Chapter 47: The Banquet (1)

Chapter 47: The Banquet (1)

PR: BlessedCursed

[Summary for those who skipped: The Young Master of the Nimrud Family named Aman lusts after Tyria, Elric stomps on him, tells the piece of shit to his face to send people after him just so that he can beat them up.]

By the time he had finished his dirty work at the tailors, Elric felt frustrated.

His mind had refused to listen to him after all.

All because Aman Nimrud had barged in, Tyrias explanation of their past relationship, and his own reaction in that moment.

I hate it.

He hated the thought of Aman Nimrud entertaining a future with Tyria.

No, it wasnt just that thought. It created a feeling that filled his entire being, a feeling that told him that he would hate to have anyone else in the world next to her.

It was unpleasant.

It felt like he had a lump in his throat.

And it made Elric feel terribly ashamed.

How selfish.

He chided himself.

Who was he to feel this way after being the one to leave her alone in the first place?

If she wanted someone else, he would bless their union.

And he should apologize to her for all the years she had wasted on him.

How could he be so selfish as to not want to do that?

Milord, would you like some tea to warm you insides?

As she spoke first, negative feelings began to swell up inside of him.

When he turned his head, green eyes bearing the color of spring sprouts captivated his sight.

A thought flashed through his mind.

If only someone could make her happy,

If only I could

But he knew he couldnt.

Elric shuddered at the thought.

Is there a problem?

Ah, its nothing.

Elric blurted out, feeling feverish.

He needed to change the subject.

He needed to get away from his thoughts.

So do we have any other plans?

Yes, this would be good.

The banquet is still two days away, and I thought you might have some business to take care of in the capital or something.

Thankfully, Tyria responded.

Theres nothing major left.


Yes. Normally, wed be in contact with other nobles, but the Portmans are a newer family, having just been accepted into noble society, so we dont have any ties yet.

Tyria turned her head toward the royal castle in the distance.

Im afraid well have to make some connections at this banquet.

At those words, Elric felt a stabbing sensation in his gut.

-Go ahead. Rack your brain as hard as you can to think of a way to repay this insult. I will await your response with pleasure.

He remembered what he had done at the tailors.

It was certainly a connection, although not one made with an ally, but with an enemy.

A crooked, awkward smile tugged at the corners of Elrics mouth, and Tyria asked.

Are you sure youre okay?

Im fine, Im fine.

Had I made an enemy out of impulsiveness?

No, that Young Master Nimrud had been too insolent for that.

He just couldnt stand the sight of a venereal, disease-ridden beast that had its eyes on Tyria.

To put up with that for the sake of the familys future was unthinkable to Elric.

He pushed his anxieties aside and arrived back at the manor to find Aldio back from his early morning outing.

Ah, I hope your outing went well.

He had humbled himself politely, but it was easy to see that he just didnt like the idea of being beneath anyone.

That was his nature.

But how dare he refuse a Nimrud in Ferdinand.

That was the epitome of the kind of man he didnt like.

Daltons frown deepened at the memory.

Like father, like son


Get out of my sight. You disgust me.

Aman swallowed hard, then turned on his heels and walked away.

Dalton sighed.

Hes still too childish.

It was useless.

The incident had happened at the dressmakers shop on First Avenue, the busiest thoroughfare for aristocrats.

There was no way word wouldnt get out that Aman had been felled by Elric Portman.

It was a bad picture for the family.

The face of the family was at the mercy of an insignificant worm who wasnt even a baronet, and for the sake of his dignity, he now had to clean up the mess.

Dalton quickly left the manor.

Whats done is done.

However, he wouldnt make it easy for others to learn about what had happened.

One could be disrespectful, but they had to show that they could take full responsibility for their behavior.

He arrived in an alleyway in the middle of nowhere, far off the beaten path.

A man in robes with a sheathed sword stood in front of a ramshackle wooden door.

He recognized Dalton and stepped aside from the door.

Dalton walked inside

You shouldnt come here so often.

A mans voice rang out in a sullen tone.

Dalton tensed up.

He was not one to be pushed around by a little display of power, but with this man, he needed to be careful.

Things have changed a bit.

Changed in what way? Is it about what your sons been up to?

So it was something he already knew about.

Daltons brow furrowed.

The robed man smirked and waved his hand.

Well, since youve helping me, Ill do this favor once. I know I wouldnt have gotten this far without you.

He rose from his seat.

Dalton took a short, deep breath before turning to him.

Can you handle it?

Lets just make sure were clear.

About what?

We dont do any jobs other than killing. This guy who allegedly hurt your son, is he worth killing?

His tone was chilling, bordering on full of killing intent.

There was a tension in the air, but Dalton wasnt the kind of man to show his weaknesses.

As long as you dont leave proof that the killing was connected to me.

So youre asking for a clean aftermath, thats pretty smart. And we should also spread the rumor that the guy who harassed your son has met his death. That should do the trick, no?

He blurted out something that bordered on sarcasm, but then shrugged.

It was an affirmation of sorts.

Good luck with that.

And then Dalton added a few word.

I trust that you all, the Grim Reapers of the West, can do this with your eyes closed.

The man smirked at that.

Thank you for using us, the Moonlings, again today, Noble Lord.

They were the Moonlings, a group of assassins who had killed some of the most powerful men in the Western Warzone.