"That's right, that's the right way to think!"

"I will temper myself in the world of slow power and be ready to enter the world of fantasy and myth!"

"Anyway, I'm almost satisfied with the 10000 points mark of 1000 points!"

Ye Chen thought of it in his heart!

"It seems that the world is still a slow world!"

"I can't believe I've been through three slow world in a row!"

"Zhuxia, captain of the United States, I don't know who this is now?"

"Divorced doctor?"

Ye Chen's incomparable expectation in his heart!

You know, Dr. strange's space ability, deduction ability, is just a loser's explosion!

Special effects show, it is invincible!

He can open any door in the world at will, jump at will, shuttle to any place!

If you get this ability, it's great!

Yechen jump in the main world, of course, need to consume 10000 takeaway points!

However, if you jump on a plane in the main world, you don't need to consume 10000 points, you can use Dr. strange's skill!


Ye Chen slightly frowned!

I always feel that the tone of this world is different from that of manwei world!

Although they are all urban world, but this world is shrouded in a layer of darkness!

The high-rise buildings in manwei world are all polished, full of modern sense of science and technology. Although the high-rise buildings in this world are full of sense of science and technology, their shapes are old, and the sky is more gloomy, and the high-rise buildings are airtight!

In this city, there is a very heavy feeling of depression!

Passers by are also in a hurry!

Ye Chen frowned at all this, driving through these streets, saw a huge billboard!

The head portraits of the above people are written in English below "

" the Wayne family has invested another 5 billion yuan to build a bridge! "

All of a sudden!

Ye Chen is slightly stunned!


"I guess wrong!"

"It's not the slow world, it's another superhero world, it's the d * C world!"

Ye Chen's eyes sparkle!

He came to the d * C world again, and the Wayne family is obviously Batman's family!

Batman's real name is bulushi Wayne. He is the head of four families in Gotham City!

The Wayne family is Batman's family!

Then all the facts are obvious!

This world is the d * C world. It's the world of wonder woman, king of the sea, Superman, clown, batford, flash, death knell and Green Lantern!

This world is not manwei's, but it's not bad!

The power system and magical ability of the two are similar, and their respective heroes have their own positions, which can be found in another work!

After all, both D * C and manwei were born in the last century, and their creations are also controversial and have experienced twists and turns!

The two companies learn from each other, imitate and salute each other!

For example, Batman in the d * C world corresponds to the iron man in the slow power world. Both of them are the second generation of the rich. They both rely on technology and have no super power.

Both rely on scientific and technological equipment and physical fitness to fight superheroes, and the alliance against the rich in slow world corresponds to the justice alliance in D * C world.

It's like the humble in the world of manwei. The source of creativity is the death knell of D * C animation!

And D * C has also learned from various roles in manwei world, such as the king of the sea!

Strictly speaking, the word "king of the sea" first came from manwei world!

At that time, manwei and D * C did not exist. They were the first superheroes to be created!

At that time, its name was namo, the king of the sea!

The character image of namo, the king of the sea, is also naked, wearing a golden tights, holding the trident of the sea emperor!

His mother is the queen of Atlantis!

This is the first character created by manwei company, even earlier than the name of manwei. It can be said that he is the eldest son of manwei superhero!!

At that time, in the early days, when there was no fire in manwei, it was not too hot. Namo, the king of the sea, the mutant thunderbolt fire and the captain of the United States were the most popular roles of manwei. They were the three giants of manwei!

Namo, the king of the sea in the slow world, seldom appears in the movie!

However, it plays an important role in the main line of manwei world!

Namo, the king of the sea, and the captain of the United States are inseparable. They used to be friends and formed the alliance of cleaners to fight against the Nazis!

After World War II, when the captain of the United States was frozen, namo went to the Arctic tribe and knocked down the refrigerator in the sea!It was he who made the captain of the United States successfully unsealed that gave us the following story!

At the same time, namo, the king of the sea, once fought with golden anal wolf, provoked the war between X-Men and the alliance of the rich!

weapons are as like as two peas of the world's sacred Neptune Trident, the king of the sea! D*C!

Later, Arthur, the king of the sea in D * C's movie, which is also the popular king of the sea's movie, also used this role for reference!

Wonder woman and Captain Marvel are similar!

Their creative ideas are the same, and they don't know who learned from them!

But it doesn't matter!

After all, it's the product of the collision of thinking and soul in that era, and it's the most beneficial representative fantasy animation!

In recent years, the movie performance is slow and powerful, and the Superman and sea king series of D * C are also hot!

However, there are some differences between the two styles!

From the perspective of picture performance, the d * C world is more gloomy!

Especially in gotan city!

Ye Chen did not expect that the delivery world was not manwei's, but d * C's!

D * C's world seems to be good. This should be the famous gotan city!

Simple folk customs, gotan City, outstanding people, Akam!

Ye Chen is no stranger to this world!

Last time, he used to deliver takeout to the king of the sea. The villain black bat spray in it was from gotan city. He used to live in Arkham mental hospital!

Moreover, ye Chen has played Batman, which is a role-playing game, and he knows about gotan city.

Especially in recent years, the clown movies which are deified are very popular. Ye Chen has seen several of them!

Just don't know, this time is to send Wanjie takeout!


Don't you want to kill Wayne?

Ye Chen thought so in his heart!

If it's Batman, it's cool. Ye Chen has been coveting Batman's Batman chariot and Batman motorcycle for a long time!

If you want to know what the most cool chariot in the world is, Batman's super chariot can be ranked, can fly, can enter the water, and can run on land!

The two huge front wheels are synonymous with Batman. They are extremely cool and sharp in style. If you drive this car on the street, it will be more attractive than a dozen maybachs and Rolls Royce!

This time, it's two takeout orders. There may be Batman and other superheroes. If it's Superman, it's cool!

Ye Chen stares big eyes suddenly, in the heart a piece of excitement!

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