Chapter 64: Inquiries

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 64: Inquiries

Could you assist me in sealing this? Miles asked the boss of the shop, indicating a box he wanted welded. The finish isnt crucial, we just need it closed up.

Finding himself outside an aluminum door and window shop that hadnt yet closed for the day, Miles sought the owners help in welding the gold-tinted box he carried with him.

As the welding process began, the gilded foil melted away, uncovering shocking stains of crimson.

Whats this? Some kind of leakage? The shopkeeper questioned, startled by the color.

Its chicken blood, intended for evil repelling, Miles responded, fabricating a rationale on the spot.

I see.

The owner chose not to probe further. His interest lay solely in earning, and the specifics mattered little.

Miles mused to himself, If its not completely sealed, the ghost will inevitably break free. The residue of Ethans ghost blood is currently acting as a barrier, but it appears to be a temporary fix. Once the potency of this fresh blood wanes, the spirit will undoubtedly try to break loose again. The only solution is to permanently seal this crevice.

Choosing caution, Miles decided to get the box welded immediately.

Any delay could have cost him the ghost within.

After settling the payment with the shop owner and reclaiming the box, Miles headed back to his car.

Whats that youve got? It looks valuable, and golden too, River inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Its better not to ask about certain things. This item holds great significance for me, Miles countered.New novel chapters are published on

Understanding his gravity, the clever River chose not to pry further.

Soon, they reached a residential neighborhood.

Feel free to come in, dont be shy. This is my rented studio, and Im the sole occupant. Youre welcome to stay a few days if youd like, River extended an invitation.

I dont intend to stay long. Ill leave in a few days. Just remember to keep my affairs confidential. Discussing them wont do you any favors, Miles answered seriously, primarily concerned that River might spill information about the golden box, his most treasured possession.

Im off to freshen up, make yourself at home, Miles declared, leaving River slightly surprised since thats something she shouldve said as the homeowner.

Can I borrow your car? I need to get a few things. Plus, I havent had dinner yet, River asked.

Feel free. I could do with some food too, perhaps a serving of fried rice, he responded.

Alright, take your time. Ill be back shortly, River said, her smile radiant as she took the car keys and headed out.

As he had suspected, nations are indeed conducting research in this field, but no significant progress has been made. Either theyre still in the trial phase, or they have achieved results but havent disclosed them yet.

However, the benefits of being a city head are indeed good. While the money might not be a lot, its enough to provide a comfortable life.

Most importantly, the power and status that comes with the role are substantial.

What about the duties and responsibilities if I become a city head? Miles asked.

Rain replied, If youre considering becoming a city head, I can arrange for someone to meet with you and explain everything you want to know. However, becoming an official city head requires systematic training and psychological evaluation. Its not that easy.

Especially the psychological evaluation, its crucial. Ive asked about your mental state several times because, in most cases, those who control malevolent spirits will subconsciously be influenced by these ghosts. This influence is irreversible. Some people are so severely affected that they experience mental instability, breakdown, and even tendencies towards self-destruction.

Some cant handle the immense mental stress and suffer from a mental breakdown, giving up on themselves and becoming utterly insane.

So, are you saying that most ghost tamers are mentally unstable? Miles furrowed his brows.

Rain responded, No, we cant label them as abnormal. Perhaps in their eyes, were the abnormal ones. Theyve just been influenced by the ghosts. Can you understand that? They didnt know they would end up like this.

Also, our chat records will be sent to a specialist for analysis and evaluation of your mental state. Whats certain is that your mental condition is excellent. Youve been minimally affected by the ghosts, which is why I hope youll become a ghost tamer.

Ill consider it. Thats enough for today. Ill contact you if theres anything else.

Miles ended the call.

Upon hearing Miles hang up, Rains note-taking paused, and she furrowed her brows.

Rain, how is Miles doing? Hes a promising candidate; dont let him slip away. He just became a ghost tamer and already successfully resolved a paranormal event. I read the report; it was excellent. He managed to contain a high-level ghost within half an hour. Even seasoned ghost tamers would struggle to achieve this.

Even though he collaborated with that ghost tamer named Ethan, we cant deny his merit.

Captain Build commented as he walked over. In his hands were several photographs, all taken by surveillance cameras. One of them was a picture of Miles welding the golden box.

Captain, hes already been in contact with other ghost tamers. He might be having second thoughts about joining us, Rain remarked.

But he doesnt reject ghost tamers, right? After all, his life was saved by Right. He has a favorable impression of ghost tamers. I can tell. If it were someone else, theyd be cursing us. Some even wanted to strangle the operator over the phone, scaring them into hanging up, Build chuckled.

Rain responded, Captain, youre right. Ill make sure Miles joins Ghost Tamers HQ.

Be mindful, especially about his mental state. The mental pressure of becoming a ghost tamer is immense. When faced with the reality of their mortality, people can easily stray down the wrong path. You cant pressure Miles into submission for the sake of a greater cause. You should start with a mutually beneficial cooperation. Right now, things are going quite well.

Hes not a ghost tamer, yet hes resolved a paranormal event for HQ. If he doesnt pose a threat, you can maintain this cooperative relationship until hes ready to join HQ, said Captain Build.