Chapter 50: The Banquet (4)

Chapter 50: The Banquet (4)

PR: Ford53 & Alive Sigh

Of all the buildings in the royal castle, the Great Hall was undoubtedly the most massive and most ornate.

Its grandeur could be described as second only to the Sun Palace, where the King and Queen resided and ruled over the direction of the kingdom.

Whether it was for the event or if it was always like this, the grand banquet hall had a long, red carpet laid out all the way to the entrance. Nearby, there were carriages adorned with various splendid decorations.

Elric also spotted a group of disparately dressed people among the nobles.


Most were snapping pictures, maneuvering heavy cameras every which way.

The nobles seemed to be aware of them, as they made their gaits more regal and pompous.nove(l)bi(n.)com

It was all a farce.

There was an underlying tension to it all, but it didnt last long.

Milord, the reporters can see us, could you please straighten your back?

Tyria was currently by his side.

She was the only reason he had attended this banquet because he couldnt let her be alone.

It would be a shame for him to be distracted and forget his duties then.

I understand.

With that, Elric straightened his posture.

It might have looked a little ungainly with his cane, but it was the best way for him to walk.

He shook off his thoughts.

Ill just see if they were right when we get to the banquet. (E/N: Hes talking about the Moonlings.)

There was no point in worrying about things already.


The orchestra was playing a soothing tune as they entered the banquet hall.

The nobles who had arrived earlier were gathered in small groups, chatting, and the royal servants were scurrying about.

It was a familiar yet uncomfortable sense of deja vu.

Especially because of the eyes of the nobles, which moved and examined them as soon as they entered.

His acute sense of hearing picked up every word they said.

Ah, so thats the rumored Baron Portman.

How fitting it is that he should return at this time after being away for ten years

Maybe its because hes from a peasant background that he thinks so little of his actions. He probably thinks that once hes knighted, the world will become his oyster.

It was a predictable reaction.

They loved to gossip about other people, so there was no way his little backstory would have gone unnoticed.

There was no reason or entitlement for him to be angry at them, and so Elric shrugged it off.

Tyria took that moment to lead him to a seat in the far corner of the ballroom.

Please have a seat, youve walked a long way up the stairs.

What about stairs? I climb stairs all the time, even in the manor.

But theyre unfamiliar stairs.

Whether she was aware of how stupid her evaluation was or not, there wasnt even a hint of an expression change on her face.

He was sure that she must have noticed their words.

What a pity it is for the lady. If that man hadnt come back, the inheritance would have been all hers.

He flinched, his grip on his staff trembling.

Elrics gaze shifted between the gossipers before him.

All were middle-aged women, their faces all wrinkled.

They were like cockroaches, especially with how all of them looked away the moment he looked at them.

And then,

This presence is

Elric spotted a familiar face in the crowd.

-Ah, come to think of it, this is the first time weve seen you on our estate (TL/N: Flashback to previous chapter where they met.)

It was Baroness Wyvern. He turned around quickly and broke out in a cold sweat.

She was Tyrias mother, and one of Elrics former adversaries.

-T-This was an explicit order from headquarters. Someone who they want dead is moving into the East T-That was a month ago! Yes! It hasnt even been a month since we came to the east! Its true!

It was Count Nimrud who had met with the ones who had come here for the mission.

With his support, theyd been able to stabilize themselves here, and he was also the one that connected them to the main body.

Count Nimrud was also the only one here who was in direct contact with that man.

-You can find out everything if you just attend the banquet! We received information that the target will be attending the event, and that were just here to kill you as a side mission Ah! N-No, of course! Youre not one of our targets, Sir! Yes, yes!

-Now that thats settled, tell me who the target is.

-We dont know. All we know is that the person is a foreign figure and that the assassination difficulty request was set to D-rank

-You dont even know who youre assassinating?

-Those were the exact orders from the top

The more he thought about it, the more it didnt make sense.

Why were the Moonlings here when they should only be operating in the West, and what was this Count Nimrud trying to do in collaboration with that man?

His thoughts spiraled further and further down the rabbit hole.

Ah, have you heard the news?

What news?

A nobleman from the Empire is attending tonights banquet, and I hear that hes a very important. figure.

Elrics senses expanded greatly in that moment, allowing him to hear all their voices.

Maam, maam! The Imperial nobleman has arrived. He is on his way here now

Oh, really? Where is my husband? We need to quickly get near him and at least make an impression on him


At the sound of the gates opening, Elrics gaze shifted to the entrance of the ballroom.

It was at that moment.

Dun- dun- dun- dun!

The orchestra changed its tune.

This was a phenomenon that had only occurred when the heads of powerful families had entered before.

But the powerful families had already arrived.

There were a few puzzled looks, but when the reason was revealed, surprise washed over all their faces.

The emissary from the Empire is entering!

A voice called out, and the door swung open.

Elrics breath caught in his throat at the sight of the noble through the gap.


Everything suddenly made sense.

The reason for the Moonlings presence here, the purpose of the man behind them, what Count Nimrud was after. All of the causal threads had come together as he noticed the identity of the man who came through the gates.

That wheelchair, that platinum hair, and that mischievous grin

Everything about him was the same as the silhouette of the man in Elrics memory.

Elvus Grayman, the third son of Duke Grayman, has entered!

Dun- dun- dun- dun!

It was Elvus Grayman.

Elrics old friend, and the bane of the Empires existence.

The man who should never have been here strode into the silent ballroom.

Some were horrified, some were amazed, and some were in awe.

His innate beauty alone changed the entire atmosphere of the place.

The very air in the room began to reorganize itself around him.

The man exuded an aura that couldnt be hidden, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

Hence, he was always in no mans land.

He appeared, dominating the space, as he leisurely swept his gaze across the room,


Upon spotting Elric, he smiled widely.

It was a cheerful smile.
