Chapter 62: A Pleasant Collaboration

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 62: A Pleasant Collaboration

The successful trapping of the ghost marked the end of Ethan and Miless alliance. Their focus shifted to securing personal gains.

A single box filled with a ghost was at stake, and Miles had no intentions of letting Ethan have it. Would recognition exist once they parted ways? In such times, debtors hold sway.

Miles, are you implying that I would monopolize this? Ethans eyebrows knitted together in concern. He proposed, Lets keep the item with me for now. Ill spread the word in the club soon enough. Buyers will show up. We can negotiate the deal together then, sharing the profits and all relevant information equally.

I wont exploit you, and I wont let you suffer any loss either.

To this, Miles retorted, Why not entrust the item to me then? You scout for the buyer. When the time is right, come find me. Ill bring the item. Are you worried I might flee?

No agreement then? Ethan expressed his surprise, taken aback that the young man was discussing profits immediately after resolving the supernatural incident.

If you cant provide me with any assurance, theres no point in having this discussion, stated Miles firmly. You dont trust me, just as I dont trust you.

Enough of this! I was the one who captured the ghost, Ethan rebuked.

I saved your life. Twice, Miles retorted calmly.

Are you seriously talking about saving me? You were using me as bait to draw out the ghost. You couldnt even identify the ghost amongst these corpses. If you could, you would have allowed me into the ghost domain right away, rather than letting me retreat slowly. Do you realize your actions could have killed me?

Miles, unblinking, answered, You were the only viable bait. Without you, the mission would have failed. I was considering the greater good. How do you think you managed to stand here arguing with me? Also, given the presence of the ghost domain, I could have saved you in an instant. I had the confidence to ensure your survival. Can you say the same for me?

What if Im deadest on taking this box today? Ethans expression was stern. He was not ready to leave the hard-earned item with Miles.

Are you sure the box youre holding is real? Miless eyes narrowed slightly. Do you understand what a ghost domain is at all?

A sudden jolt of fear ran through Ethan as he glanced at the object in his hand. The once golden box had grotesquely transformed into a decaying human head.

Almost involuntarily, he threw the head away.

When did you switch it? Ethan was both shocked and enraged.

In the ghost domain, Miles began, only what I believe to be real is real. Anything else might be an illusion. So, what do you think is real? Is it what your eyes see? Or what your hands feel? Or perhaps what your nose smells? When the world around you begins to shimmer and distort, youll come to understand that it, too, is nothing more than an illusion the very essence of a fantasy realm, Miless voice echoed.

After a pause, Miles suddenly got all philosophical, A rather remarkable skill, wouldnt you say?

Ethan bared his teeth, frustration simmering. Impossible! Your ghost domain is an extension of the ghosts power. Its universally acknowledged among ghost tamers that it cant manipulate gold.

With a dismissive wave, Miles replied, While I might not be able to change gold, what about your perception? Are you absolutely sure that what you threw away was just a human head?


Miles wouldve likely laughed if he had overheard Ethans thoughts. This was a boon he would have preferred to forego.

Unbeknownst to Ethan, Miles didnt immediately leave the mall after his departure.

There was someone he had not forgotten River.

River, you havent died, have you? Your phones gone silent. Miles materialized in the surveillance room.

His ghost domain was still in effect.

At this moment, River was huddled in a corner, clutching a disposable phone disconnected due to running out of time, burying her face as she sobbed quietly.

She was engulfed by despair.

When Miles and Ethan had ventured into the clothing store and hadnt emerged, she was convinced they had perished within.

The activities within the ghost domain were beyond the surveillance systems reach.

River was emotionally devastated. If Miles was gone, what was her fate? The ghost was still prowling outside, and if she ventured out, shed meet certain doom.

However, at the sound of Miless voice, her sobbing ceased and she quickly raised her head.

On seeing Miles materialize in front of her, she sprang up, relief washing over her, and lunged towards him. I thought you were dead. Im so relieved youre okay.


What was meant to be a warm hug ended up with River passing through Miless form and landing face-first onto the floor. A trickle of blood seeped from her nose as she looked up.

Big sister, why are you so emotional? I thought you were going to attack me, Miles said, a look of confusion crossing his face.

Are you are you a human or a ghost? River asked, terror filling her eyes.

She was certain she had just phased right through him.

Indeed, she had gone right through him, face to face.

I wont waste time explaining something you wont understand. Youve completed your mission. Its time to leave. Miles reached out and grasped her wrist.

In an instant, they both disappeared from the room.