PS: it's a chapter that racked my brains again, because I don't have a high IQ, it's hard to write it down Please count the tickets to comfort you.

PS1: I went to bed after eating noodles

"Circulation, is there health?" Plato pondered for a while, then performed a smile: "let's watch the performance first, but it's disrespectful to the actors."

"Good." Keller smiles and doesn't know what Plato's plan is. He just savors the Greek style of 2500 years ago.

When the opera [cloud] came to an end, there were scattered applause. If they were critical with professional eyes, they did not dance well enough, but they were worth encouraging. That's why there was applause.

It's really the only comfort for these young actors.

"Come on, let's answer your question." Plato smiles and goes out of the city first.

As the capital of a certain country in the past and later generations, the Greek city is not in the capital city, so Plato's Academy is not there - he doesn't have so much money to buy real estate here.

"Look, this is my college." Plato, full of pride, boasted to Keller, with a proud expression like a child showing off his best sweets to his friends.

"It's beautiful." Keller sighed, but did not compliment. The white stone wall was symmetrical and integrated with white ash paste, and spread out to cover the small college completely. This college, which is about the size of a primary school in later generations, feels very open because of the architectural level. A line of Greek is clearly carved on a marble slab in front of the door: "those who don't understand geometry are not allowed Go in

Kellerton pointed to the slate and burst into laughter. His stomach was covered with tears.

"Plato, Plato." Kellar laughed, instead of making Platon's old face red. "This is just a little impulse in the youth. Ignore him and ignore him." Plato, of course, would not be as radical as when he was young not to let people who don't understand geometry enter school. Education is equal, no distinction between the high and the low. The current use of this thing is just to prove his youth and vigor.

"Dang, Dang, Dang, dang..." Plato shakes the small copper bell in the middle of the playground, and suddenly the clear sound spreads far away.

Greece had stadiums a long time ago because they were the first people to start the Olympics.

In December, the students came out dressed in white robes. The weather around the Aegean Sea is fine. The subtropical climate and the unique warm air return make it possible to have plenty of rain, sunshine and temperature all the year round. In other words, it is possible for rice to be cooked three times a year.

Good geographical environment is good.

Thinking of the cold weather in England where even trees would be frozen in winter, we would not want to come out of autumn just like hibernation.

Take a look at the Aegean Sea in Athens.

When it comes to this, it's all blood and tears.

Now understand why the Germanic people will fight to Rome in the future? Norway and Sweden are forced to invade!

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. Who likes war!!

There is wood, there is! yes or no!!

No matter how tearful Keller was in his heart, it was the students who gathered together.

As mentioned above, Plato's school is not big. Although he is the president, the manager has given it to other people. However, because of his high prestige in the academic circles, the students have surrounded a circle for face.

There are about 100 people here, close to the level of two classes.

Keller calculated the number of students by calculation, but he became jealous.

What a enviable style of study! This is a small college funded by a politician and a member of Parliament.

A hundred students, even if only one of them can become a qualified management talent, then Athens, Greece, so many schools, large and small talent together is enough to govern the whole of Europe!

This is the inside story!

Just like the military heritage of Romania, the cultural heritage of Athens in Greece is also a deeply fascinating and frightening thing.

"What I was discussing with this gentleman just now is whether a circular system can keep the college alive, even without me." Plato stretched out his hand to stop the students' noise: "I did not want you to come here to argue with this gentleman, but to let you see me argue with this gentleman."

Plato turned around with a smile, bowed slightly, and made a "please" action: "well, Kay, can you retell your idea?"

Keller smiles and doesn't give in. Of course, he knows that he can feel Plato's intention without showing off or suppressing. He is just a scholar who wants to give students a lesson in the debate between them with real cases.

If it was someone else with a smaller mind, I'm afraid he would have doubted that Plato used the momentum of his students to suppress him?Keller cleared his throat with a smile and said, "my idea is that without a healthy recycling concept, colleges can't exist for a long time." As soon as he opened his mouth, the students were in a commotion.

