Chapter 6: Responsibilities and Obligations (1)

Chapter 6: Responsibilities and Obligations (1)

T/N: Uhm, this is kinda shameless of me, but like, if yall have read this far, then you must be liking this project, right? So yeah I dont want to sound like an annoying youtuber, but before you guys read this chapter, could you guys go scroll down on the NU page for this novel and rate it? I guess this novels really polarizing or something, but like, in an extremely eerie way, the only ratings so far have been either 5 stars of 1 star, with both having basically the same amount for each rating. It would really help us, and it would only take a few seconds of your time.

Oh yeah, from tomorrow on, updates will be a chapter every other day cause the weekends over and the starting mass release is done.

(Psst, not trying to bribe yall or anything, but if yall can get the rating back over 3.8 stars, then Ill release 3 chaps on the day it gets there, and if it somehow gets back over 4 stars, then Ill release another 3 chapters on that day.)

Thanks yall!

Three days had passed.

As expected, humans were creatures of adaptation. Despite the fact that Wivens way of life was a far cry from his way of life for the past ten years, Elric had already begun to adapt to some extent.

He still roamed the battlefield in his dreams and fumbled about looking for a sword upon waking up, but apart from that, he was quite content.


Elric rolled out of bed at the sound of Aldios voice again today.

He quickly washed up and changed his clothes before heading to the dining room with his cane in hand.

Sure enough, there was Tyria, who was already in the dining room.

Are you feeling well?

With a slight bow, Elric replied.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Yes, and good morning.

He still felt awkward around her.

She was a woman of few words, and since they spent most of their days apart, they couldnt easily become close.

But, at the very least, it wasnt as uncomfortable as it was in the beginning.

That, too, was an adjustment that he had made to his lifestyle. By now, Elric had gotten to the point where he didnt have to leave the table after scarfing his food down.

Are you going to inspect the wheat fields again today?


Im sorry about that, but my leg wont allow me to help with the work.

Its okay. Im used to it.

These words made his stomach turn.

Upon reflection, it was such an impudent thing for him to say. He was the one that had to take responsibility for leaving her alone, and now he was apologizing.

Whilst Elric was scolding himself for his foolish words, Tyria stopped fiddling with her thumbs.

She was silent for a moment, staring at her plate, but then spoke.

I meant that Im used to it, having been taught the knowledge by the previous lord.

Ah, of course.

A short gasp escaped his mouth.

Something had dawned on him just now

Its definitely my fathers way of doing things.

He was a person who always needed to confirm important matters with his own eyes to ease his conscience.

The wheat fields would be no different.

Now that he had sold all his businesses, the only thing left under the Portman name was the wheat farm.

Elric didnt know why the man had made that choice, but if this was the only remaining business, his fathers personality would have led him to complete the handover of the business to Tyria before his death.

While lost in thought, Elric asked casually,

Excuse me.


How well did you get along with my father?

His words were spoken with conviction, but without regret.

It would be more accurate to say that he was more curious than regretful.

He wanted to know the intentions of his father, who had left him nothing but an inheritance without a will, so he felt that he could only rely on Tyria in this regard.

Tyria was quick to answer.

I learned to work, but other than that, I dont remember much else.

Did he say anything about me?


Her certain affirmation left him speechless.

Elric, who was about to ask if she was sure, soon gave up on that idea.

For some reason, he knew that what she had said was realistic.

He could picture the scene.

His inhuman, cold-blooded father and this soft-spoken woman sitting at this very table.

Even the sound of the moons rustling must have disappeared, leaving a stifling silence in the room.

At best, their conversations would have consisted of him saying Do this, and Tyrias response, Yes.

Elric felt a shiver run through his whole body.

How terrible.

How shameful it was for him to pass on his own duty to others and live so carefreely.

It would have been easier for him if Tyria had shown some resentment towards him, but she had never once thrown a fit up to this day.

Elric hesitated for a moment before speaking.

May I take a look at those letters?

If he just had to read them, then he could do it even with a leg like his.

Of course, he didnt know exactly how the correspondences were going, but he could at least sort the letters or briefly summarize their contents.

He didnt know anything, but it would still relieve some of Tyrias workload.

It was a motivating thought.


A moment of hesitation flashed across Aldios face.

Elric spoke playfully.

Well, I am the master now. Shouldnt I have the right to see those letters?

It was a quite shameless thing to say, but it was true.

Aldio frowned at the comment, but then let out a small laugh.

Yes, you do have the right to see those letters.

He handed the small box to Elric.

The study is still where it was ten years ago.

In the center of the second floor. The heart of the mansion?


I see. You can go now.

Of course.

With the box tucked under his arm, Elric headed towards the study.

Despite his enthusiasm, there were naturally no letters that Elric could understand.

The letters were messy, filled with statistics about the harvest volume and profit margins between various trade partners.

It was impossible for him to solve everything.

The good news was that hed had an eye for discerning the context of situations since he was a kid, so he was able to classify them as he had originally planned.

There were three main categories that he could sort the letters into:

Letters from external sources, letters related to the upper echelons of society, and personal letters.

It was during this process that he discovered this letter.

[To my beloved daughter.]

This was what was written on the front of the letter.

The seal on it was that of the Wyvern Family.

Tyrias family.

Elric couldnt easily remove his gaze from the letter.

He was curious.

After all, he still didnt know why she was still here.

Although it was not clear whether her intentions were good or bad, from what he had observed in the past few days, she was working sincerely for the Portman Family.

But, she was still a stranger in the family.

Although he knew that reading someone elses letter was rather improper, Elric couldnt shake off his immediate curiosity.

In a form of rationalization that was close to self-delusion, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, there could be a clue about his father in this letter.

This was the thought that crossed his mind at the moment.

His fingers naturally reached for the wax on top of the letter.

He scratched at it with his nails, then sighed and stared at the letter.

Finally, unable to resist, Elric squeezed his eyes shut and broke the seal.

His impulsivity at the moment had taken over.

After briefly regretting his decision, Elric quickly raised his head.

Well, since Ive already opened it, I might as well check the contents.

At this point, he would have to apologize for looking at her personal letter anyways, so wasnt it better to at least get some compensation for that?

He would only feel more sorry than before, but that would be for later.

In any case, the contents of the letter flashed before Elrics eyes.

Like a boy who had committed an evil deed, Elrics heart fluttered between anticipation and guilt.

Yet, when he started to read the letter, doubts immediately started forming in his mind.

This is.

He narrowed his eyes.