That year, that day!

Ye Chen is four years old!

Yechen was less than four years old in a summer when cicadas were singing. However, as a reborn person, yechen was reborn into this parallel world. At the age of four, yechen also has memory, strong action and thinking ability!

at that time, the widow of Beihai, who was riding in the kindergarten for a while, did not even dare to take a bath At the same time, yechen brings dandy to the extreme!

Four year old Ye Chen is the king of the capital!

That summer, ye Chen used C4 bomb to blow up fish in the moat, pulled off the high-voltage line by the river and played a piece of Dongfeng Po. Countless maids of Ye's family were toppled by Ye Chen, and countless ladies and girls in the capital were waiting for ye Chen to grow up!

At this time, from the river, came a bamboo basket!

In the bamboo basket, there is a baby!

It's a little baby girl, less than one year old!

Yechen just killed all the fish in the river with C4 bomb, and then he floated along the river from the end of the moat!

At that time, the sky had some haze, like the kind of sultry summer rain! Even the nuclear cicada did not call!

When the baby girl came, the sky suddenly became cloudless!

Clear and bright!

Like a dragon across the sky!

Suddenly became clear!

The cloud and rain that has been brewing for a long time completely disappeared!

At the same time, cicadas on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are singing like they have not been singing for 23 years!

It's as if I have accumulated energy for many years!

It's been a whole summer!

Ye Chen feels very surprised, conveniently with the hand of pure gold inlaid diamond fishing rod, the small basket to catch up!

Summer is booming, as if heaven has changed its face!

Ye Chen was surprised that there was such a mysterious thing in the world!

So at that time, I took it home for adoption and named it Xin'er!

Since then, the girl has grown up in a way of genius!

The next day, you can understand people's words!

In the eyes, with smart!

Seven days later, I was able to express myself clearly though I couldn't pronounce clearly!

After one month, I know all the words and paintings of Ye Fu!

Three months later, I memorized Xinhua dictionary!

Half a year later, I learned to write without any teacher!

At the age of two, other children were still learning to speak and run, but ye xiner had already got the primary school textbooks and read them all!

This is still under the pressure of the Ye family to read, if thinking at the moment let her read high school books, there is no problem!

However, at that time, Ye's parents thought it was not good. Children still played more, so ye xiner played most of the time!

Junior high school is the time to master knowledge!

Logarithmic operation, with a unique talent, just like the human computer!

Even ye Chen, a passer-by, couldn't match this. He was hanged!

This genius, far from beating Ye Chen, even many elders in the family, all want ye xiner to be ye Chen's daughter-in-law!

Then when I grow up, I will marry Ye Chen and try my best to help and manage the family business!

After all, when ye Chen crossed into this parallel world, he always wanted to eat, drink and have fun, and he was not progressive at all!

This is the Pearl hidden in the Ye family, which should not be known to the outside world. Otherwise, such a big family, such a smart girl like Superman, would have been broken by the door of marriage promotion!

Later, after growing up a little bit, ye xiner is also very low-key, at the same time very wisdom to hide his wisdom!

Usually in school to show those talents, only one tenth of her!

Even then the Yellow robed Taoist came to Ye's house and pointed to Ye Chen and said, "this is the dragon among the people in the future, the yellow robe in the future!"!

This can be predicted, but when the old Taoist saw ye Xin'er beside Ye Chen, his pupils shrank, he looked up at the sky, and then left with a slap on his ass!

It seems to be very scared!

At this time, on this stage, ye Xin'er wants to win the championship. Ye Chen feels that he should be searching for something!

Before, when the Ye family was still there, Xin'er didn't want to show herself, because once she showed her glory, the Ye family would be in the limelight again. For this kind of big family, she didn't need to show too much!

At this time, the Ye family has disappeared, so she doesn't need to hide herself any more!

On the contrary!

At this time, her outstanding, will become Ye Chen's help!After all, now, it's just the two of them!

That's why ye xiner came to the competition!

Brother and sister look at each other and smile!

At this time, the staff came to take ye Xin'er away, to do some of the event process to announce the explanation, as well as the players on the stage!

Ye Chen, as the family member of the audience, came to the guest table!

At this time, there are also many family members of the contestants waiting in the audience!

These people, most of them are aunts and uncles, are parents, or lovers waiting!

At this time, these people, with a proud look on their faces!

After all, their children are all prodigies!

There are a lot of people light glance Ye Chen!

"Ha ha! These two brothers and sisters are probably soy sauce makers! "

"If you look so good, don't you make friends every day and pretend to be a bully?"

"Yes, it doesn't look like a genius. It's supposed to make soy sauce and brush your face to improve your popularity. After all, there's still live broadcast!"

"Where is my son? He's a blue and white student!"

"My daughter is the genius of Yingguo's scabbard!"

"This man must have made soy sauce!"


Countless people whispered and looked at yechen with disdain. After all, yechen was so handsome!

Yechen indifferent smile, and did not pay attention to these people!

Among the crowd, jealousy is the root of evil!

And now, on the stage!

All of a sudden, the wind is surging!

Lights, start changing!

Direct is all the lights, all hit in the central position!

At the same time, the fierce debut of BGM!

It's the music of the famous blind date show!

"Brag! Lean meat, wow

"Brag! Send cauliflower

"Look at Niu Fei! Send spinach


It's just like this!

Suddenly, in this fierce brag, a perfect shadow rises slowly from the center of the stage!

Come on!

This woman, with long soft black hair and long white dress, is shining brilliantly in the light, with her perfect figure and exquisite face. What's more, her skin is as white as yogurt!

It's the goddess, the most popular star in China, anximu!

All of a sudden, the whole scene is boiling!

"Good evening, everyone!"

"Ah Xi, that's wrong. Good morning, everyone!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!