"With Mr. Plato's donation and support, how long can the school support it?" Asked Keller aloud, silencing the tumult.

"Mr. Plato, how long can you live?"

"Without Mr. Plato, how long can this school support?"

Every word of Keller was thought-provoking, and gradually quieted his voice.

"So it's inevitable to have a way of absorbing money to support the entire school." "It's not an insult to scholarship, but a way to spread culture and events in order to preserve it better," Keller said

It has to be said that Keller's words are very infectious. In a moment, many people in the college turned against each other.

He's right. Many people think so.

"Ha ha." Plato smiles. He didn't think the young man in front of him was easy to deal with.

"First of all, for the first question: what is eternal in the world?"

"Yes." Keller was stunned for a moment, and quickly retorted in a loud voice: "the stars in the sky and human knowledge!"

The Camille academy even won a round of applause for his students.

"Ha ha." Obviously, Plato was very pleased by the students' tolerance and tolerance for all knowledge. Plato clapped softly: "it's a wonderful answer, but obviously it doesn't apply to our debate. No college can last long, can't it? I have been aware of the destruction of this college since the establishment of this college. Even if this college is destroyed, as Kay just said, our human knowledge will not be cut off, but our civilization will not be cut off. What should we be afraid of? "

This is bound to be a debate that will be remembered forever. The big theme extended by the two sages here for 40 years with the small theme of "healthy circulation system" as the argument is doomed to be recorded in the annals of history.

After all, Plato was an old scholar, which immediately aroused the atmosphere of the people around him who had just been agitated by Keller. What's more, as the president of the college, every word he said was so reasonable and well founded.

"But a college with a long history can preserve documents well, can't it?" Keller clearly intends to avoid the other side's edge and find a new way: "and even if there is an endless stream of wise people, like Mr. Socrates, constantly pouring out of wisdom, but the congenital conditions of education are also necessary."

"Knowledge is accumulation! It's just accumulating! And do you want future generations to learn from your incomplete manuscripts? He may be a wise man like Socrates He really scratched the itch of this group of scholars. Who has a genius who likes his future children to die just because of the incompleteness of the data.

That's too bad.

"Therefore, the circulation system can maintain a college as long as possible, and civilization will naturally have a long history because of the existence of these colleges." Keller's voice won the approval of many people.

The debate lasted from noon to dusk, and it was only after we had a hasty meal.

In fact, they didn't recognize the result, but they both got what they wanted.

Keller was satisfied with the debate with the ancient sages.

And Plato got a large number of students who were sublimated in thought.

This is a valuable asset, and both are satisfied.

In Plato's manor, the two people had a feast of olive oil, but they were very happy. Plato took a big breath of oil on his beard.

To tell you the truth, for a 78 year old man, an afternoon's debate is really a test.

"Won't your companion eat?" Plato asked, from the beginning selti did not speak, never participated in the discussion, and even did not have to eat, so Plato had to be curious.

"Ha ha, her face has been destroyed and her vocal cords have been hurt. Please don't care about her." Keller nodded and chuckled. Greece is the most developed in this era. Astronomy, geography, literature, philosophy, opera and even medicine have made great progress.

"What a pity." Plato nodded softly and apologized to selti.

Selti shook his head slightly to show that it was OK.

"By the way, Kay, where is your destination?" Although they have only known each other for only one day, they greet each other as if they have known each other for 20 years.

"I'm going to Macedonia. I want to see Alexander the great." Keller grins at the corner of his mouth and cuts into a baked tomato with golden rice soaked in juice.

"Aristotle, my best student, is by his side. It's better. I'll write a letter by which you can directly ask Aristotle to take you to Alexander Plato's Frank smile: "I have a sense of language, you two will get along very well." (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start( )Your support is my biggest motivation to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!