"Yes, yes," Lu Xiaohua nodded excitedly as he found a confidant. "He knows a lot."

Although Gu Yu almost stood behind her in the whole process of building the stables yesterday and didn't say a word, he only occasionally gave a voice of reminder and advice when necessary, but the places he suggested were all praised by the horse men now.

Even if he was a young master, he once had many horses, but which young master would even know how to build a stable?

More than that, Gu Yu had always been very knowledgeable, but he didn't like to show up. He only "discussed" with her and guided her when she had problems.

The horse man gave Lu Xiaohua a look of approval to find a confidant, and then said, "it seems that you have something to understand, so I don't need to say more. Basically, just do as I said just now. If you have any questions, just ask your husband. I'll go first."

"Ah, this cart..."

"didn't you remind me that I want to give you a ride?"

“……” Lu Xiaohua turns to look at Gu Yu. Gu Yu looks back at her faintly. Lu Xiaohua makes a face at him and sends him out.

Seeing off the man who raised the horse, Lu Xiaohua walked quickly to the stables. He even couldn't take care of his lameness because he walked fast.

But when she got to the stable, she looked at the tall, strong and special looking horse. Instead, she did not dare to get close to it. She lay on the railing and looked in.

Gu Yu came to her back and said, "why don't you go in?"

"I'm not afraid of horses. Think about it. If you go to a new environment, will you feel uneasy, scared, and afraid of everyone..."



Gu Yu laughingly looks at Lu Xiaohua's puffed up cheeks. Now she shows more and more real emotions in front of him, although many of them are unconsciously.

"To tell you the truth, what's the matter?" he said

"I'm afraid it will kick me!" Lu Xiaohua stares at him. Don't think she doesn't know. He just snickered.

Gu Yu held her: "don't be afraid."

Lu Xiaohua felt that those two words were so gentle, just like the magic spell. When she came back, she actually followed him into the stable and came to the horse.

She quickly hid behind him, and then saw him reach out to the horse, she instinctively grasped his arm, for fear that he would annoy the horse and be kicked by the horse.

"Nothing." Gu Yu took her hand with his other hand, and took her hand as it happened... For fear that she would move again.

Then he held out his hand and continued to go to the horse. Under Lu Xiaohua's worried eyes, the horse turned his head and put Gu Yu's hand on his horse's face. It looked very clever, and his black eyes were full of lustre.

Lu Xiaohua It doesn't match that tall body at all, OK?

"Ma is human. He has been with me for some time before, and now he still remembers me." Gu Yu patted his horse and was a little happy in his eyes.

But he quickly gathered up again and looked at Lu Xiaohua standing behind him. He raised her hand that he was holding: "try it?"

Lu Xiaohua only hesitated and nodded. She also wanted to touch the horse.

Her hand was taken by Gu Yu and slowly approached the horse. The horse gave a snort, which made her tremble and almost retract her hand. But she still followed Gu Yu and put her hand on the horse's neck.

First, he touched the horse carefully and tentatively. He saw that the horse had been very docile all the time. Lu Xiaohua's courage also grew up and gave the horse a big curve. He also touched the horse's ear. The horse's ear moved and ignored it. He also had leisure to lower his head and chew a mouthful of grass.

Lu Xiaohua saw it, bent down and grabbed a handful of grass to feed, and the horse ate it awesome.

"Hey, it's lovely." She grinned and turned to share with Gu Yu, but Gu Yu was looking at her.

"What, what?" She subconsciously touched her face, forgetting that her hand had just grazed the grass and accidentally stained the grass on her face.

Gu Yu stretched out his hand as if to hold her face. She was so scared that she stood still and did not dare to move until he... Took the grass from her face, and then asked her: "how?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing." Lu Xiaohua quickly turned his head, lowered his head, and wiped his face. He was annoyed that what had happened just now? He thought Gu Yu wanted to touch her face?

Do you still think the way he looks at himself is wrong?

Crazy! It's crazy!

Just as she was struggling, she heard him say, "you just had a good laugh."

Lu Xiaohua

"Smile more in the future." Don't pretend to be poor all day.

Lu Xiaohua

She boldly looked up at him, but Gu Yu, who said this, was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he looked at her calmly, as if he just said "you should eat more.".

However, the more so, the more people feel that what he said is true. Does Lu Xiaohua's heart seem to be stirred?

Mom, how do you deal with her husband online?"What's the name of the horse?" Lu Xiaohua stammered and turned the topic. He was afraid to look at him at the beginning again, and his cheek was burning.

"Jiyue, the Jiyue of Qingfeng Jiyue."

When he looked at Jiyue, he seemed to think of something through Jiyue, but it should not be a good thing, because his eyes became cold, his lips seemed to stir up, like mocking everything in the world, arrogant and domineering.

When Lu Xiaohua saw it, some people understood why women like "bad" men so much.

After watching the horse, Lu Xiaohua, who was provoked by Gu Yu's "unconsciousness", could not bear to hide in the kitchen. When she cooked the meal, her mood stabilized.

They were only halfway through the meal, and she finally heard Tian come in and call outside.

It's a very busy day.

Outside, Tian came in with his younger brother Tian FA.

Tian falai is thinner than his brother, but after all, he once worked as a head of farm work. Although he has been idle at home for a long time in the past two years, he still retains his strength. Seeing that the muscle of his arm hasn't faded much, he certainly has no problem driving.

Besides, Tian falai is much more shy than he is when he comes in. He treats people more kindly and carefully, which is probably related to his lameness for two years.

The more you look at him, the more satisfied Lu Xiaohua is. This is her first employee.

After two greetings, Lu Xiaohua did not hang them, but led them directly to the stables behind, so that they could see Ma Er Jiyue who arrived a little earlier than them.

"Is it a horse?" Tian came in and exclaimed, "isn't it a cow?"

"I didn't say it was a cow." Lu Xiaohua said with a smile, "this is my former husband's horse. It's his own. I'm also Zhanguang. You see, can we cooperate?"

"Well," said Tian falai, rubbing the sweat in his palms on his trouser legs, "I'm afraid I'm not suitable. I'll find any one in the village. I'm sure they'll be willing to help you."