Chapter 52: Lying Down

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 52: Lying Down

Believing they had found temporary sanctuary in the storeroom, they were caught off-guard by an unexpected revelation. A ghost had been tailing their every move all this time, a fact they remained oblivious to until Miles raised the alarm. If they had continued in their ignorance, the outcome would have been chillingly clear: none of them would have survived, Ethan, the ghost tamer, included.

A ghost tamer may possess the might of a ghostly entity, yet they are not invincible. Reckless employment of their ghostly power merely hastens their downfall. Among the group, Miles spotted Ethan, the young man who bore this title. His skin was ashen, signaling significant blood loss and extreme fatigue.

Miles was more worried about the hidden ghost within Ethan. How close was he to his breaking point? When would the suppressed ghostly beast within him stir?

Are you human? Ethan asked, his panic contrasting with the rest of the group. After vacating the storeroom, he paused, studying Miles with an intense, serious gaze, unsure whether the young security guard standing before him was mortal or a ghost.

I believe I am human. Youre Ethan, arent you? The ghost tamer? Miles responded.

Ethans eyes contracted a fraction as he asked, And what about you?

Im with Ghost Tamers Headquarters, Miles said after a moments thought, deciding to take a risk. Admitting that he was a mere student would seem undignified. Moreover, Rain, the operator, had also expressed a desire for him to join the headquarters.

Ghost Tamers Headquarters? Ethans scrutiny of Miles intensified. The sight of him in his security uniform lent credibility to his claim. When he noticed the satellite positioning watch standard issue for Headquarters staff draped on Miles chest, his skepticism waned.

Ive heard the Headquarters is seriously understaffed, barely managing one representative per city nationwide. Right used to be the man in charge in Dachang City. Whats your name?

My name is Miles, he answered calmly, I should inform you, Right has passed away. He was a casualty of a recent school incident.

Ethan nodded, I see. Thanks for your assistance earlier. How did you fend off that multitude of aggressive ghosts? Even a seasoned ghost tamer can be overwhelmed in such a situation. I had initially presumed the mall disappearances were caused by a C-level ghost at worst. Clearly, I have grossly underestimated the circumstances.

He looked crestfallen, remorse etched on his face as he berated his own actions. If Id known it would escalate this way, I wouldnt have let my greed get the best of me.

What abilities have been your lifeline against these relentless assaults? Miles decided to switch gears, turning the question back onto Ethan.New novel chapters are published on

Earning money was not worth forfeiting his life.

Suddenly, Ethan watched in disbelief as Miles walked over and knocked several of the group members down.

As a series of screams rang out, several individuals tripped and tumbled to the ground. Was this a rescue or a disastrous misstep? Ethan looked on, bewildered.

If you want to live, stay put on the floor. That will keep the ghosts from attacking, and youll have a shot at survival. Running will only speed up your demise, Miles advised Mr. Calm, gripping his collar tightly.

In the face of encroaching ghosts, Mr. Calm had no other choice. Heeding Miless advice, he clamped his eyes shut and lay perfectly still on the ground. With his back flush against the floor, this position shielded him effectively from ghostly attacks from every direction.

Anyone else who wants to survive, follow his example. Lay down and dont move, Miles reiterated.

While some complied, many considered Miless advice absurd, equating laying down to willingly embracing death. Panicked, they opted to flee instead.

Hey, dont jump from the fifth floor; youll surely die! Miles warned a man. Ignoring his advice, a colleague of Master Catch, overwhelmed with fear, leapt over the railing from the fifth floor.

Miles sighed inwardly. Had the man stayed put, he might have survived. But the jump was an irrevocable death sentence.

The jumpers were doomed, and the runners didnt fare much better. The ghosts quickly cornered them, leaving them with no escape. Then, horrific screams echoed through the air as grisly arms stretched out, abruptly ceasing as several heads were brutally ripped off. Some ghosts swapped their own heads with the fresh ones, creating new ghostly entities.

After the grisly spectacle, an eerie calm descended. The ghosts became motionless. Astonishingly, the remaining people lying on the ground were unscathed; they had survived.

Ethan, who also lay prone, was aghast. He looked at Miles, standing against the railing without turning his back to any ghost, as though he had seen a ghost.

What do you think? I didnt lie to you, did I? Miles addressed him, Congratulations, you survived. Now, if you wouldnt mind, lets settle my fee. Just to be upfront, my services dont come cheap.

Why would he risk his life for these contemptible wealthy people? The motive was simple: to earn money. After all, Miles wasnt in this for the love of his clients.