This embroidery mother originally followed the tradition of regarding her husband as the heaven. If her husband wanted to take a concubine, he could only listen to her, and even had to help take care of her concubine. Even if she was a nanny, her mother-in-law and her husband always hated her for not doing well, which made her think that she was useless.

Until the family didn't give her food, her daughter was starving to death. She had no choice but to find a job. As a result, she found Lu Xiaohua.

At that time, Lu Xiaohua was not there. Aunt Wu had an interview.

Aunt Wu is not the weak one. Although she is still the kind and talkative woman, her ideas have changed a lot.

As soon as she heard xiuniang ask if she could take the work home to do, she would come to pick up the work sooner or later, and then look at xiuniang's submissive, yellow and thin face, what else she didn't understand.

Aunt Wu made a request at that time. She gave xiuniang a good salary, but xiuniang had to work in the factory here.

Xiuniang was seduced and confused by her salary, and finally agreed.

At first, she worked very hard. She had a lot of work to do every day. Her husband and mother-in-law had to rob her of the money she got. Then the family ate meat and gave her Concubine good supplements. She and her daughter were still hungry.

Later, she made a change under the "education" of other women in the factory.

She took her daughter to the factory and began to spend money on food for herself and her daughter. Once a precedent was set, it would never go back.

She began to hide more and more of her money, and even didn't want to give her husband any more.

At last, she plucked up her courage and separated from her husband!

Before that, she didn't even dare to think about it. How could a woman be separated from her husband? What a perverse thing it is, but under the influence of friends around her who think that men are bad and should be kicked, and that she can make good money and raise her daughter, she no longer thinks it's a big deal.

Of course, her husband does not agree. Her wife is so capable, and now she can make money. She can say everything.

"Then what happened?" At the beginning, Lu Xiaohua studied the new style of clothes carefully with you. When you heard about the gossip of the group leader's ex husband, he was curious to gossip with you.

When we saw that the boss was so grounded, we talked to her and couldn't stop talking.

"Later, our new county magistrate found out that the leader's husband, oh no, was an ex husband who abused his wife and abused his own daughter, so he was sentenced to divorce."

We don't know if there are such regulations in other places. Anyway, they are new regulations in Fengde county.

Women still can't divorce if they want to. After all, it's not easy to improve a woman's status overnight. It's even more impossible to divorce her husband for the reason of concubines.

However, if the husband has made a serious mistake, such as abusing his wife and children at home, he can be separated, or just separated.

But it's very good. It's a kind of leniency for many women to let the husband beat his wife and handle it as the normal violence of a man beating a woman.

Moreover, because her boyfriend has a tendency to beat someone, in case of killing someone, the county magistrate will order the man who is away from her to stay away from her for this reason. If he is found, he will be put in jail for 15 days. If he comes out again, he will be put in jail for another 15 days.

In this way, put an end to and after the man looking for the woman's trouble.

In small county towns, they are more afraid of the official. Although the tradition is hard to break, they are also afraid of the official. Slowly, this rule will be implemented.

At first, xiuniang, the group leader, was at a loss after leaving. Her mother felt that there was no difference between leaving and being dismissed. She felt ashamed and refused to let her go back. For a moment, she doubted whether she had done something wrong.

Then she followed aunt Wu's advice and moved to the dormitory of the female staff.

In the dormitory, other female workers will help her to look after the children when she is free. Everyone takes turns to do the sanitation. There is a canteen for dinner, and overtime work is paid when she is free. There is no need to work overtime to go home, and there is no busy housework waiting for her. Except for her daughter, she doesn't have to work hard to serve others. She lives relaxed and unrestrained, and can go shopping in the city with her workers when she is free.

This life, once for her, is heaven, she dare not recall the past days.

Now she is more beautiful than before, and has her own savings. She also wants to send her daughter to school.

By the way, her mother's family also turned to her several times and asked her to go home often. But now she just wants to make everyone face up. She just wants to have a good life with her daughter.

"How is your ex husband now?" Lu Xiaohua asked with great interest that she especially wanted to see the scum man get retribution and regret.

Xiuniang group leader is now relieved. He doesn't mind being asked that. He smiles and says, "he didn't want to find me at first. I guess he's waiting for me to go back to him. I think I can't do without him. He also specially carried the concubine up and became his wife... "

not long after, the concubine gave birth, but not as a boy as he thought at first, and also a girl.

My mother-in-law has been waiting on this woman for a long time, hoping to have a grandson. As a result, she is still a girl, so she doesn't follow her. Now this daughter-in-law is not as capable as her last daughter-in-law, so she is the only one who can do the family work.Anyway, Yousheng is a loser. Her mother-in-law thinks that she has grasped the handle of her daughter-in-law and wants to "train" her into the daughter-in-law of the previous term.

But the woman who was promoted from concubine could not let her knead round and flat. The two women were fighting at home every day. At the beginning, the husband of xiuniang group leader helped his mother to train his daughter-in-law and beat her. As a result, he was threatened by his daughter-in-law and wanted to go to the county magistrate to sue him for domestic violence. After divorce, he could find another woman to warm his bed and have children.

Now, without his last daughter-in-law who worked hard to run the family, he has spent a lot of money for his present daughter-in-law, so he has no money left.

Anyway, he didn't care much about the fight between the two women in his family since then. When life became more and more bitter and he missed his ex-wife immensely, he went back to the group leader of xiuniang and said he was willing to let her come back.

Who can tell him to go away.

Other xiuniang talked about it, excitedly and excitedly described the scene to Lu Xiaohua: "when that guy came back later, he asked our group leader in a low voice, and said that he would leave his mother-in-law at home. When the group leader went back, he would treat her well... Bah, he would talk freely, but our group leader was not stupid. Now life is so comfortable, who would go back Those are not human days? "