The envoys of the Bangzi camp were all jubilant when they heard the good news. Within 10 years, they finally got peace. Relying on a woman, silk, gold and silver, they got peace for 10 years!

It's too straight!

Everyone is cheering, yechen indifferent smile!

It seems that China's powerful, do not have to go to detail, whether it is ancient or modern, the name of a people shudder!

Especially in the ancient war years, such as those small countries around Panyu, where dare to oppose their big brother to say no, dare to say no, dare to beat you!?

Yechen a smile!

But he didn't like the effect of the Bangzi camp. This small country is arrogant and arrogant. Originally, it was weak to death, but it just wanted to be big and strong ... this kind of word to flaunt oneself!

Moreover, in modern times, they did not mention the ancient attachment to China, and flaunted themselves as a powerful country!

It's not only random, but also random!

In their history, Li Shimin, once Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, led people to fight for Korea, but he was shot blind by the people of Korea. In their history, Li Shimin turned out to be blind. Can you bear it?!

What kind of history says that Emperor Taizong was blind!?

Blind and shot!?

If we don't tell the truth of this story, we need to ask for a little stick, and Li Shimin, the Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, can do it himself!?

Are you kidding!?

What's more, in their historical records, the Sui Dynasty sent 100000 troops to Korea to March East!

But was defeated by the Korean 3000!


100000 troops of Sui Dynasty, defeated by 3000 Bangzi!? Can you believe that!?

3000 people beat 100000 people, you tell me how to fight!?

One rifle per person, unlimited bullets, can't kill 100000 people with cold weapons!?

It can be said that their history has become a magic play!

It sounds ridiculous, just like the content in a novel, but this is the history of their Bangzi camp! Their school, learning is such a history! Interested can go to search!

Among the history textbooks of Bangzi, the territory of ancient Bangzi is incomparably vast. Now the Mongolian Dynasty faces north, which is their vast territory!

Even they can't figure out the order of the dynasties of Qinghua and Xia. They regard the Qing Dynasty and Tang Dynasty as the dynasties of an era! Call Bangzi, Qing Dynasty and Tang Dynasty the Three Kingdoms of the mainland! Moreover, among the three countries, Bangzi has three times as much land as the other two countries! Almost half of the Asian continent!

This is their history!

Even said that the four ancient civilizations are the descendants of Bangzi!

In their history, China and Korea fought more than 2000 times, but Bangzi had an 80% victory rate! In their history, they invented the crossbow!

The Chinese crossbow can only shoot 50 meters, while the stick can shoot 200 meters!

Printing is a stick, most of the land in Eurasia is once a stick, Confucius is a stick, the universe is a stick!

It's not a joke at all. It's a true fact. That's what their history book says!

But in those days, they were all hit by nothing!

Because of this propaganda, it led to the main world of modern society, they really think that their Guo Jia is very strong! I really think that my Guo Jia is able to challenge China in history. They are all arrogant! They don't know, brother! It's just grandson!

If Phelps takes out his own mobile phone, he will tell Yeh that he has no idea which one in the real world Look, let him see how their ancient ancestors knelt down to Huaxia!

Yechen sneered! In this parallel world of modern world, he has also contacted several clubs. For example, the swimming champion is pretentious. The most exasperating thing is that there are still people who like this kind of person, and there are so many brain disabled fans. Ye Chen also feels wonderful!

The more they lack something, the more they boast. For example, little Guo Jia of Bangzi camp has been attached to the power of China for thousands of years. In the face of China's prosperity, they are grandchildren. Now they are not easy to develop. They lack a sense of pride in history, so all kinds of boasting have become their normal! This is a kind of extreme inferiority!

However, they did not know that the precious things they presented to their ancestors thousands of years ago were so humble!

Meng Yi waved his hand to make all the people retreat. He just wanted to send people to pick up Princess Yushu!But right now!

There was a loud bang, on a hill thousands of kilometers away from them, suddenly the sound of horses' hoofs sounded, and all horses were silent!

At the bottom of the three thousand silver cavalry soldiers, there are two thousand silver cavalry soldiers under the black armor!

The leader of the general, who was very obscene, wore the special general's armor of Bangzi camp, but also looked majestic. He held a seven foot sword in his hand!

Take out a set of bows and arrows from the back. It's an iron fetal bow. Bend the bow and shoot the arrow in one go. You can directly kill the old eunuch of the stick camp thousands of meters away with a sword!

All of a sudden, there was a riot in the crowd!

Both the envoys and Meng Yi of the Bangzi camp were shocked. I didn't expect that they would make trouble at this time. Besides, their clothes, their equipment and the scale were obviously the same as those of the Bangzi camp!

What is the intention of the Bangzi camp to send their princess and then send someone to intercept her?

Suddenly, Meng Yi's face changed and he pulled out his sword!

The simple sword of Qin Dynasty is shining in the sun!

It is carved with a square pattern unique to the Qin Dynasty. It looks simple and dignified!

Meng Yi roared!

"Who's coming?"

"Do you know, this is the scene of the transaction between the Qin Dynasty and your Bangzi camp. Your Bangzi camp offered Princess and our emperor, his majesty Ying Zheng!"

"Do you want to get in the way of it, or do you want to go back on it?"

Meng Yi's majestic voice sounded. Although Ye Chen met Meng Yi several times, he also had a battle with Meng Yi. At that time, ye Chen beat Meng Yi to be obedient. Later, ye Chen showed his incomparable talent in front of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, and Meng Yi did not worship himself!

In front of Ye Chen, this is a little brother's general. However, Meng Yi is a big general in front of Ye Chen, and his dignity is still there. That's my little brother's attitude, just like this in front of Ye Chen!

Meng Yi in front of the enemy, a tiger, tiger body shock, domineering!

All of a sudden, the general of the Bangzi camp also took out his sword ~

and roared!

"Shameless Qin Dynasty!"

"Shameless old thief Ying Zheng!"

"Ying Zheng is an old man in his 50s and 60s, and he's still robbing women from me!"

"You know, this woman, Princess Yushu, is the fiancee of my general Jin. The emperor of our Bangzi camp has promised to marry his daughter, Princess Yushu, to me, but he suddenly repents. Because of the power of the Qin Dynasty, he gives Princess Yushu to you!"

"We were going to get married next month, but this old man Ying Zheng of the Qin Dynasty got in the way!"

"That old man Ying Zheng, a humble Chinese, a shameful person of the Qin Dynasty, is qualified to marry the princess of our Bangzi camp?"

"Our tangtangtangzi Empire doesn't need to sacrifice women to achieve our goal. Our Bangzi camp is the first power in the world. It's your great Qin Empire that sacrifices women to our Bangzi empire!"

All of a sudden, the king's words shocked the whole audience!

Meng Yi laughed at that time!

Ye Chen in the back to see is also laughing!

What a shameful general Jin, what a stupid and ignorant General of Bangzi camp!

How dare little Bangzi call himself Empire?

Big bang Empire?

Small tiny place, still want to add the word "big" to your name?

Today, the size of the Bangzi camp is not as big as that of a province in the Qin Dynasty! , the fastest update of the webnovel!