Sobbing, sobbing!

Ambulances lined up, ready for the crash!

At this time, the terminal is busy!

All of us are facing the enemy!

If there is really something wrong with the forced landing, it is a major aviation safety incident that has caused a sensation all over the world

All these people are jointly and severally liable!

From the beginning to the end, go home!

"Come on! Falk

At this time, Hanks, the head of the terminal, is sweating!

The fat hand picked up the handkerchief in the suit coat and wiped sweat to death. A big face couldn't wipe it!

"A bunch of rubbish!"

"Get me an expert! If we don't make a forced landing again, it will be an accident, and everyone will be finished! "

"The media reporters have been blocked at the door, waiting for the big event!"

"This really happens to us. It's all over!"

"Give me 12 points, you can't miss a signal! Make the best plan! Get the ambulance ready for me

The roar of Hanks resounded through the whole platform, and all the staff came to the post, busy before and after!

"Call me Colonel frank!"


"Colonel Frank is here!"

At this time, a dignified middle-aged man with a moustache came over. Frank is a flying colonel with many years of experience in flying!

At the moment, call this expert over to communicate with the pilot on the plane!

Frank moustache, in his flying jacket, began to work without saying a word!


He frowned!

"In this case, we have to spray gasoline in circles!"

"But one engine broke down There's no way to circle! Very dangerous, this kind of high difficulty movement, has not recorded in the textbook! It's more difficult than five stars! "

Frank's face turned pale when he said this!

"Here's the latest news from the plane!"

"It was a young man from China who took over the pilot's job. According to the news from the flight crew, the boy was no more than 20 years old!"

At this time, a signalman reported and said!

Suddenly, two people more pale!

"It's over! Fark! Oh, my God! Why are you doing this to me? "

Hanks sat down on the ground!

Such a difficult action, and, or a Chinese not more than 20 years old young driver!?

You're playing video games!

He just ascended to the position of stationmaster two years ago, will be cold!

Captain Frank also sighed that the biggest air crash of this century is about to happen!


At this time!

A signalman suddenly cried out!

"Here! What's going on here? "

He stares at the space screen, as if to hell!

"Stationmaster! Captain

"Damn it! Come and have a look! The plane

"Circling in the sky! He's spilling oil


All of a sudden, station master Hanks and Colonel Frank were as if they were shot in the head!


"No way!"

Two people speak with one voice!

"In this case, it's impossible to circle directly unless he's an ace pilot! But how could it be? "

Colonel Frank is stunned!

"No way!"

But, no longer possible, this iron general fact, is reminding them is true!

In the satellite image, it shows that the plane is hovering steadily!

Steady one!

Frank was shaking all over!

"This driving technique This level of stability This is Wang's general operational consciousness... "

"My God

"Is this young man the ace fighter pilot in China?"

"It's terrible!"

"I have never seen such accurate and bold driving skills in the battlefield! If he is not careful, the wing will break, but he seems to be dancing on the tip of a knife! "

"What terrible control it must be!"

"If you give him a fighter plane, all the airplanes are so powerful He can beat a column of airplanes


"Come on

Hanks, the stationmaster, seems to have caught the straw!

Quickly connected the monitoring screen of the cab!

In the picture, ye Chen holds the direction with one hand and controls the height angle with the other hand, with a self-confident and stable manner!

Next to them are the stewardesses who are shocked by their glasses!They all adore me!

"God, it's a miracle!"

"Huaxia is really a powerful nation!"

"If a miracle happens today, this Chinese is my great benefactor! I will give him up as a god

Frank's excited!

"Come on! Connect Huaxia young captain

"Inform him that the runway has been cleared and that he can land after the gas has been sown!"

Everyone held their breath and waited for the great moment to come!

The boy is waiting for the miracle!


"Got it!"

Ye Chen received the news from the ground!

Start landing!

At this time, the fuselage light, although it is a bad engine, but all in yechen's control, landing no difficulty, as it happens!

In one go, yechen enters the perfect landing channel manually, the lift wing turns over, the landing gear goes down, with a loud bang, landing directly!

All the people in the whole airport terminal hold their breath, and the reporters from outside come in droves, shooting and flashing wildly!

Everyone in the cabin knows the moment of life and death!

All praying for yechen!

Ye Chen saw that the whole airport seemed to welcome him. The rescue and fire department on both sides had prepared the ladder, but it was superfluous for ye Chen! There's no need for help!

Textbook landing, although the tire friction sparks, and even the tire on fire, but in yechen's adjustment direction, the speed began to reduce!

Boom boom!

In the loud sound, the plane is like a wild beast, falling into a deep sleep from rage

At the last moment, yechen shut down the only engine in time!

The sound stops

Stop it!

Perfect landing!

"Coconut silk!"

The whole airport seems to have exploded!

There was a sea of cheers in the cabin, and the crowd was boiling!

Many people shed tears of excitement,

even some people kiss the floor of the cabin,

some people slap themselves with excitement!

Some people are reciting their own religious doctrines

"Praise God! no Praise the youth of China

"My God! I can't believe it


"this Chinese youth is the benefactor of all of us!"

"He made a miracle!"



All the people who just doubted Ye Chen, all face!

At this time is full of shame, at the same time, ye Chen is full of respect!

The calm figure in the cockpit is the belief of everyone in the future!

Every one of their lives for the next many years is given by Ye Chen!


In the cabin, I don't know who yelled excitedly!

Then, the whole engine room rang out a chorus

At first it was one or two, then it formed a kind of sound wave, almost all the survivors were shouting!

"Hero!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!