Chapter 80: Money Matters

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 80: Money Matters

Are you genuinely contemplating aiding that firm with their paranormal issue? Ethan began. The risk seems incredibly high, and the payoff scarcely seems worth it. Moreover, even if we manage to aid them in solving the problem, the possibility of delaying the revival of the malevolent spirit is far from certain.

The car rolled to a stop in front of a suburban townhouse where Ethan stepped out.

Are you suggesting we sell that box and divide the proceeds? Miles questioned, studying Ethans face.

A blush crept onto Ethans face. Isnt that the most sensible option?

Isnt your goal to survive? retorted Miles.

Even if we manage to postpone the spirits revival for now, what happens next? Arent we doomed anyway? If not by the ghost, then from other dangerous encounters.

Were different, you and I. Youre young, you can afford to take risks. Ive come to accept my fate. To be honest, Ive made all the necessary arrangements for my departure. All I need now is a substantial sum of money, Ethan admitted, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Miles fell silent, pondering Ethans words.

Ethans acceptance of their circumstances, and his yearning for stability, seemed quite rational. Miles has had similar thoughts in the past as well.

Alright then, theres no need for you to accompany me in three days. Ill entrust you with this object. Once Ive gone, find a buyer and sell it. Well divide the proceeds equally as we agreed, Miles suggested, pulling out the golden box and handing it to Ethan.

I how can I Ethan stammered, taken aback.

Miles shot back, I must be ready too. What if I dont return? If I manage to survive, then great. If not, follow through with our previous agreement.

Try to avoid using the clubs contacts. Something about Cockroachs club doesnt sit right with me. Find another buyer.

I understand, Ethan agreed, nodding and not voicing any further objections.

Changing the topic, Miles asked, By the way, how did Writing manage to acquire these unique weapons before? My gun is out of ammo, and I need to restock. These may not be particularly effective against ghosts, but they can hold their own against ghost tamers. It doesnt matter if we cant kill the ghost, taking out the handler works just as well. I anticipate this supernatural event will draw a number of ghost tamers. We might face a powerful ghost, and I dont want to fend off rival ghost tamers at the same time.

Im not entirely sure about Writings sources, but I know a website where we could get what we need. Ive never personally made a purchase from it, but others have, so it should be reliable, Ethan offered.

Why havent you? Havent you considered getting some weapons for self-defense? Miles probed.

Obviously, this self-defense didnt refer to protection against ghosts, but rather against people. Wielding the power of a malevolent spirit against ordinary people or fellow ghost tamers was recklessly extravagant, making defensive weapons indispensable.

Ethans cheeks reddened slightly. They are rather pricey, and Ive been hesitant to splurge. Anyway, lets go to my house first, and then Ill show you how to make the purchase.

Shortly afterwards, Ethan guided Miles to a villa within the residential compound.

Nice place, living in a villa, Miles remarked.

I just bought it recently. Ive invested all the money Ive earned into this place, Ethan confided.

Pleased to meet you, Miles offered.

Likewise, the woman responded with a hint of shyness.

Ethan continued, I need to discuss some business matters with Miles. Could you keep an eye on the kids for a bit? Well go out for dinner afterwards.

Without uttering a word, the woman took her daughter and exited the room.

Ethan then led Miles into another room, quickly pulling up a website on his computer. This is a foreign site. Im not sure who operates it, but it offers weapons tailored for combating ghosts. The prices arent within the average persons reach. I was unaware of this site initially. Zhang Han from the club introduced me to it.

As the website loaded, it resembled any conventional shopping website, with a wide range of items on display.

From everyday cutlery and GPS-enabled smartphones to clothing, it stocked virtually anything one could possibly need.

For weapons, check here, Ethan navigated to a webpage dedicated to weaponry.

Miles glimpsed at the screen, his expression immediately turning to shock. A hundred thousand? Are they kidding? Isnt it easier just to rob people?

These are specialized weapons crafted for ghost confrontation. Given the production costs and the intricate workmanship, the price isnt outrageous. After all, theyre made of gold. Have you seen the gold prices recently? Ethan reasoned.

If youre considering ghost hunting, I suggest buying one of these body bags. Theyre also crafted from gold, highly portable, albeit a bit pricey.

A product resembling a sleeping bag appeared on the screen.

More accurately, it was a golden body bag.

For the capture and containment of malevolent spirits, this product was evidently a superior choice compared to the small box Ethan had previously used.

Thats because certain ghosts have physical manifestations.

Twenty million? The corners of Miles mouth twitched as he read the price tag.

Upon clicking on the product, a tutorial video featuring a foreigner popped up, demonstrating how to properly insert a body into the bag and seal it securely.

Observing the video, one had to concede that the product seemed worth its price it indeed appeared incredibly practical.

Thats why I said I couldnt bring myself to purchase it, Ethan admitted, his face reflecting resignation.

After some contemplation, Miles deemed this investment essential. He promptly picked up his phone to call River.

River, busy trading stocks from home, answered, Hello, whos this?

Its me, Miles. I need you to wire some money.