PS: I'm not in good shape It's not Calvin, it's not that I don't know how to write it, it's just that the state is not good

PS1: I'm going to cry

PS2: thanks for "Qi Long Meng corpse", "Huang Yinglong" and "night loneliness".

PS3: thanks for the vote of "lonely at night".

The nightmare began.

As if stabbing a hornet's nest, a steady stream of knights used bows and arrows, harassing and killing to defeat the disordered forces because of too many owners.

Everything is so bad, because it is a tribal form, without unified command, deployment and progress are a mess, spread out like a leaf fan, chaotic and unbearable.

Some knights could even drive in and quickly retreat before Brown and Bonaparte could react. The Knights led by 13 round table knights really made it difficult for them to deal with the harassment of barbarians. In one day, they lost 10000 people, 8000 of whom were good deeds of the knights, and the remaining two thousand were trampled on by themselves Loss caused.

But the reform is not at this juncture. Bonaparte and brown, who can't bear it, can only order the barbarians to run quickly. After arriving at the next city, the kamelo people will tightly retract into their shells.

However, their ideas are very good, but the reality is cruel. After bypassing the red leaf ridge and continuing to penetrate 50 kilometers, there is an earl's territory. His territory has been moved away for a long time. Even ordinary people can't see a single one. There seems to be nothing left here except wooden furniture and stone houses.

There was no way for the barbarian army to rest for a day, and then continued to set foot on the journey. They went to the king's city. The other side was smarter than them. It seemed that they had already seen their beheading tactics. Bonaparte and Brown made a brilliant plan after discussing with each other: they wanted to move forward in the northwest direction, just overflowing to another leader To go, so that the other side can not predict their actions, strong wall Qingye is not easy to display.

Maybe When they wisely ordered the barbarians to move northwestward, the Rangers had already detected their movements and reported them to the king.

When altoria appeared in the tent in blue velvet robe, red dragon skin inside and light steel armour outside, all the Knights half knelt down and saluted neatly. The sound of the Knights' armor crashing on the ground was amazing.

"Up." Altoria didn't say much. Since Keller entered the enemy's line, she spoke less and less, and her dignity grew more and more. Even if the Knights of the round table dared to look at her, there were few who could speak.

All the Knights stood up, holding their swords in their left hands, and their helmets in their right hands, and saluted altoria.

"The enemy began to move to the northwest, and the final decisive place is here." Said altoria, pointing to the Gilford prairie on the sheepskin map.

She knows that the final decisive battle is not here, but the final strategy of defeating the enemy's forces is not wrong, it is here!

Gilford prairie!

Yes The decisive battle is here, the decisive battle is there!

When the barbarians got up at more than five o'clock and marched for half a morning, they were so tired and breathless that they could almost climb over the mountain top of the plain. When they saw the next city, a shadow suddenly covered their sight.

Then the sun rose slowly. In the sunshine, a shadow like a shadow cloud appeared at the top of the grassland, and then a touch of golden light appeared. It was like the sun, no, even brighter than the sun.

Holding the golden light is a beautiful young woman with her hair shining in the sun and her green pupil reflecting the blue waves.

Maybe in normal times, they would scream and use numbers to rush in and ravage the woman, but now they just want to scream like a woman, because the cold light of weapons is shining on their faces.

It's the reflection of the weapon. Under the sun, it's like gilding with gold.

"Knight's law!" The shrill female voice, holding her sword, cried out in a loud voice, which made it clear that someone could hear it clearly in the field.

"Loyalty, integrity, glory, courage, fearlessness, sacrifice." Every time the Knights drank, the Knights soared an inch. When two words of sacrifice were vomited out, they were as if they were burning. Their momentum was like a flame.

When the most classic dialogue between Keller and King Uther, "Knight dialogue", is sung in the world, Knight six starts from


never rage or murder


never betray


never be cruel, give forgiveness to those who ask for forgiveness


always give assistance to women


never intimidate women

never love or never force women The sharp words involved in the quarrel became "loyalty, integrity, glory, courage, fearlessness, sacrifice." It's just like what Confucius brought to the future Chinese Confucianists: the six arts of a gentleman.The impact is far-reaching.

In the face of such knights, everyone's fingers were cold with fright, because the endless Knights looked more than all of them, 50000? 100000? 150000? Two hundred thousand?! This is him_ How many goddamn knights are there?! How many enemies are there?!

The barbarians were scared to urinate, but even the two legged standing could not lift the axe, and the Knights raised their horses' hooves.

"Yiha All the Knights cried out.

Like the flash of mountain torrents, the sound of horses' hooves rushed up to them.

The so-called barbarians, the so-called Ru Mao Yin Xue, the so-called large number of people It was ridiculous, like a joke.

The barbarians in the first row yelled, lost their weapons and ran back, and then the second, the third, the fourth

Behind is the flood, in front of is own comrade in arms, how to choose?

Do you need to ask!?

I don't have to beat the tiger, I can beat you!

This kind of thinking is not only in China.

All the barbarians began to draw swords at their own people. Even if the elite troops behind wanted to resist, but faced with the hundreds of thousands of people who fled, they were so hesitant

In a moment, it was overturned to the ground, and then countless people stepped on it

Just like the cattle and sheep who were driven away, they began to trample on each other and kill each other. The chaos couldn't stop them

But the Knights can.

The massacre continued, because altoria gave orders, because she knew that if so many barbarians rushed back to the red leaf ridge, the final plan would not come true, and

"Get me the chief! I want the exact information from Kay! " The red eyed altoria raised her golden sword and cried out.

"Ha All the Knights raised their guns to salute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!