Chapter 82: The Village

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 82: The Village

Miles, as was typical, was comfortably reclined on the bed. River sat next to him, her shock ebbing but still evident.

Thats the latest addition to the ghost tamers, now in charge of Dachang City. Hes an expert at dealing with supernatural incidents from Interpol. It has nothing to do with you, Miles explained nonchalantly.

What do you mean it has nothing to do with me? He nearly shot me a minute ago! River retorted, her voice charged with disbelief.

He wouldnt have fired. That entire spectacle was for me to see. From the moment he stepped in until he left, he was fully aware someone was showering in the bathroom. The gun at your head wasnt a threat to you but to me. That man is a formidable adversary, likely to become my enemy in the future, Miles added.

Clearly unsettled, River asked, If its this dangerous, should we think about moving?

Move to where? This Zhao Kai Ming controls the whole of Dachang City. Unless you fancy moving to another city altogether. You can leave if you wish, but Im not going anywhere.

Miles continued, his voice firm, Given his hostile welcome, Im more committed than ever to outsmart him and take his place. But first

He let his words trail off.

To become part of HQ, he had to find a way to delay the revival of the aggressive ghost. If not, in his current state, joining would be nothing less than a death wish. He vividly remembered how Right had met his end.

Will you be alright? River voiced her concern.

Im not sure, Miles confessed, Its getting late, and I need to sleep. Its best you stay away from me.


And with that, their conversation came to a close.

The next day, sometime around noon, Miles received a package. The items hed ordered online were finally here.

As he sorted through his new equipment, he frowned at the sheet of human skin laid out on the table.

Tomorrow, Im heading to the village. Zhao Kai Mings sudden arrival has left me uneasyit feels dangerous.

But the glimmer of survival has fueled my desperation. I have no choice but to take the risk and go through with the deal with Sun Lihong. Yet, another idea has started to form.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Do I put my faith in people or this scrap of human skin that guided my escape from school?

After some contemplation, I resolved to trade the headless ghost sealed in the golden box and this piece of human skin. If I can pull this off, Ill have found a path to survival.

That is the only path, mastering the second ghost to delay the revival of the vengeful ghost.

Upon reading the text, Miles snorted dismissively, Ill keep this as a last-ditch strategy. As of now, I dont trust a single punctuation mark here.

He had hoped to find some kind of helpful hint on this human-skin paper, but it proved unhelpful.

It merely served its purpose as a notebook, obstinately.

After loading the ammunition, Miles carefully folded the human-skin parchment.

Just as he tucked it into his pocket, a line of text appeared, Interaction failed once again.

He examined the firearm in his hand. It was loaded with thirty special roundsten per magazineat a staggering cost of three million.

Each bullet was worth a cool hundred thousand.

Ye Juns face twisted with rage. Just as he seemed about to blow his top, Zhang Han, sitting behind him, opened the car door and intervened, Ye Jun, are we going or not? Why are you blocking the road? Lets head to the village first. We can address other issues later.

Miles, dont get too cocky. Once we resolve this supernatural event, our club members will take care of that transaction on our own. We will never share the secret of survival with you. Ye Jun then scoffed, To be frank, I should be thanking you. Without you, we wouldnt have stumbled upon this crucial intel.

Maybe your Cockroach Clubs leader knew about it all along but chose not to disclose it to you. I suggest you be careful and not be outwitted and exploited by others. Otherwise, you might find yourself counting your exploiters money without even realizing youve been sold. Miles responded blandly..

Humph, see you in the village. Ye Juns eyes flickered, seemingly deep in thought after that remark.

The engines roared back to life, and one by one, the five cars veered off towards the village road, soon vanishing from sight.

Five cars? So, there are five ghost tamers. They seem well-off, all driving luxury vehicles. They must have been living quite lavishly during their stint as ghost tamers. To me, though, theyre merely cannon fodder. The more, the merrier; it would be troubling if there werent enough hands to tackle this supernatural event, Miles pondered, his gaze cool and vaguely sinister.

He collected his belongings, shut the trunk, then turned to River, Lets go.

The car pivoted in a U-turn. River, now behind the wheel, cast a worried glance at Miles, Youre not going to get into trouble, are you?

In the face of a malevolent ghost, nobody can assure their safety, not even me. Miles hoisted his bag, ready to set off.

I believe youll be fine, River asserted.

You believe in me? Even Im not entirely confident, Miles dismissed with a wave. Im off.

Without lingering or indulging in a drawn-out goodbye, he shouldered his belongings and followed the path into the village.

Shortly after his departure, River drove away, not wanting to linger in the supposedly haunted area for too long.

Could there truly be ghosts here? It seems quite normal, Miles pondered as he ambled along, a frown creasing his forehead.

Vegetable plots and farmland lined the roadside. Judging by their upkeep, they were regularly maintained. Flocks of domestic birds roamed the road, indicating some local familys husbandry. The houses showed no signs of dilapidation or abandonment.

All signs pointed towards a typical, albeit tranquil, rural village.

That wasnt unusual, though. These days, its typically the elderly and children who remain in rural areas while the younger generation ventures out for work.

Meanwhile, back in the village, five luxury cars were parked along the roadside.

A group of five or six people exited their vehicles, standing together as they scrutinized the village with curiosity.

Does this place give off a haunted vibe? I dont think so.

Im baffled, admitted Zhang Han. Theres no sense of dread here. It feels more like were on a leisure trip.

If Sun Lihongs intel points to this place being haunted, there must be something unusual about it. Not all ghosts stir up chaos. If we come across more docile spirits, their impact is minimal. Such ghosts are generally considered low-level and not in our usual consideration, Ye Jun clarified.

Another individual piped up, Harmful influence isnt equivalent to a sense of horror. If the data indicates supernatural activities here, then this village must indeed be haunted.

Fabricating tales to draw us here wouldnt serve anyones interests. If youre scared, theres still time for you to leave.

We had a mutual agreement to tackle this supernatural occurrence together and then negotiate terms with Sun Lihong. Im on a tight schedule, and I have no intention of waiting idly for death.

A flurry of thoughts and opinions was exchanged among the group.

Having made the decision to journey here, they were not about to back down now.