Now ye Chen can be said to be rich and powerful. He is incomparably rich!

And the problem now is,

He now has the power of faith of 120 billion people!

However, there is no way to transform the power of 120 billion faith!

You can't bless all the 120 billion power of faith on yourself!

Nor can we use some special skill to turn the 120 billion power of faith into energy and operate.

This is like a car, with a huge amount of gasoline, almost endless.

A gas station can afford to consume a hundred kilometers!

However, he has no machine and no engine to use the gasoline.

It's like a great martial arts expert.

Gained internal power for thousands of years.

However, there is no corresponding martial arts to play it out!

This is Ye Chen's most difficult problem at present.

"Didi! System prompt!"

"The red envelope of takeout order from nvwushen world has been sent."

"And this time, no customer made a 5-star high praise."

"So you can't get points!"

Ye Chen smiled calmly. He didn't expect points for a long time!

After all, he didn't expect Zeus, who had been killed by himself, and the gods to give him the evaluation of 10000 world takeout.

The problem now is——

"System, how can the 120 billion super belief power in my hands be transformed into my own energy?"

"How can I absorb them? With my current strength, even if I use my strongest form to load the attacking giant form and poison, I can't resist the impact of this huge force of faith on my body!"

"If you don't absorb well, you'll lose your soul if you're not careful."


System prompt! "

At this moment, the system friendship came.

"It reminds you that you need a skill that absolutely holds and can absolutely hold the power of 120 billion human beliefs before you can convert!

The system will provide you with a safe place and safe conditions. "

"And use the energy stored in the system to transform your body so that you can absorb enough energy."

"Before entering this mode, please find a matching skill."

"Otherwise, even if your absorption is completed, it will not be applied!"

The system gave so many rare tips, and ye Chen nodded calmly.

This is also more in line with his current goals and ideas!

This 120 billion belief force can be said to be quite powerful.

Although it comes from the weak female martial god world,

However, the real world population where ye Chen is located is actually about the same.

Since the birth of the earth, since the birth of human beings, since the birth of human civilization!

About 120 billion people are coming!

120 billion creatures have survived or ever lived on this earth!

No matter how weak the world is, these living forces will become a behemoth!

For example, the so-called Jade Emperor and Buddha on our earth now!

They also have the power of faith, so they dominate one side.

Like Buddha, how many people believe in Buddhism all over the world?

The contemporary population is just hundreds of millions, plus those who have been born into the world since ancient times!

Although they died, it's a quota!

It is estimated that it is just a few billion people!


The power of faith of these billions of people is enough to make Buddha a God.

Let Buddhism become a sect with inexplicable and huge rules!

Like the Jade Emperor of Taoism, how many believers are there?

I'm afraid there are only a few hundred million!

However, these hundreds of millions of people alone are enough to make the Jade Emperor God!

Ye Chen now has the power of faith of 120 billion people.

If ye Chen absorbs all the power of these beliefs,

Ye Chen's throne must be higher than the Buddha and the Jade Emperor!

Now, ye Chen seems to have mastered a golden mountain,


It's like mastering a huge ocean!

But it can't be developed,

Out of control!

This is Ye Chen's most difficult problem!

This difficulty lies in two aspects!

1、 Is to absorb and transform all these energy into yourself!

If this is given to ordinary people, it can't be achieved at all!

It's like pouring all the sea water into a mineral water bottle

How is this possible?

At this point, the system is clearly replying to Ye Chen!

He can solve it and provide a safe place!

It can provide a scene equivalent to doing whatever you want!

Let Ye Chen absorb these forces so that his body will not collapse!

The second point is that ye Chen needs to solve it by himself!

That is to find a god level cultivation method!

After the first step, after ye Chen absorbed this huge energy!

This second film is crucial.

Ye Chen has a huge pool of sea water.

But it can't be used. It's in vain!

It is equivalent to absorbing this huge energy.

You have no corresponding skill,

Play it out.

It's equivalent to a strong man with a handful of strength!

But I don't know any fighting skills!

Then the utilization rate is quite low!

It is also equivalent to a high-power super engine. It is in vain to match the gearbox and adjustment!

Even if the V12 engine is installed on a broken Santana, it will not work.

You must have matching things!

"It seems that next I have to find a skill that really suits me."

"After finding this skill,

This huge force of human faith will really be used by me and integrated with me! "

Ye Chen does have some skills now!? For example, the heavenly magic formula from the Yin moon emperor of the beautiful woman world,

And the Buddhist Vajra Sutra from Fahai!

As well as Taoist cultivation spells from Taoism, Shushan swordsman spells, etc,

But these skills are very low to tell the truth!

For ye Chen before, these skills were quite awesome,

But for ye Chen, who has mastered the power of 120 billion faith,

It's like chicken ribs!

Make an analogy,

Just like the power ye Chen currently controls, it is equivalent to the power of a small motor of an ordinary 4WD!

The 120 billion belief power is millions or even tens of millions of times that of Ye Chen!

It may be the power of a high-power V12 or even Boeing grade or fighter grade aircraft engine!

Not at all!

All the skills Ye Chen currently controls are to match the current skills of the small motor of an ordinary 4WD, which is equivalent to the chassis of a 4WD!

Can the small chassis of these four-wheel drive vehicles be installed around the engine of combat aircraft?

It's impossible!

Only the frame of the plane (equivalent to more advanced skill) can match Ye Chen's current energy!

"It seems!"

"Go to some fantasy world or a higher level world!"

"I'm determined to get it!"

"About to cross the last world! Everyone spoke enthusiastically and talked about what world they wanted to go to!" Ye Chen thought so!

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