Hear ye Chen's words, immediately whole house apply a face to muddle circle!

That's right!

What ye Chen said is not wrong at all!

This black haired man from Huaxia

It's like seeing everything he's ever experienced, like a God who controls everything!

I was on that hillside, hit by a strong light!

Wake up!

I found my body mutated!

Originally I was short-sighted, even after not short-sighted, adjusted for a good period of time, the feeling of myopia came back!

All this made the old man scared. He didn't know what happened to his body!

He muddled back home, want to eat some rice to supplement energy, the results eat rice ball and weizeng soup all spit out!

I can't digest it at all!

And the body has expanded, the skin directly open!

All the bones, viscera and muscles in the body disappear and become machines!

It can be said that it scared him a lot!

Think you're dreaming!

If young people often read novels or other works, they will be able to accept all this quickly.

But the whole house is an old man in his 50s and 60s after all. He has a poor ability to accept all this. He doesn't know anything like golden finger!

If young people had such a golden finger, they would have been overjoyed!

And surprise and fear!?

The whole world has been pretending to be hippy for a long time!

And this old man even felt distressed and didn't devote himself to developing his ability!

What a waste!

Ye Chen thought in his heart!


"Just now you should have drunk weizeng soup and ate rice balls, and all of them vomited out!"

His words made the whole room jump and began to believe Ye Chen!

"That's right. Now you've mutated. Your body has become a mechanical state!"

"The strong light on the top of the mountain destroyed your body when the aliens were making planes!"

"They have a clear rule that the destroyed things should be returned!"

"It follows the law of conservation of mass in the universe!"

"So I forced you to come back to life, but your body has been destroyed, so I gave you a robot body.

"It's just the same as your skin!"

Ye Chen explained to the whole room!

Now that he has come to deliver the takeout, he will order the old man to avoid being bullied by others because he has strong ability!

There is the ability not to be bullied, there is the ability to be bullied, that is two different things!

"Your body is now a great treasure!"

"There's a core energy block in there, right in your head!"

"That's your battery!"

"You have so much power that you can lift a car with one hand!"

"Your body has been mechanically modified!"

"There are a lot of bullets, shells, air bombs, missiles, large-scale blasting equipment and all kinds of weapons!"

"At the same time, there are flying jets, anaerobic breathing devices and other powerful equipment!"

"There's a radio transceiver! Can control any signal, any network

"On the Internet, you are an omnipotent God!"

"There is no network you can't invade, no firewall you can't invade!"

"You can change the balance of your bank account at will!"

Ye Chen thought in his heart!

This ability, even ye Chen envy!

Everything in the world, for this ability, is meaningless!

Especially banks!

The strict digital system of the bank is a decoration here!

He has as much money as he wants to withdraw!

The money number of the bank is just a number!

Even ye Chen now has no such ability!

"You're a superman now!"

"And you can invade the radio wave, the invasion signal, the radio wave, the mobile phone, the Internet, the network world at will. It's like a palace of freedom to you!"

"Let you play -!"

Ye Chen's words stunned the whole room directly. He looked at his hands. His fingers had become the shape of a gun barrel, and some had become the shape of a USB interface!

Do you really have so many super powers?

Can't you be called human any more?

"That's right!"

"You'll be superman in the future.""What a human being!"

"You still have the ability to cure people's diseases. Your hands can send out waves to cure diseases. All the complicated diseases are in your hands, but they are just drizzle!"

"From now on, go to heaven and earth, fly into the sea, fight and blast, save the dead and heal the wounded!"

"You will be omnipotent!"

"Human beings can no longer call you!"

"From now on! You are the God of the city

Ye Chen calmly said to the whole room!

What ye Chen said is right. In this urban world, the whole house and Shizi Shenhao are the gods of this city!

Now if the whole house application develops all its strength, it will fight with yechen!

Ye Chen, of course, is fighting naked!

It's pure power. Ye Chen doesn't use any energy, weapons, little brother, transformation. It all depends on physical strength. It's estimated that ye Chen and the whole house can fight each other!

But if ye Chen uses some transformation skills, such as venom attachment, such as giant,

for example, ye Chen uses some energy, the skills of Buddhism, Taoism and magic, and takes out any one

This whole room is not enough to see!

It is estimated that the strength of the whole house covering mechanical power transformation is about 10 to 20 tons, which is similar to yechen's strength, but it can send out all kinds of shells on the whole house covering body. The attack power is strong, and the missile can be launched, and even blow up a building!

Although Ye Chen does not carry these missiles on his body, he also has a lot of energy.

The power of the three cultivation of Buddhism, Taoism and demons, all kinds of mysterious and incomparable skills and Dharma, are no less than the whole room application!

And stronger!

And if ye Chen once takes out his artifact, the whole room is not enough to see!

Take out your own Trident to subdue demons and subdue demons. The whole house can be suppressed on the spot.

There's also the steel armor from the iron man world... And Tony is one of several ultra-high energy-efficient bombs produced by Tucker company

Take these things out...

it can be said that they are beating the whole house Fu and master Shenhao!

So in this world, ye Chen is not worried about his own safety!

He knows that the whole house is a kind old man, always saving lives, consuming his own ability to help others!

But there's another one!

But on the hillside, along with the whole house, there is another one!

It's a young man.

Its name is Shizi Shenhao!

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