Chapter 67: You’re Overthinking It

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 67: You’re Overthinking It

Everyone, when confronted with the same predicament, opts for distinct choices.

Although fully conscious of Miles being a ghost tamer, River chose not to keep her distance. Instead, she staked everything on him.

The experience of living through torment is often what makes one appreciate the simple beauty of life.

Similarly, only those whove come face to face with malevolent spirits can grasp the joy of being alive.

In a world stripped of security, River was prepared to seek shelter under Miles, even if he were to become a malevolent spirit.

The gold prices have spiked again. How did you foresee this continuous rise? Ive been monitoring the market too, and from my perspective, the peak has already been hit. It seems bound for a fall soon. This is further evidenced by a slow descent following a brief rapid climb. Investing ten million at this point feels very risky, voiced River.

Sitting before her computer, casually attired in a light nightgown, she was engrossed in the fluctuating gold price trends displayed on her laptop.

The markets opening today saw a dip in gold prices, followed by a dramatic rise.

Miles decision to invest ten million seemed incredibly fortuitous.

Im not well-versed in stocks. I just believe gold prices will continue their ascent. Im just trying to earn some extra cash, responded Miles.

Flushed with excitement, River queried, Do you have any inside intel?

No, its purely conjecture, Miles retorted.

His claim was modest. Gold had transitioned from being a currency to a strategic asset for nations, a necessary commodity. Its price hike was inevitable.

On hearing this, River was convinced that Miles possessed some undisclosed knowledge. How else could he have forecasted so accurately?

Moreover, his stature as a ghost tamer was significant enough to warrant respect from Captain Bright upon encounter. He was no ordinary security guard.

Her newfound understanding amplified her pride in Miles gold trading to the extent of investing her savings, amounting to several hundred thousand. She opted for the riskiest gold leverage, aiming for maximum gains with minimum capital.

But naturally, the risk was steep.

Given your certainty about the rise in gold prices, I plan to capitalize significantly on it through high-risk trading. Ive invested my own funds too. If theres a loss, dont hold it against me, River announced.

Proceed as you deem fit. So long as it involves buying gold, I wont meddle, Miles confidently responded.

Understood, leave it in my hands, said River, a wave of excitement building within her.

Miles was indifferent to her trading approach.

He spent his leisure time scouring a ghost tamer website an exclusive portal established by various nations, granting access only to their headquarters ghost tamers.

The objective was singular to enhance their understanding of the field.

He pointed at his opponent and warned, Im neither scared of you nor running away. I simply dont want my friend to witness my ruthless side. Youre fortunate today.

Who was that guy? You two seemed ready to brawl. What was it about? Miles inquired.

Chuckling coldly, William retorted, Some insolent kid cut the line to buy ice cream. I was merely giving him a taste of adult ruthlessness.

Anyway, lets drop it. Theres a caf nearby. I need to talk to you about something, William suggested.

Once they were seated in the caf

Whats new with you? Still at that mall? I swung by yesterday and heard about a murder. The whole place is under lockdown. The owner is Mr. Calm, right? asked William.

How do you know all this? Miles responded, startled.

My father built that mall. I asked him. Be honest, is the place haunted? William pushed.

Your suspicion is accurate. It was indeed haunted, confirmed Miles.

Darn it, I knew it, William exclaimed. Any mysteriously closed-off place is almost certainly haunted. First, it was the school, then the housing complex, and now this mall. Its like I cant live on Earth anymore. If there were an option to move to Mars, Id be first in line.

William visibly shuddered at the thought.

But the issue has been resolved now. By the way, why did you want to see me? Miles inquired.

Well, Ive been meaning to discuss something with you, William replied.

Whats that? Miles prompted.

Looking deeply troubled, William lowered his voice, Something odd happened last night while I was playing PUBG on my computer. It felt like an encounter with a ghost, as chilling as the cursed stories on your forum.

Can you elaborate? asked Miles.

It was down to the final circle. I made it that far. The screens top right showed no remaining players, but I still died inexplicably, with Game Over flashing on the screen.

Had it been a one-time thing, I couldve overlooked it. But the same happened thrice. Could a ghost be gaming? I was so spooked I couldnt sleep all night. Thats why I needed an ice cream earlier, to wake me up, William explained anxiously.

In a serious tone, Miles responded, I dont think you crossed paths with a ghost, but rather a cheater.

No way! William looked at Miles, startled, Are you serious? It was a cheater? Not a ghost?

Miles reassured, Youre over-analyzing. Theres no chance it was a ghost. It was a cheater. You were taken down by a cheat thrice.

Oh, I see. I thought I had run into a ghost. William fell silent, processing the news.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)