If you want to ask Keller, who have already had their own "Dharma" in their magic attainments, "how strong is a mage?"

Then they'll think about it and tell you, "as strong as you want to be."

The strength of mages is not that they have great magic power or the ability to communicate with heaven and earth. Their strength lies in their ability to manipulate and suppress this power, this temptation.

It's not a person who can keep such a calm after having the power of non-human.

What is the first impression of ordinary people after they have the power of non-human? commit crimes in violation of the law! To touch the law, to do something they dare not do.

It's the same as many people who start to lose their heads when they are in power.

These people can't hold power, and they're useless in their lives, because even if they go to the top, they'll fall off immediately.

But the mages are different.

Step by step, they climb the road of magic step by step. Their hard work and knowledge can never be false. Step by step, they are extremely solid in the road of strength and knowledge. They will never lose themselves before they touch the extreme of Dharma.

Therefore, the mages are strong willed people. The more upward the mages are, the stronger their will and the stronger their souls are.

But Keller knew that when they touched the door of Dharma, they would immediately abandon the "law" and go out of their own way.

This is the only way for every mage.

In fact, Keller has been following his own magic path, that is, the magic of light.

Merlin's magic of light is only primary, and the later intermediate, advanced and ultimate magic are basically created and perfected by Keller himself.

Standing on the shoulders of giants can naturally see farther, but for the young "strong" people, becoming a giant is their goal, and the group standing on the shoulders of giants is just "second generation order".

As a Chinese, we should have the courage to take the lead.

Keller did not hesitate to take his own road to become a giant, and those who stand on the shoulders of the giant to see the landscape is two different kinds of people.

And his unique view on magic is more powerful than ordinary mages.

In his opinion, there are three types of mages. One is an experimental mage with strong operability and high independence. This kind of mage is very innovative, but he is not necessarily good at fighting or research, but the road of magic and most magic are created by this kind of mage.

One is to build cars behind closed doors. This kind of MAGE locks himself in the mage tower and blindly pursues the road of magic. However, they fail most. Those who can't touch more things just build cars behind closed doors. The way forward is extremely difficult. This is the academic school.

The last one is to experience the true meaning of magic step by step through the constant fighting of wild road. This kind of MAGE may be a monk in the middle of the road, or there may not be a good basic education course, but it is obvious that their advantages are extremely obvious. A combat mage of the same level can play ten mages of the first two factions! This is the martial arts school of magicians.

Tabasa, Naji, are all members of the martial arts school. After countless trials of life and death, the two of them can be said to be committed to the fight.

So, when a person asks how strong a mage is at the mage level, Keller will tell you with the facts in front of him, how strong and how strong.

Tabasa is the only mage who can reach the level of triangle among the students in the college, and also the only mage who has experienced life and death war among the students.

Now that you have decided to turn over with your uncle, there is no point in being coquettish again.

If she had been sent by her uncle to carry out the mission of death for so many years, and her mother was half dead by him, how could she have been without any resentment?

So today, her anger is all led out by Keller.

Keller is deeply proficient in psychology. He has had a warm communication with Plato and Aristotle. Of course, he knows that there is something wrong with this kind of expressionless girl.

Although it may be difficult to understand and be cute when meeting this kind of girl in reality, in fact, they are extremely vulnerable. They are very weak and fragile when they block themselves.

Because of this, they are more worthy of care.

But don't mess with honest people, because you can't do it when honest people break out!

There is nothing wrong with this sentence!

Even kylar is scared when Tabar is angry!

Although many soldiers came to stop them, in fact, the wind blowing and the violent wind never stopped.

As her mood fluctuated, the wind gradually became irritable, so leisurely walked behind tabasha. Keller watched the guards blown out one by one, only smiling.It's about to break through. This kid is really a genius.

Kylar has paid attention to this child since he was admitted to the hospital. We should know that trigonometric mages are common goods, but there are very few battle mages. How can the smell of gunpowder on tabasa hide Kailar.

But she has a strong fighting capacity, and she has not lost herself.

In terms of theoretical subjects and the amount of extra-curricular books to read, tabasa is determined throughout the college.

It can be said that it is because of her hard work that Keller has been very helpful to her.

To tell you the truth, Lois and chulouk are not magicians, but magic aristocrats. They learn magic with noble reserve, so they can't learn magic well.

Magic is another serious science. You can't get to the top without a rigorous attitude.

If they don't change their attitude, Keller assures them that even if they can squander their power with their talents now, they will never go far in the future.

Not to mention Louise, a novice magician with little power.

Kylar watched Tabar's performance. It was a wonderful magic show. No one could stop a crazy magician, just as no one could stop a crazy lub.

Magicians may have their magic dried up, but once their spirit and soul are jumping, they are more efficient than lying in meditation even if they are standing. What's more, in the aspect of affinity of magic elements, they can directly adjust their proportion several times or even dozens of times.

Kellar knows that this is an extremely advanced skill. Senior magicians can exert great destructive magic all rely on this small skill. The magic power of a magician is limited, but the elements between heaven and earth are infinite. It is the basic cultivation of a high-ranking magician to use limited magic to drive infinite elements.

Now tabasha has no one to teach her, but in this release and agitation, she has slowly learned the skill of "element homology".

It's like a blacksmith who uses the same method to strike iron hundreds of times and finally thinks - why don't I change to a more energy-saving but more efficient method?

So she began to experience the elements of harmony.

This is not kelar's teaching, but her own understanding. This understanding is very important to most magicians. She has no intention to intervene until now. Now, there is no one in tabasa who is crazy.

It's just

Keller frowned slightly.

Although tabasa is crazy, so far there is no active force to kill the enemy. It is a thing that must be learned in war and combat. It is a little kind.

But kylar smiles freely and does not care. These things can be exercised. They are not inborn. Even when he saw a dead person for the first time, he was disgusted. Later, after continuous overcoming, even in the absence of medical personnel, he went to the stage for surgery, surgery and dissection. Which one didn't endure nausea and slowly came over?

This person, there is no can not cross the ridge, bite teeth, also strong.

It is for this reason that Keller is silent.

Tarbasa took Kailar and Sanli all the way to the administrative department of Goliath autonomous region. Although it was just an administrative office, it was almost the same as the Royal Court of some small countries, and then the king met the king.

If the other party escapes in this way, Keller, who swaggers into the city, will directly control Goliath autonomous region. Unfortunately, the administrative department of the other party is not only as good as Wang Ting, but also bold.

He sat on the throne and watched the three of them rush in. They did not change their faces. Instead, they asked him to give him a gentle cheer for his bearing.

But the matter has come to this, and it is boring to say what is redundant.

"You're here ~ you're here at last." The other party looks upright and ambitious. The meticulous care of his hair and clothes shows that he is a person who pays great attention to details. In other words, he is very diligent. In other words, it is easy for them to get ahead.

And a man who sits in the seat of governor of a state does his duty, which means he wants to go further.

King or emperor?

An ambitious man.

Unfortunately, there is no matching strength.

It's hard to make a big deal. Keller shook his head with his wrist, smiling, watching the destruction of each other. He was very dangerous. He only needed a chance to make the wind soar from the tiger cloud to the dragon for 20000 Li. But now, it's just Lin Zhongshan cat and earthworm in the mud. It's not much that people care about.

Strong this kind of thing, always only own strong, is the biggest powerful.

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