Chapter 76: The Rules of the Club

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 76: The Rules of the Club

Done! announced Miles, wrapping up his work efficiently.

Hed systematically called each number from his contact list, not missing a single one. Now, there was nothing left to do but wait.

The curse hed spread wouldnt take effect immediately, and based on the unpredictability of the Knocking Ghost, the schedule would be packed for the next while.

Everythings wrapped up on my end. What about you? Miles asked, dialing Ethans number as he simultaneously tidied up the computer files and made records of the calls.

Ive completed all necessary contact. Were ready to head to the club and finalize the deal. Where are you? Do you need a lift? Ethans response was prompt.

No need, I have my own wheels. Just text me the address.


The moment he received the address, Miles hit the road. His destination was nestled in the citys outskirts. It was a bit off the beaten path, but that made sense. A potentially dangerous meeting place like this wasnt suitable for busy downtown locales.

En route, Miles called Rain, the operator at Ghost Tamer HQ of Asias Interpol branch.

Any updates on the ghost tamer club in Dachang City? he asked.

Rain seemed taken aback by Miless question. A civilian club? Thats outside our purview, Im afraid. I dont have any information.

Alright, thanks anyway, Miles responded, ready to end the call.

Wait, dont hang up. I do have some news for you. The situation with Right in Dachang City has been resolved. A new ghost tamer will be assigned to cover Rights duties soon. It might be helpful for you to make contact. He may have the answers you need, Rain suggested.

A new ghost tamer? Interest sparked in Miless voice. If I get a chance, Ill reach out.

Great, Ill send you the details, Rain confirmed.

Okay, thanks. Goodbye.

After about a ten-minute drive, Miles pulled up at a suburban manor. This was the spot.

Miles, over here. Ethan flagged him down from the roadside.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

So, this is the club? Looks rather high-end, Miles remarked, looking around.

Its backed by a local big shot, Ethan replied. If you join the club and get lucky, you might attract the tycoons financial support. I scored a ten-million sponsorship when I first joined.

That sounds suspiciously like some kind of dodgy deal, Miles retorted.

Its not as sinister as you imagine, Ethan explained. These local moguls have more wealth than they know how to handle. Most days, they just fritter away their money and flaunt their prosperity. Given the rise of supernatural events, their riches are naturally spent on ensuring their safety. By accepting their funds, you could say were providing a service to them. Or to put it bluntly, were their personal bodyguards should things go awry.

Lets head to the club.

The manor was an architectural masterpiece with a garden, a fountain, a lush lawn, and several ancient-styled buildings. The design clearly reflected refined aesthetics.

Welcome. As they neared an imposing lobby, two receptionists wearing broad smiles greeted them.

Miles gave the pair a fleeting glance. It wasnt their lithe figures that caught his attention, but something unsettling about them. Their smiles, as professional as they were, seemed too stiff, almost reminiscent of lifeless dolls.

No, not lifeless.

Miles could detect their breathing, their vital energies, but they emitted a chilly, uncanny aura.

Something was amiss.

Miles. Miles shook his hand politely. But the instant their hands made contact, Miles felt an intense chill, as if he were clasping hands with a corpse.

Simultaneously, a crack formed in his palm, and a red eye surfaced against his will, emitting a faint red glow in the process. A dark handprint had appeared on his skin.

Dont shake his hand! someone exclaimed with forced exaggeration. Thats Ye Jun, also known as Ghost Hand. His touch can lay curses. Dear me, you must be more vigilant. Once youve been marked, youll rot into a pile of sludge within three days. Thats just with a single touch. If he places multiple handprints on you, youll perish in less than a minute.

Zhang Han, watching this unfold, shook his head, feigning sympathy.

Youre in a predicament now. Itd be best if you persuaded Ye Jun to reverse the curse. Hes the only one who can.

Miles inspected the dark handprint on his palm and asked, What is the meaning of this?

Casually seating himself, Ye Jun began, Your name is Miles, correct? Its quite discourteous for a newcomer not to extend greetings, let alone being oblivious to the customs. But no worries, were a forgiving lot. We wont hold a grudge. To be upfront, were going to take half of your earnings from your deal today. But fear not, this is a one-time occurrence, it wont happen again.

Mind you, the money isnt solely for me. All club members get a share. Once youre part of our club, you too will get a cut from the inaugural deals of future newcomers.

Miles studied the handprint on his palm and asked, Is that a rule? Why didnt Ethan inform me?

Do you think he wouldve shared that with you? He faced quite a bit of hardship at the start, youthful impulsiveness, you know, Ye Jun chuckled, swirling his drink.

So, its prudent for the new generation to learn from their forebears mistakes, wouldnt you agree?

Miles shook his head, I beg to differ.


I know only that you just attempted to kill me, thats all.

Suddenly, the calm and collected Miles became incensed. From seemingly nowhere, he drew a golden pistol, aiming it straight at Ye Juns forehead.

A custom firearm?! My friend, lets keep our cool, okay? Ye Jun appeared taken aback, particularly upon identifying the gold-colored weapon. It was a model specially crafted to combat ghost tamers.


In the next moment, Miles pulled the trigger.

A golden bullet directly burrowed into Ye Juns forehead.

Bang! Bang!

The second and third shots followed swiftly.

Good heavens! Zhang Han, taken aback, recoiled several steps.

The rest of the patrons were equally stunned.

What was going on?

Gunshots were being fired; this was far from ordinary.

Miles unloaded the entire clip into Ye Jun. His head shattered, spewing not fresh blood, but a dark brown, foul-smelling liquid that splattered everywhere. The putrid odor of decay quickly permeated the room.

As soon as the last gunshot echoed away, Ye Jun lay still, his grotesquely damaged head resting on the adjacent sofa.

These are my terms, the rules dictated by me, Miles, he proclaimed. Now, does anyone else here wish to discuss rules with me?

Miles set the pistol on the coffee table before him, his icy, stern gaze scrutinizing the stunned crowd.