Chapter 19: Guests (2)

Chapter 19: Guests (2)

Elric stepped out and onto the station.

There was still an hour left until the train arrived.

He hadnt bothered bringing his sword with him, so he was left with only his cane, which he used to calm his nerves and stay alert.

Its okay. Im going to be okay.

He had been told that the guests arriving were known to be important figures in the west, but, although they had all been active soldiers on the battlefield,

In the end, they all had only held positions as supply officers.

Theres a good chance they wont know me.

It wasnt just wishful thinking.

In the west, when he was Kasha, Elrics main stages were the front lines of battle.

He was rarely seen in public unless he was wielding a sword, and as such, he was largely unknown except by name.

In addition, he was very careful about the protection of his privacy, rejecting all interview requests and breaking cameras if anyone tried to take pictures of him secretly. Therefore, the only people who knew his face were the few clients he had met face-to-face to take requests from.

The only other time hed ever actively shown his face was at an imperial banquet once, where hed accompanied his friend Elvus Grayman.

But as he thought about it, he quickly dismissed the possibility of someone from there being one of the officers.

Thatd be ridiculous.

The banquet to which Elvus Grayman had been invited had been a secretive, closed gathering, reserved for the sons of the Empires most powerful families.

If one were to consider the attendees, then they would know that it was an exclusive gathering made up of only the Empires high-ranking aristocrats and nobles.

It was unlikely that there had been supply officers among them, and even if one of them had been a supply officer, they wouldnt have come all the way out to a rural area to conduct business in person.

Again, it was just an absurd thought to think about.

You only need to avoid the clients. Just the clients!

Elric closed his eyes tightly, hoping for his wishes to come true.

The train slowed down, puffing out steam.

It vibrated with a hissing sound, and the scenery outside the window started to come into focus.

Weve finally arrived.

Polo, a supply officer from the Empires third legion, clicked his tongue and rubbed his chin.

His thick stomach folded in on itself, giving him a heavy presence.

His posture and wrinkled expression revealed that he was in a very uncomfortable state of mind.

It was natural after all. Even he himself thought that it was ridiculous that he had to come all the way out here to this small, remote village to buy wheat.

He was the third son of an imperial count for gods sake!

And he was also a reserve officer who would be promoted to being a senior officer in just a years time.

Despite having such titles, this was the situation that he had found himself in.

Given the circumstances, all he could do was let out a long sigh.

Damn those cursed kingdom bastards.

The war was finally beginning to take a tangible turn.

With the fall of Chebol, the phase of the war marked by a tedious war of attrition had come to an end.

From now on, it would be a war of who could plunder the most, wherein each side would take as much as they could from all others. And so, as the war intensified, the need for food supplies would surely increase.

All of the continents supplies were now being bought up, and the two strongest kingdoms, Armin and Disha, were now in competition with the Empire for resources.

In order to not lose a single piece to them and to take away as much as possible, he, a nobleman, had gone himself to make such transactions.


With a jolt, the train came to a screeching halt.

Polo got up from his seat and dragged his heavy body out and onto the station.

It was at this moment.

Look who it is.

Polo frowned at the gruff voice in his ear.

Although he wished that he didnt recognize the voice, it was one that was all too familiar to him.


With a flick of his coat, Polo soon stepped out of the station.

As he stepped through the stations entrance, he was greeted by the smell of fertilizer and the view of a quiet, rural town. It was a backward-looking landscape that seemed to be a hundred years behind the times compared to the capital.

Naturally, his shoulders started rising.

It was beginning to dawn on him that the people who lived in such a place must not have their heads screwed on straight.

The other two supply officers had similar thoughts, evident by the arrogant looks on their faces.

Soon after they stepped out of the station,

I assume that you all are the guests from the west?

A gentle male voice was heard.

The heads of the three supply officers turned to see a lame man leaning on a cane.

His brown hair, twinkling eyes, and sharp nose gave him an air of benevolence.

The smile on his face was full of goodwill, and in the midst of it all, his modest clothing clearly showed that he was not a peasant.

However, despite his likable appearance, Polo couldnt smile when facing him.

My name is Elric Portman and I am the acting lord of Wiven.

Polos previously relaxed complexion suddenly paled.

His fingertips grew cold, and his pupils trembled as if he was experiencing an earthquake.

Elric Portman?

This man was the naive, spoiled, runaway boy?

No. He definitely wasnt.

Polo was sure of it.

This was all ridiculous bullshit.

Polo knew that mans name was not as he said it was.

Ahh! How?

Was it that he had come here?

Ahem, I am Ugil, one of Armins supply officers. I suppose that there are no other welcoming parties?

I am Tent, one of Dishas supply officers, here to meet the Lord of Wiven.

Despite the greetings of the two other supply officers, Polo still could not speak.

His learned fear of the man was making his head spin.


Please dont recognize me.

Please forget everything about your past.

His desperation was as intense as his longing for life.

His fear had risen to such an unreasonable level that it would have made more sense to him for him to turn, run away, and follow his instincts.

However, there was no turning back.

The train had already left.

Soon afterwards,

Excuse me, sir

Lord Portman

No, the moment the Sword Demon Kashas gaze turned to him,

May I hear your introduction?

Polo could clearly see it.

The moment the smile on his face melted away like snow.

[1. Apparently, as of my current understanding, Ignition is a modifier added to the names of the Seven Continental Powers. Ill update yall on it if something changes.]

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