaking exit for any group of ghost tamers.

As the cars sped on, Stretch started a group call inside one of them: Yiming, should we really be leaving like this?

Pages voice crackled through from the frontmost car, dripping with sarcasm, Oh, feeling brave? Why not turn around and play the hero for Miles? Ive never been his biggest fan, but Ive tolerated him for the sake of our mission. Did you see the sheer force that ghost wielded? We lost two of our friends before we even had a chance to retaliate. And, to make matters worse, the spirits within Sheng and Tian were sucked away.

And speaking of numbers, do you have any clue how many spirits haunt the premises of Yellow Hill Village?

Stretch was quick to defend himself, Thats not the point. Miles, with all his swagger, isnt reckless. Remember the incident at the club? Or when he faced the ghost head-on? Hes fearless, no doubt. And after mapping out the village in such detail, we know hes smart too. Why would someone of his caliber willingly remain in such a dangerous village? There has to be an underlying reason.

Yiming, managing to multitask between steering the wheel and puffing on his cigarette, retorted, Whats your point?

Think about it. Suppose Miles manages to quell the supernatural disturbances of Yellow Hill Village against all odds, wont we regret our decision to flee? Stretch mused.

Yiming pondered for a moment and finally responded, Look, we made our choice. Lets not second-guess it. Head home, refresh, and steer clear of that forsaken village from now on.

True. No point dwelling on the past, Stretch agreed.

Page was about to chime in with his thoughts next when his expression turned to one of pure horror. Somethings off. Everyone, stop!

The screeching of tires reverberated, accompanied by plumes of smoke as the cars came to a jarring stop. Stretchs reflexes kicked in, preventing a crash by mere inches.

Yimings voice trembled, Whats going on?

Just step out and see, was all Page could muster.

Alighting from their cars, the trio was met with an eerie sight, amplified by their headlights. The path ahead was barren. But further on, a chillingly familiar silhouette came into view: the entrance to Yellow Hill Village.

Confusion and disbelief reigned as Stretch exclaimed, This is absurd! We left the village, drove straight, and now weve looped back? How is this even possible?

Stretchs pupils dilated in stark disbelief, his breath hitched momentarily as he shouted, Were being hunted! The ghost is playing games with us. Were trapped! I had this gnawing feeling deep down that leaving this cursed place wouldnt be a walk in the park.

Sighing, Yiming added, Its always easier to walk into such places than to find a way out.

A nervous Page suggested, Maybe we should attempt turning back? His gaze fixed intently on the hauntingly familiar signpost of Yellow Hill Village, conveying a weighty dread.

Yiming, exhaling a stream of smoke, shook his head decisively, That wont do us any good. Were well-acquainted with such ghostly traps. Generally, there are only two circumstances where escape becomes plausible.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Either the ghost tires of its twisted game and decides to release us, or we manage to restrain it, settling this paranormal event once and for all.

Cocking an eyebrow, Page inquired, So youre suggesting we head back into the very heart of the danger?

His mind raced, If the entity is confined within this coffin, could I possibly evade its wrath by merely ensuring it remains trapped?

Rather than succumbing to terror, Miless resolve hardened. Staring unwaveringly at the coffin, he pondered his predicament.

It was a high-stakes gamble.

A misjudgment would lead to a grisly end.

However, if he was accurate in his assessment, keeping the coffin shut might be his lifeline.

And if he could validate his theory, the elusive task of ensnaring this ghost would be almost within his grasp.

After an extended period of contemplation, Miles braced himself for the daunting challenge that lay ahead. He resolved to put his theory to the test.

Miles understood the gravity of his situation. Leaving the site unattended meant there would be no one to witness if or when the ghost chose to manifest, putting him at a severe disadvantage.

In modern cities, surveillance cameras are ubiquitous, acting as silent sentinels. Had Yellow Hill Village been equipped with them, Miles could have monitored the coffins vicinity remotely, alleviating the need to physically stand guard.

With decisive agility, he made his way to Elder Genrongs residence. From there, he retrieved his gear bag. It was a treasure trove of tools meticulously curated for his unique line of work: a sturdy body bag of gold, a beautifully crafted golden box, a parchment made of human skin, and an assortment of other esoteric items. With his tools in tow, he returned to the ominous shrine.

Without wasting a moment in contemplation, Miles set his gear aside and took a position next to the coffin, his eyes laser-focused on any potential movement, no matter how minuscule.

Here he was, staking his life on a mere theory.

In this high-stakes game of hide and seek, the ghost was ensnared within the coffin while he, a mere three meters away, sat outside as both the jailer and the potential victim.

Meanwhile, at the villages entrance, three sleek sports cars lay dormant, their once-roaring engines now silent. Yiming, Page, and Stretch had formed a tight circle, their backs pressed against each other, hyper-aware of their eerie surroundings.

After their spine-chilling encounter earlier, none of them felt brave enough to traverse the area further. The looming uncertainty of the ghosts presence kept them rooted to their spot.

Suddenly, Stretchs hand flew to his face, delivering a sharp slap.

Distracted, Page inquired, Losing focus? Sleep catching up to you?

Stretch grimaced, No, just a mosquito. Got me right on the cheek.

Pulling on his cigarette, Yiming interjected, Dawn is barely two hours away. If were uncertain about the ghosts whereabouts, lets wait it out on this spot. Daylight will at least afford us some clarity.

Stretch swatted another mosquito before lamenting, God, how I wish Miles was with us. With his uncanny ability to see through the darkness, we wouldnt be so blindfolded.

Pages frustration was palpable. Its maddening. Were not amateurs; were seasoned ghost tamers. Yet we lost two of our own without even laying eyes on this ghost. And even if we wanted to channel the force of our ghosts, were not even being given the opportunity.

The entire scenario was reminiscent of the time when Miles had audaciously taken a shot in the club, leaving them shell-shocked.

It felt like they were mere targets with no capacity to counterstrike.

Yiming, releasing a plume of smoke, mused, Such is the disparity in the strength of spirits. Not all ghosts are made equal.