Lu Xiaohua blinked, watching Gu Yu take the shovel and the seed, and planting the seed according to her just action.

"Xianggong, you, your body..." can't stand it.

To let Gu Yu raise chickens really means to take care of Gu Yu. She will prepare the rice and water for the chickens in advance. Gu Yu only needs to put them away at noon and release them from the cage for a "walk". She just wants Gu Yu to walk around. It's not good for him to sit all the time.

These are relatively easy to operate. It's easy to dig holes and bury seeds, but it's also manual work. When half an acre of land is planted, how can his body afford it?

"It's just squatting and digging. It's not in the way." Gu Yugang said that he coughed twice, but he didn't stop and continued his movements.

He planted it much slower than Lu Xiaohua, but the rhythm was very uniform, and he remembered all the steps clearly. Although he asked Lu Xiaohua to guide him, Lu Xiaohua found that he had no chance to correct the mistakes.

She looked at Gu Yu with her cheek in her hand. She had to say that Gu Yu's body seemed to be better under the "irrigation" of Lingshui these two days. Otherwise, how could he have done these things before? His face turned pale gradually. It can be seen that the load on his body is still very heavy.

Lu Xiaohua's heart is very delicate, sour and astringent, but with a little obscure sweet, she thought, Gu Yu is a good man, even if they are just nominal husband and wife, can take care of him like this, if there is a woman to marry him, become his real wife, should be very happy?

A little jealousy rose from her.

Then she got up and went to him to help with the planting.

Gu Yu stopped her.

"Xianggong, I'm not tired." He can do it even if he is sick. Although she is pregnant, she is much better than him. He has to cough when he takes two steps. A little hard work may kill him. He has been digging a hole here for a long time.

But Gu Yu still did not allow it. Seeing Lu Xiaohua's insistence, he had to feel uncomfortable. He said with no expression on his face, "squatting will squeeze your stomach."

Lu Xiaohua was stunned for a long time before she realized that he was afraid that squeezing his stomach was bad for the children. Lu Xiaohua didn't notice that. After all, the children in her last life had been gone for only two months. In the final analysis, she had no experience.

Seeing that Gu Yu turned around and continued to bury the seeds, she thought about it and simply sat down beside him.

Gu Yu immediately turned his head and looked at her puzzledly. She grinned at him: "it's OK to sit like this. I'll just stretch out my hand."

It's just that the clothes may not wash well.

Gu Yu He was speechless.

She's sitting down. What else can he do?

Next, the couple worked together. Although they were tired, they planted nearly half an acre of pepper.

Lu Xiaohua helped Gu Yu up. She was a little dizzy after sitting for a long time, not to mention Gu Yu. After standing in the same place for a meeting, they went back to the house with Lu Xiaohua's help. Lu Xiaohua immediately prepared two bowls of water for each of them. Gu Yu's face was really ugly, and they couldn't care if he would find out. After all, it was very different to drink a bowl of Lingshui from a bucket .

Sure enough, just after drinking two mouthfuls of Gu Yu, he felt a shock of spirit, which was similar to the effect of drinking a mouthful of ice water after exposure to the hot sun.

The injuries and "hidden diseases" are still there, but I feel much better, not so uncomfortable, and the exhausted energy also flows back to a part, the whole person is clear and refreshing.

Gu Yu is similar to a human spirit. He has noticed that the food he eats and the water he drinks these two days seem to have magical power. The power is not obvious. Anyone who is in better health may not be able to detect the change. At most, he thinks that the food is better and the water is better.

But he was different. He stepped into the gate of death one by one, bearing the pain that ordinary people could not imagine. He was the sand in the desert, and any drop of water could be felt by him.

When he saw what Lu Xiaohua didn't mean, he often covered it up and didn't ask. Although he didn't know what medicine she had put into the water, it was really good for his health.

If we say that these may be the illusion that he is too eager for health, then this bowl of water is clearer.

He looked at Lu Xiaohua with deep eyes.

Lu Xiaohua raised his head and looked at him carelessly. He immediately put aside his guilt and thought that it would not work. He quickly turned back to stare at him: "how can you look at me like this, Xianggong?"

Gu Yu said: "I just feel ashamed of my mother and let her work so hard."

He doesn't intend to expose her. At least for the moment, the medicine is good, and she should be good to his heart. Naturally, he doesn't have to say it. On the contrary, it makes everyone unhappy.

But he is also curious. His people are at a loss about his "illness". Where did Lu Xiaohua get such a good medicine? Even if he can't be cured, it can relieve his pain. Even... Judging from his current physical condition, he should be able to live longer.

Aunt Hu gave it to her? No, aunt Hu's medical skills are not up to this point.

Gu Yu's mouth is very interesting, isn't it? He likes to dig some people's secrets.

When Lu Xiaohua saw that he didn't mention the problem of "water", he was really relieved. Whether Gu Yu didn't notice it or didn't say it when he noticed it, it was good without explanation."What Xianggong said," said Lu Xiaohua, "I see some pregnant women in the village. They are seven or eight months pregnant. They still have to continue to work in the fields. I'm so much better."

This is true. She saw this scene on her way back from town, and she was shocked. Later she asked Uncle pan, who said it was normal.

In this world where her husband is the God, Gu Yu didn't control her. Instead, he let her do whatever she wanted, as long as it wasn't a dangerous thing and didn't let herself be too tired.

Although he is also quite black, let her teeth itch, but overall... She is grateful to him.

After the couple said compliments, they sat down and chatted. For example, when did the pepper ripen? Normally, it might take four or five months or even longer. Lu Xiaohua had never planted pepper before, which is not very clear. But he bought it from "Xiaotian" and used more water mixed with Lingshui in the future. He would write more quickly and collect it in about one or two months Yes.

When it comes to what chili can do, Lu Xiaohua's mouth is watering. She looks down the mountain, but the sun is still hot. She sighs in her heart that if she had eaten hot pot in a room with enough air-conditioning in her last life, and had a cold drink after that, it would have been wonderful.

There are no cold drinks of all kinds in this place in my life.

Lu Xiaohua sits up straight. She thinks that she still sells ice in Xiaotian. As long as there is ice, she can make a lot of delicious food. In this increasingly hot summer, she sells noodles with scallion oil, and then sells some frozen desserts or cold drinks. The business should not be too good.

Pepper doesn't get better that fast. I don't know how long it will take to make ice?

Lu Xiaohua shrinks to the kitchen under the pretext of cooking dinner, and immediately calls Xiaotian out.

Oh, I forgot to say that she always thought it was too troublesome to call the farm shop, so she gave it a nickname Xiaotian.