Chapter 55: Please Start Your Performance

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 55: Please Start Your Performance

Ethan, lets set aside our prior discussion for now. I need to address this issue at hand, Miles declared.

Ethan gave Mall Manager Li a look of pity, seeing him picking a fight with Miles. Didnt he know who Miles really was a ghost tamer?

In the current world, it was wise not to cross paths with those who commanded evil spirits. These individuals could vary enormously from benevolent to malevolent. The kind-hearted ones allied themselves with Ghost Tamers HQ, safeguarding peace, aiding in the Earths prosperity, and preserving the human race. Despite sounding lofty, this was the reality.

On the flip side, the wicked ones could become evil spirits themselves.

People of our kind had myriad ways to dispatch an ordinary person without them ever realizing how or when their demise occurred.

Ill await your follow-up, Ethan nodded.

Turning to Mall Manager Li, Miles extended his hand. Caterpillar, your stage awaits.

What? Who are you calling a caterpillar?

Enraged, Mall Manager Li bellowed, You all see this, see this security guards disrespect? Hes the one who extorted me at the mall. He took over 1.8 million from my account to his. Surely such a hefty sum warrants an investigation, doesnt it?

If your allegations hold water, we will thoroughly investigate and prosecute. Neither will a culprit be spared nor an innocent be wronged, declared one of the officers are the scene.

Young man, your name, please? Could you also show us your identification?

I believe theres a misunderstanding here, gentlemen, Miles answered. I didnt extort him. Mall Manager Li and I had a business arrangement, and he paid me in advance for my services. If you have any doubts, you can confirm this with the others who accompanied us.

We will conduct a thorough investigation. In the meantime, we require your name and ID. Please cooperate, another case worker requested.

Off to the side, Mall Manager Li watched Miles with a self-satisfied smirk.

This little security guard thought he could outwit him. Today, he would ensure Miles paid back every single cent.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

My name is Miles. Here is my ID, Miles said cooperatively, handing over his ID. Verify it.

One of the officers accepted the ID, passing it to a colleague who began cross-referencing the information with their system, searching for any criminal records or personal data.

Captain Bright, take a look at this, called out one of the officers investigating Miles.

What is it? Captain Bright approached.

Its this guys profile. Something doesnt add up, the officer gestured towards the laptop screen.

The screen displayed Miles profile, but it held none of his personal details. It simply read, File Confidential, Access Denied.

We dont have the authorization to access this? Captain Bright was visibly surprised. With a solemn tone, he instructed, Hand me the ID. Ill inquire higher up.

He promptly picked up his phone and dialed a number, Yes, its me, Bright. I have an ID from a person of interest. I cant get access to the details. Could you check on your end?

Captain Bright, you sure know how to make my job harder. The clearance level for this file is extremely high. Not even my superior has access to it. Hang on, I just got a call while digging into this individuals profile.

The voice trailed off on the other end.

Hello? Are you there? Captain Bright queried.

After an extended silence, the colleague at the other end of the line reluctantly spoke, Its an anti-tracing measure. Weve been advised by our superiors to cease any investigation into this individual named Miles. His clearance level is significantly above ours.

If Miles has indeed committed a crime, we may commence an investigation, but we dont have the power to arrest him. We need to seek authorization from our superiors before taking any further action. Captain, we need to tread carefully to avoid manipulation by any parties with hidden agendas. Its been made clear by those at the top that anyone attempting to frame others will face severe repercussions.

I understand. I appreciate the warning. Captain Bright took a moment before ending the call.

He cast a glance towards Miles, who was standing nearby.

Miles ID indicated he was only eighteen. No matter how talented he was, achieving such a high-ranking status at such a young age seemed improbable.

Could he be like Agent Right? Captain Bright mused, understanding the situation better.

Individuals like Right were the ones who would be granted special considerations from various countries.

Ill handle Miles case. You all can focus on other matters, Captain Bright instructed his team.