Liu Xingmo took a deep breath. Although he was still flustered, he still said firmly:

"yes, I've heard you tell the workers how to do it every day. I can go to see the progress for you, record the situation and bring it back to you. My memory and observation are OK."

"Of course I know you can. In fact, you are very good." Lu Xiaohua praised truthfully, "you know, I'm not worried about this. You and you haven't been out yet!"

Let alone communicating with others, it's just like...

"but sister Lu, you know, before and before our family held flower appreciation banquet, my mother thought that I would become the master mother of other people's family in the future, so she was training me all the time. Once, I was asked to come by myself. Since I was able to do that at that time, why now Is it all or nothing? "

Her eyes are moist, and she blames herself and is anxious. She is eager to break through the shackles, but she can't feel the pain. Only she knows: "sister Lu, let me try. Although you say that everyone has their own way, as long as they are happy, but now I'm not happy."

Lu Xiaohua sighed and touched her head: "I just don't want you to force yourself."

"Either reluctantly, or... Sister Lu, I know that you have been protecting me. I know that you often take me around our shop recently, saying that you want to understand the surrounding situation. In fact, you want to take me out and let me see more other people and other things. You want me to know that these are just ordinary things. There's nothing to be afraid of, you, you So help me...

after six months of pregnancy, my body has begun to sink. Although it's good to take a walk, it's still a big burden for Lu Xiaohua to walk every day.

But she never said anything. When she chats with people occasionally, it will also lead to a good atmosphere and let Liu Xingmo participate as much as possible, even if she laughs more with them.

"Sister Lu, we were talking about opening a snack shop together. I know you always want to go back to Fengde county. If I can't take over, I have to give it to others. It doesn't matter how many shops you open in Guang'an Prefecture in the future, but this one is the only one. I hope it's managed by myself. This is... This is what we agreed."

It is because of this "ideal" that she can get out of that chaotic mental state so quickly, and also because of this, she wants to make herself better.

Looking at her Liu Xingmo prayingly, Lu Xiaohua felt funny: "what is this for? Since it's all agreed that this store belongs to us, how can I give it to others? You can go to the shop and have a look. Every time I say how to decorate it, but it's our shop. You should have your own ideas. You can tell all the workers, even if you change my previous ideas. "

After two seconds, Liu Xingmo reacted. Knowing that Lu Xiaohua agreed, he happily said, "if you don't change it, I like Lu's design very much."

"Let's say that you can't cry for me as soon as you go out?"

"No, I won't. since I've taken this step, I'll go on well."

"Yes, brave girl."

Hearing this praise, Liu Xingmo smiles shyly.

After breakfast, Liu Xingmo went out. Lu Xiaohua promised to let her go out alone, but she didn't even send her at the door of the room. The more she sent her, the more nervous Liu Xingmo would be. Naturally, a younger sister would go out, just at the door of her house. Could she still be reluctant to give up for a while?

However, Lu Xiaohua said to the eleven who came in later: "let people look at her, but don't let people bully her. If she really can't stand it... Forget it, let her stand it, unless it's true..."

"yes." Eleven hidden in the heart of a trace of inexplicable worry, and then handed a piece of information to Lu Xiaohua, outside is an envelope, inside is about the investigation results of Wang Niangzi.

It's impossible for a small person to investigate all the stories of her life in just two days. The more ordinary she is, the more nothing can be found out. The queen was raised by an ordinary couple. Originally, her family was not rich, but she could eat enough. It's no difference between a family and a happy one.

It was not until two years ago that Wang Niangzi's father fell when he was working for the landlord's family. After that, she spent a lot of money for treatment. There was really no way. Wang Niangzi married Wang FA, who was many years older than her.

Wang Niangzi's father learned how to keep bees when he was a local master. Later, he taught Wang Niangzi. After Wang Niangzi married Wang FA, Wang's family was not rich, but it was saved by Wang's ancestors many years ago on a mountain outside Guang'an mansion.

At that time, the Wang family sold wood very well, but it sold too well and didn't add it in time. You know, over development and real trees will take a long time to grow. Over time, the mountain will be bare.

Although the mountain is almost bald, it's still from the Wang family. Wang Niangzi raised bees in the mountain and began to make honey. It took her a year to make honey. Her business is good, but the youngest son of the Wang family sank well within a few months of selling it...

she didn't find out who the murderer was even on the 11th day. Of course, the time is too short, and the youngest son of the Wang family has been dead for several months So, the clue is lost.It wasn't until a few days ago that the Honey Shop reopened.

In addition to these materials, there is also a picture attached, which is specially asked by the neighbors near Wang Niangzi's home. Through those descriptions, it is true that Lu Xiaohua saw Wang Niangzi. Yes, there is no replacement of dog blood.

Is it really just a coincidence that they have the same face?

Also so coincidentally, she just bought a shop, Wang Niangzi's husband went to make a wave first?

When Lu Xiaohua had a headache, did he hear the noise outside?

"What's the matter?"

Lu Xiaohua asked casually, and then listened to Xi'an and said, "that lady Qian thinks that everyone can't have a maid, so she let Xiangxiang wanwan, who is courteous to her side, go to find someone to buy it. Maybe she bought it back."

You can't speak politely and implicitly, full of sarcasm.

Lu Xiaohua was furious: "we can't live in this house any more!"

Sure enough, before long, the noise came near, and then the door was snapped.

In the room, Lu Xiaohua and Xi'an, Xi'an knew that if they met each other, they would have to gossip. They just went out of the window. Lu Xiaohua got up in pain and went to open the door.

Several people stood outside the door.

The one who knocked on her door was the niece of the nurse, Qian Qianqian.