Wang Yuanwai soon calmed down and hummed coldly: "don't think I don't know your routine. You want to dig a place at will, and then pretend to find the child, saying that I hid it, so as to plant and frame it."

"Mr. Wang, it's very humble of you to be a mere landlord. Even now, you can think of such a saying." Lu Xiaohua stooped to pick up his clothes, "but don't forget, those children are witnesses!"

Wang Yuanwai's eyes were overcast. He raised the corner of his mouth coldly and said, "is that right?" He took advantage of Lu Xiaohua's approach and said to her in a low voice, "then you try, those children, do not listen to you, oh, you have to find them first."

His eyes were full of malice... Although those new people were indeed hidden by the traitors, the more important people in his hands had already moved along with the selected experimental objects after finishing the preliminary experiment. If he didn't still care about the fresh blood, he would have to continue to stay in Wangjiazhuang, and he would not have had time to be controlled by Jiang Zhihu.

Although he can't get in touch with the outside world and the specific situation can't be passed on, his people can guess that the situation has changed. As long as the traitor has contact with Lu Xiaohua and others, he can find out.

Because betraying him, it must be one of the people he was close to and moved away with. If there is something wrong with him, the people who followed him will be monitored by the top. If you dare to come back, you will be found... This is also the reason why the Lord of JiangBao can't find the new people up to now.

It can be understood that the traitor took advantage of the chaos to hide the new man, and then pretended to have nothing to do with others and was transferred from here. After that, the master of JiangBao killed him. The traitor had no time to meet the master of JiangBao. They should be on the way of transfer. Wang Yuanwai wanted to see who dares to disappear in the middle of the way.

As long as we catch this traitor, even if we die here, he will not hesitate!

Lu Xiaohua suddenly laughed: "if I find them and let them all be willing to testify against you, what will you do?"

Councillor Wang Pei said: "I'll kneel on the ground and call you to be a mother!"

"Son, even if you have this son, I'm afraid of my cerebral hemorrhage." Lu Xiaohua hummed, "I don't think you are older than me. I just think you are ugly."

"You..." Wang Yuanwai drank bitterness. Why didn't he find that Lu Xiaohua's mouth was so poisonous?

But what shocked him even more was that Lu Xiaohua stood up straight and turned to the Lord of JiangBao who had been watching all this and said, "I know where people are hiding."

Wang Yuan glared and said, "do you know? How do you know? "

Lu Xiaohua, however, deliberately went out of the room without saying a word to him. The open door closed again after several people went out. No matter how Wang Yuanwai yelled, he couldn't call them back.

This attitude made Wang Yuanwai unable to judge whether Lu Xiaohua was serious or deliberately stimulated him. The more he didn't understand, the more anxious and uncomfortable he was.

The owner of Lianjiang Fort thought that Lu Xiaohua's last words were intentional. Unexpectedly, after he came out of the room where Wang Yuan was being held, Lu Xiaohua went in a certain direction, neither to leave nor to return to the previous hall.

"Where is this going?"

"Who are you looking for?" Lu Xiaohua glanced at the Lord of JiangBao. "Didn't I just say that?"

The master of JiangBao felt that he despised his intelligence and memory, but now he was more concerned about those children: "did you just say that for real?"

"Why do I say it's fake? Is it just fun to cheat councillor Wang? What's the point? If you want to play, you have to play big. Let him vomit blood. "

The Lord of JiangBao

He was a little aware of the mood of councillor Wang when he suddenly found out the girl's true face.

They didn't take many people with them. Lu Xiaohua led the way in front of them. Shi Yi, who was a little boy, was behind her to protect her at any time. If the Lord of JiangBao saw anything, he would push it to the parrot. Jiang Zhihu was also accompanied by a confidant. In general, there were only four people. They walked all the way to the depth of the villa, and the more they walked, the more they deviated.

There is no wall in the southwest of Wangjiazhuang, which connects with a piece of farmland and a small forest. Probably this piece of land is also outside of Wang Yuan, so there is no wall in the middle.

Wang Jiazhuang, the Lord of JiangBao, dug three feet into the ground and went to the nearby villages to check. No matter how much he dug, he didn't want to dig in the farmland.

Lu Xiaohua takes them to a field to stop. The only sign here is a small wooden house for the farmers who guard the field to rest. It is the wooden house where Lu Xiaohua and twelve find the register.

Because Wangjiazhuang covers a large area, and the southwest is the farthest from the nearby village, it's not surprising that people who come to see the field dare not go into Wangjiazhuang to live in the house outside Wang Yuan, and they don't want to travel back and forth, so they just build such a small wooden house.

this is not the only one. There are also other places, such as hunting hunters in the mountains, and they also build it in the middle of the mountain It's a hut. If it's too late to go down the mountain, I'll sleep in it for a night or something.

Even councillor Wang didn't take a look at the hut, or he didn't see the slanting field on weekdays.

Four people into the cabin, Lu Xiaohua said: "look for it, there must be a mechanism.""Are you sure?" Lord Jiang can't imagine that someone will build a underground secret room here. It seems that he will hide it from councilor Wang. How much energy will it take to complete it? It's basically impossible.

Although this place was ignored by Wang Yuanwai, how could it cost more to build a secret room here than those patrolling or secret sentries.

"In this kind of" unreasonable "place, people can survive and pretend to be brainwashed. Even councillor Wang didn't find that there was a ghost until the newcomer disappeared. What can't such a person do?"

Even if you can only dig a little bit in one day, I believe that person can persevere to complete... Lu Xiaohua is more and more interested in this little back comrade.

The Lord of Fort Jiang was still thinking about her words. He saw that her entourage was already groping for it. Now he didn't hesitate any more. He gave the confidants a look, and they also searched for it.

The cabin is so big that you can walk back and forth in ten steps. The objects inside are quite simple, followed by the walls and floors. The main way of JiangBao is: "shall I get someone to dig up the land?"

"Don't worry," Lu Xiaohua said anxiously. "The underground secret road dug by the secret road must not be firm. If it is dug casually to cause a landslide, wouldn't it be bad if those children are really under here? Be patient. "

Jiang Zhihu wanted to ask her why she was so sure that she was in this place, and felt that it would not be suitable for her to ask, so he put up with it and tried to find it carefully again.