During the death of the Ministry of Magic, the Death Eaters and the members of the Order of the Phoenix broke out into a fierce battle centered on the arch. When Ryan and Hermione teamed up and stunned a Death Eater, they saw Dolohov fired a death curse at them, and the two had to rush to the side to avoid the curse.

As they were about to fight back, a long snake made of flames rushed from the side and drove Dolohov up at least five feet high.

"Professor McGonagall." Ryan and Hermione turned their heads and saw that it was McGonagall, who combed Dolohov's hair neatly and straightened his lips. She was now staring solemnly at Dolohov, who had risen from the ground to fight back.

"Professor McGonagall is really amazing." Hermione released a coma spell to Dolohov, while manipulating the shadows at the feet of nearby Death Eaters to interfere with their actions. Ryan attacked Dolohov together with Hermione, and at the same time said: "The wizards who can teach at Hogwarts are very powerful, not to mention our dean."

Dolohov was quickly stunned under the impact of three people. Professor McGonagall saw Dolohov falling down and quickly ran to the place where Lupin was fighting, and they yelled to Ryan at the same time. "You are a little farther away from the battlefield, and it is not yet my student's turn to go to the battlefield."

At this time, Ryan saw a Death Eater rushing to a fallen wizard. He immediately hit the Death Eater with an obstacle spell, and then he and Hermione covered each other and rushed to the fallen wizard. Around.

Was knocked to the ground by Moody. His gray hair was wet with blood and stuck to his forehead. The devil's eye had fallen out of his eye socket, spinning on the ground.

Ryan rushed into Moody's front to fight the masked Death Eater, while Hermione bowed and grabbed the collar behind Moody's neck, with the help of the shadow, he was directed towards the obstacle drag. At this time, a purple-haired Tonks ran from the side and directly stunned the Death Eater who was fully absorbed in the battle with Ryan.

"Thanks." Ryan shouted to Tonks. Tonks just nodded quickly and ran to fellow Kingsley to help him against the three Death Eaters on the opposite side.

"Hermione, how is Moody?" Ryan asked as he turned a large rock.

"It should be a black magic that can be coma. I have treated the wound on his head with white fresh fragrance, and then you have to look at you." Hermione said half-kneeled, holding her magic wand and watching warily Around. Ryan walked to Moody's side and tried to wake him with natural magic.

"Uh, I was just now" Moody opened his eyes and looked at Ryan, who was treating him, and the nearby Hermione alerting him. "Ryan? You have done a great job, but I suggest that you stay here now, and Dumbledore will come over later."

After talking about it, Moody turned the fake eyeball into his eye socket and turned it out of the back of the stone. He leaned against the row of stone steps to avoid a green life-spelling curse. Death Eater.

Since several people did not allow them to participate in the war, Ryan and Hermione simply hid behind the stone from time to time to look at the situation, while using shadow magic to create obstacles for the Death Eaters. This works very well, and there are already several Death Eaters who have to choose hard-wired magic when unable to dodge.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ryan saw Harry and Ginny dodge Lucius Malfoy around the arched stone platform. Fearing to smash the prophecy ball, Malfoy dared not attack Harry. So he poured all the spells on Ginny, and Ginny dodged right and left looking very thrilled.

"Don't allow me to move my child." The Mr. Weasley, who had just repulsed the opposite Death Eater, saw his eyes split and his red hair was on fire. He rushed to the edge of the stone platform with a single arrow and fought against Malfoy, shouting at Harry while avoiding a spell. "Run, the children run fast."

But this is that they can no longer run. From the door above, nearly ten Death Eaters came out one after another. With the Death Eaters on the field, they stepped down the Phoenix and Ryan on the arched platform.

"You don't think that the great Dark Lord is not prepared, just come with such a few people." Looking at reinforcements, a hoarse voice came from under the mask of a Death Eater.

Ryan felt that this was probably because he had learned his lesson after being pitted in the last Voldemort resurrection ceremony, so this time he prepared enough backhand.

"Tonks, you are the youngest, you take the children first." Moody said to Harry at the center of the Phoenix Society at this time.

"Well." Tonks nodded, but Lane could feel she was crying. She knew that other people had made a decision and was prepared to cover them at any cost.

"Dad!" Ginny with a wound on his face looked at Mr. Weasley, who was nervously holding his wand to the Death Eaters outside. "Ginny, you followed Tonks and they rushed out, and I will soon catch up with you."

"None of you want to leave." Bella suddenly appeared from a certain step, and the wound appeared to have stopped bleeding. Leaning on a wooden board where magic turned out to float. "Since you can't complete the task of Lord Dark Lord, you are all dead!"

Said that she launched a life-spelling spell and directly hit a pattern on the arch. After that pattern was hit, it began to emit green light, and then began to spread to the entire arch pattern.

"That lunatic." A Death Eater said in a nearly moaning voice, "I clearly told them the taboo here before the action, she actually took the initiative."

Finally he ran to the exit, and even hood fell to the ground when he ran away. Ryan recognized him as the former silent man August Woodwood.

Because Ryan was protected behind the members of the Order of the Phoenix at this time, it was the person closest to the arch. He immediately felt that something was awful to them in the arch behind him.

Lean turned around, and clearly felt that a force of death was about to rush out of the arch. At the same time, this force also affected the surrounding environment, making Harry and the members of the Phoenix standing on the stage unable to walk. Harry and the members of the Order of the Phoenix tried to break away from this high platform, but even with all their strength, they still couldn't move a step.

Lean lowered his head at this time, only to find that a large number of green glowing lines were also written on the stone platform under his feet. At the same time, these lines are spreading rapidly around. Some Death Eaters who are running slowly are also fixed on the ground like the members of the Phoenix after these lines reach their feet.

"Looks like hell." Ryan thought of raising his wand high with the hand wearing the ring, and then desperately pouring magic power into the ring to cooperate with the knowledge gained from the previous rule research to activate the unending fire. From the arch, he could see that several tentacles of fog behind the curtain were about to reach out. If you look closely at www.novelhall.com ~, you can find that the tentacles are made of countless twisted human bodies.

"You don't want to pass" Ryan shouted in Quenya loudly. "I am the master of the indestructible flame, and the power of death that is not part of the living world cannot knock me down."

After calling, Ryan slammed his wand forward, and most of the wooden wand sank into the stone arch, where the transparent barrier hung. A mist of white light emerged from the head of the wand, forming a thin wall of fog that sealed the entire arch.

"As soon as you can move you go, I won't be able to support it for long." Ryan shouted to Harry who looked at him with surprised eyes. At this time, the green lines on the ground no longer spread, but began to fade toward the arch. It may have absorbed the spreading power, and those tentacles continually beat the fog wall, making a thunderous sound. Ryan soon felt the pressure increase, and the facial features began to bleed.

It didn't take long for Ryan to think that he might not be able to support it, but at this time the lines on the stone platform had not faded. Just about to fall short, Ryan felt an arm stretched out to hold the hand that he held his wand, and then another force of the same indestructible fire passed along the arm to Ryan.

This is Hermione. There was so little fire in the ring that Ryan sent her before. In the case of Ryan's full efforts to urge the indestructible fire in her ring, the same indestructible fire in the ring in Hermione's hand also responded, and she immediately made an extreme danger to herself after discovering this. Decide.

With the help of Hermione, the barrier finally reached the moment when the lines on the stone platform disappeared, Moody took the opportunity to take everyone out.