Chapter 33: Memories (1)

Chapter 33: Memories (1)

PR: Woober

In Tyrias memories, Elric had had a mischievous glint over his round face. His brown hair had been immaculate, and his clothes were so fine you could tell they were made of good fabric at first glance.

He was the first boy of her age that Tyra had ever met.

Where are you from, Ive never seen you before?

The curious question was an unfamiliar action Tyria had never experienced before.

Though she felt ashamed for not caring about her appearance just moments before, she couldnt help but feel an instinctive favor toward the boy she had just met.


Tyria pointed over the hill to the Wyvern Family Mansion.

Seeing this, Elric had said.

Ah, the Bobbers Lair!

She couldnt help but gasp.

The words that had come out of his mouth had been vulgar words shed been trained to never use in her language.


My dad says that thats where the bobber lives, eating up all the land.

She couldnt help but chuckle.

It wasnt as if she didnt know what he meant. She just couldnt believe he was using that kind of language whilst talking to someone from the manor.

It wasnt until later that she realized he was an accident waiting to happen, but at the time, everything about him had just been a shock to Tyria.

Well, whatever. Just follow me.


The medic cant come out today because he got in trouble with his mom. Youll be the medic instead.


Elric snatched Tyrias hand.

Tyria was then dragged by him, forgetting that she had been the one supposedly asking for help.

It wasnt without pain, of course. Her calf was so sore from the previous days punishments that she could only limp, and her swollen face stung from the wind.

Elrics lips pouted as he realized it too.

What? You hurt your leg? Then you should have told me.


Come here.

What he did next was embarrassing.


Elric had picked up Tyria and started swinging her around.

Elric had been six years old and Tyria had been only eight.

As a child who hadnt yet reached puberty, Elric was obviously much smaller than Tyria, but he had picked her up easily.

It was in that moment.

Youre now a wounded soldier, not a medic!

Elric grinned.

The boys face was confident as he grinned against the sun.

The breeze was cool, and the boys arms, so small, were full of a sense of security.

It had been a first for her.

The experience of having someone hold you close.

To feel the warmth of another human being was such a shock for her that it could only be described as wonder, and so Tyria responded in a way that she didnt even understand.


Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried.

What the hell, youre ugly and a wimp.


Dont cry, youll mess up all your hair.

Sorry Sob

Ugh, who told you to apologize? Thats enough.

Elric patted Tyria on the back.

Only then did Tyria realize.

Crying was not something to apologize for.


In the giggling boys arms, for the first time in her life, Tyria felt comforted.

She still remembered that moment to this day.

Youre on medic duty today!

Elric had led her to a small clearing at the edge of town.

A look of surprise had crossed her face as she realized there were so many other children her age in Wiven.

Of course, they werent all like Elric.

If I ever get injured again, you should treat me like this, alright?

It was a simple compliment, but it cut deep into her heart.

Maybe she was just hungry for affirmation.

In her life, praise had only come after too much punishment.


So this was how one played.

Tyria had finally realized.

That there was no punishment in play.

The events she had experienced that day had been like a dream.

And, as with all dreams, ones moment of awakening eventually came.

Captain, see you tomorrow!

Goodbye, Ugly Medic!

It was sunset.

The sky was colored red, and the day had grown a little cooler.

The clearing was beginning to empty as the children who had caused the ruckus scattered one by one.

Youre coming again, arent you?

Elric had asked.

But Tyria couldnt answer quickly enough.

She couldnt, she had thought, sneaking out without telling her parents and skipping classes all day.

And that wasnt all.

She hadnt apologized properly the day before, and so today, she was going to get a worse spanking than the day before.

Suddenly, Tyria felt terrified.

-Why! Why dont you understand our hearts!

She shuddered as the image of a giant hand filling her vision flashed through her mind.

Her mind blanked, and she began to gasp for air.

Whats wrong with you?

Elric frowned, studying Tyria.

Tyria shrank back.


No, its not nothing. Come here.

Elric gripped Tyrias hand tightly and leaned his head in, searching every inch of her face.

Tyria bowed her head deeply, embaressed.

At the end of it, Elric said, Ah!

I got it!

You dont want to go home!

It was like a lightning bolt, as Tyrias head snapped up.

It was a surprise.

The thought of Elric seeing right through her mind when she hadnt said a single word sent a shiver up her spine.

Elric smirked, as if he knew all that she was thinking.

Then, lets play some more!


Are you going to run away again today?

Un, you guys want to run away too?

The two remaining children, Luton and Bart, shook their heads.

Elric pouted his lips.

What the hell, Sissies. Lets go then, Ugly.

Tyria couldnt believe her eyes.

This was how out of control Elric had been.

Even so, she felt a mixture of impatience and relief in her heart.

A runaway, did that mean that she was not going home?

If so, would she not be punished today?

Tyria wondered, feeling her fear recede, but still worrying about Elric.

Is this okay?

What, running away?

Maybe it would have been, she reflected in the present

Its okay, my Dad doesnt really care about me.

In that moment, she had felt a sudden sense of kinship with him.