Chapter 59: The Ghost Hidden Among Them

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 59: The Ghost Hidden Among Them

Even before extinguishing his flashlight, Miles had caught sight of a crowd gathered outside the boutique. Their faces had the pallor of the grave, their bodies emanating a nauseating stench of decay.

These were the same figures that had earlier entrapped Mr. Calm, Master Catch, and Manager Li. Having mysteriously vanished once, they now reemerged, blocking every exit. To an average person, escape seemed an impossibility.

In such cramped and congested conditions, one couldnt guarantee safety from an attack.

Were outmatched Too many of them. Get down quickly and well try to escape, Ethan urgently suggested upon assessing the dire situation.

No, dont get down. Something feels off, Miles replied, a hint of apprehension fleeting across his face. Swiftly, he turned on his phones flashlight.

Under the harsh artificial light, seven or eight of the figures had already infiltrated the boutique, with more continuously trickling in. Their movements were sluggish, but within a minute, they would be within arms reach, encircling him entirely.

Why shouldnt we? Werent we safe from attack if we lay low? Ethan questioned, puzzlement showing.

That was then, this is now, Miles elaborated. Earlier, we werent dealing with genuine spirits, hence their predictable attack pattern. If someone lay down, they lost their target, froze, and then swiftly retreated until their next manifestation.

But look at them now. Were standing our ground, yet theyre still advancing. Cant you see what that suggests?

What are you getting at? asked Ethan, a cold sweat beginning to form on his brow.

Miles scrutinized the crowd. The actual ghost is amongst them, and its not the dummy youre carrying. I think this dummy was merely the ghosts initial vessel, and it has since switched hosts. The body in the changing room behind us is the best proof. If this dummy was truly the ghost

Then these bodies wouldnt be mobile under the ghosts power suppressed by you. Why didnt you say this sooner? Ethans eyes narrowed as he quickly withdrew his hand, stopping his ghostly energy flow.

The two-meter-tall blood-soaked dummy instantly became motionless. It toppled over, shattered, and lay inert.

Miless hypothesis proved accurate. This peculiar dummy was not the true spirit.

But now, a group of people exuding the putrid scent of decay was closing in on them. Their faces, chillingly pale and devoid of expression, resembled those of the living dead. However, they were more horrifying than any zombie, as the real ghost was lurking amongst them.

Were finished. Were done. Weve been duped by this ghost. This boutique is a trap, and the conspicuous dummy was just bait. It was a trap specifically designed to catch us, Ethan admitted, his face pallid and stricken with despair.

But, which one was the real ghost?

The heavily decomposed female body?

The man whose head had been grotesquely replaced?

Could it be Strongs lifeless form?

Or the male body that bore Blushs corpse?

All were potential candidates.

No, guessing is futile given the multitude of bodies. Ethan has relied too heavily on the vengeful ghosts power. If he tries to summon it now, hed surely succumb to the awakened vengeful ghost, Miles reasoned. To verify, he asked, Ethan, how many more times can you summon your power?

Im nearing my limit. With my current condition, I could possibly manage it three more times. After that, I might not survive, Ethan admitted, uncertain because no one can truly discern their limitsthey can only estimate.

Three times? Miles mused.

Suddenly, a solitary corpse stirred.

In the sea of motionless bodies, it alone moved.

It was a figure clad in a suit, but its neck bore the head of a middle-aged woman. Perhaps due to Miless presence in the ghost domain, it abandoned any intention of assaulting them and started to turn, intending to leave.

It must be her, Ethan promptly declared.

Lets find out, Miles responded, retracting the red light and enabling Ethan to exit the ghost domain.

Summoning his courage, Ethan reached out and grabbed the moving corpse. His gloves were instantly soaked in a reddish stream that seemed to merge with the body. Blood poured from the corpses eyes, neck, and mouth.

It abruptly stilled, as if seized by some invisible restraint.

Did we do it? Miles asked anxiously.