Chapter 2: An Unsettling Lecture

Name:Mysterious Awakening Author:
Chapter 2: An Unsettling Lecture

Miless daily routine at school commenced punctually at eight in the morning and continued till late in the evening, culminating with an intensive study session. His day had been considerably more arduous than usual due to his exploits from the previous night, thus turning his day into an unending cycle of persistent yawns and relentless fatigue. Each time he succumbed to the temptation of a quick nap during lectures, the haunting image of an elderly man from the narrative would shock him back to consciousness. His subconscious was engaged in a sly game of manipulation, making him feel as though the hollow, frosty eyes depicted in the storys photograph were observing him from a hidden corner of the room.

Attempting to reclaim his alertness, he couldnt resist but murmur to himself, Sleep is out of the question; that photograph is far too unsettling.

Suddenly, his internal dialogue was interrupted by a familiar voice. Hey, Miles, do you have a moment to chat? The voice belonged to William, a slender figure who was leaning towards him. William was not just Miless desk mate in class but also a close friend.

Confused, Miles asked, Chat about what, exactly?

William let out a soft chuckle, Oh, stop feigning ignorance. Ive been watching you yawn repeatedly. Its quite apparent that you were up to some late-night antics.

He gave Miless shoulder a friendly nudge, then leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, Have you discovered any exciting material lately? Share it, my friend. Lets all partake in the thrill.

Miles retorted in disbelief, Thrill, you say? I was absorbed in a ghost story on my phone that robbed me of sleep.

Ghost story, huh? A classmate piped up from the nearby seat, That reminds me, have you guys heard about the mysterious incidents happening in our citys residential areas recently?

What incidents? Miless curiosity was piqued. I havent heard anything.

William interjected enthusiastically, Ah, I know about that one. Rumor has it that multiple residents committed suicide in a local neighborhood just last night. Their bodies were found hanging eerily from the security bars of their apartment windows. The scene resembled something straight out of a terrifying horror movie. I have a picture here, but Im not entirely sure if its legitimate.

Without further ado, he quickly navigated through his phones photo gallery, locating the unnerving image.

The photograph, captured under the dim, inadequate lighting of the housing complex, portrayed a deeply unsettling scene. The insufficient light and distant perspective rendered the photo somewhat grainy, yet the silhouettes of human bodies hanging from the window bars were distinctly visible. They were lined up in a morbid row, their distorted faces barely discernible and their wide-open eyes implying a horrifying ordeal prior to their deaths.

At a glance, the hanging bodies bore an uncanny resemblance to strips of dried meat due to how their heads hung between the security bars of the windows.

The image had a strange power; the more one scrutinized it, the deeper the sense of dread it instilled. This photograph, akin to the one of the elderly man on Miless phone, elicited a surge of unsettling emotions.

Good heavens! Where on earth did you manage to find this photograph? Ive been scouring everywhere for it and came up empty-handed, a classmate sitting nearby blurted out, unable to mask his surprise.

With a proud grin plastered on his face, William reveled in the unexpected attention his find had garnered. He boasted, Just a lucky break. A friend of mine happened to be passing by at the right moment when it all went down. The officials have since barricaded the area, strictly prohibiting any photography. If youre itching to get your hands on this particular shot, youll have to show me some respect. Put an end to the impotent jokes and start addressing me as dad. And remember, Ive got an English name now. His smirk widened into a confident, teasing grin as he winked, Call me Washer-bee. Make sure to remember it and shout it out the next time you spot me in a public place.

Weve all had the same nine years of compulsory education, yet somehow you lot seem to be operating on a different wavelength altogether, Miles chimed in, trying to mock his classmates.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Even Teacher Wang seemed visibly taken aback, a mirror to the collective shock of the students.

I will refrain from delving into specifics on this matter, and I would advise you to not probe into it either, Right suggested before steering his lecture towards its critical point. What Im about to impart is of paramount importance. Please commit it to memory, for it may very well prove to be a lifesaver in the days to come.

He paused for a moment, letting the suspense build, before turning back to the blackboard and etching a new phrase: Ghosts cannot be killed.

There might come a time, perhaps sooner than you anticipate, when you cross paths with the utterly unexpected, say, a ghost. Notwithstanding its eerie nature, remember this adage: ghosts cannot be killed. Even if gripped by terror, dont venture to confront these entities. To them, your existence is trivial, and they can snuff out your life as effortlessly as blowing out a candle.

His tired, bloodshot eyes swept over the room, underscoring the gravity of his words. He then pivoted to inscribe yet another sentence on the blackboard.

The only countermeasure to a ghost is another ghost, Right announced, his voice resounding through the room.

Given the supernatural invincibility of these ethereal beings, every technological weapon at mankinds disposal is rendered insignificant and ineffective, be it traditional armament or even the most devastating nuclear devices, Right articulated. Until our scientists can penetrate the enigmatic essence of these ghosts, our only conceivable strategy is to pit one specter against another. I acknowledge that this notion might strike you as ludicrous, and you may question the soundness of my mental faculties. However, thats a minor concern. Whats paramount is that you heed these words, comprehend their gravity, and etch them into your memory. In due time, this information could prove invaluable. He then added solemnly, Of course, my earnest hope is that youll never find yourself in a situation where youll have to put this information to practical use.

Miles, are you following any of this? Im entirely lost, William confessed, whispering from the sidelines.

I cant say Ive fully grasped it either, but his message is definitely imparting a real sense of foreboding, Miles admitted in a low voice.

Do you think our planet has experienced some sort of anomalous metamorphosis, like the scenarios portrayed in those speculative fiction novels? William proposed thoughtfully.

I find that hard to believe, Miles responded hesitantly.

Despite his imaginative inclinations towards tales of immortality and superhuman abilities, the prospect of such phenomena transposing into reality incited a deep unease within him. After all, such extraordinary manifestations could significantly threaten the fabric of ordinary human existence.

Back at the podium, Right picked up the thread of his discourse, As previously established, considering the indestructibility of these ghosts and their uncanny abilities, a pertinent question arises: how is an ordinary human supposed to survive a confrontation with such an entity? This is an absolutely crucial point, one that I implore you to retain for the entirety of your lives.

Having underlined this vital point, he pivoted towards the blackboard and scrawled a third phrase with decisive strokes: Discern the pattern of ghosts.

Every phenomenon in our universe adheres to a particular pattern or set of rules, and ghosts are no exception, Right expounded. Our research data suggests that each type of spectral being operates with a nearly uniform method of action and behavior, strikingly similar to a predetermined computer program. Just as a computer boots up when you press the power button, and specific software launches upon your command, understanding the operational patterns of these spectral entities, identifying their unique characteristics, and uncovering their weak points can provide the sole chance for an ordinary person to survive should they become a target of such a being.

He concluded gravely, Bear in mind, if you are ever singled out by a ghost, your survival depends solely on this strategy of discerning their rules. Never succumb to the false comfort of relying on luck. The terror wielded by these ethereal entities surpasses the confines of your most terrifying nightmares.

He reiterated these ominous words with an intensity that resonated throughout the room.