[sixth shift]

when ye Liping visited the logistics department, everyone was trembling.

The atmosphere in the office was so dreary that no one dared to speak.

Qin Mu also sat in his seat, staring at the wrong data in a daze.

Does Ye Liping mean to let her leave the company?

He didn't want to stay in Ye's family, and he warned himself.

Qin Mu sighed and slowly began to pack up his things.

She didn't work here for a long time. At least it was her first internship.

A little reluctant.

When Qin Mu is ready to leave, her mobile phone rings.

After the new mobile phone was replaced, the original mobile phone number was lost.

In addition to Yan Li Shu, she can not remember the others.

The caller ID is a strange number. The finger stops and the phone is connected.

"Hello, this is Qin Mu. Who are you?"

"Ning Ji Li."

The man at the end of the report his name, Qin Mu subconsciously to hang up the phone.

"Why, you don't want your stuff?"

Ning Jili expected what she wanted to do, and said, "no, even if I look at it, there is nothing important inside, but a necklace."

The man on the phone said so carelessly, Qin Mu was flustered.

She almost forgot that!

After changing clothes in the shop that day, the clerk gave her a handbag.

Take the necklace out of the bag and put it in the handbag.

Later on the cruise ship, Qin Mu was almost forced by he Lei, and he Lei left his handbag on the ground.

Later, Yan Lishu took her away from the cruise ship without saying a word. She also forgot that her most important things still landed on the cruise ship.

Little did she know that her handbag was taken away by Ning Jili.

Qin Mu nervously held the mobile phone, "Ning general manager, please return my things to me."

"Shall I deliver it to Ye personally?"

There was so much noise last Friday. If he comes back this time, it may be something.

"No, let's make an appointment."

"Well, I want to eat Western food. Which western restaurant do you think is better?" Ning Ji Li was full of interest.

Qin Mu was not in such a good mood. "Mr. Ning, I don't have time to have lunch with you. I'll leave after I get my things."

"Qin Mu, do you really think I just give you something back?" Ning Jili's voice said that Yin was gloomy, "don't be so naive, my purpose, you should know."

Qin Mu wants to say that she doesn't know. Even if she knows, she doesn't want to eat with him.

But no way, her most important thing fell in the hands of Ning Jili, do not want to go also have to go.

Qin Mu bit his teeth, "Chinese food."

"Come on, I'll pick you up later."

"No, you say a place. I'll go by myself."


A few minutes after the phone hung up, Ning Jili sent her a short message with a detailed address on it.

In any case, Mr. Qin didn't leave at noon, so he didn't go out in advance.


as soon as Qin Mu left the company, he received a call from Yan Lishu.

The sun outside is very poisonous. Qin Mu answers the phone while walking.

"Have you had lunch yet?"

"Not yet."

"What are you going to eat?"

Yan Lishu asked her what she was normal to say. Qin Mu wanted to lie and talk casually.

Before I had time to speak, I realized that they had made an appointment not to lie to each other no matter what happened.

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