And the most important thing about Keller's battle is Bradford!

Therefore, even if we fight it down as a transit point and bridgehead for the whole army, we can do a lot in advancing, attacking and defending. Bradford has become the first element of this war.

Army on air!

They were separated from each other 16 kilometers away from the battlefield, and led by the three round table knights of the light cavalry, they directly broke into Preston, while on the other side were the large troops which were directly divided into parts, and would bypass Bradford, enter the enemy's territory and launch the noble killing tactics.

Bring back what you can All who dare to resist! On the basis of 500 units and 1000 people, they have no enemies on this land - they have been completely defeated by Keller!

And there are only 3000 troops left to attack - no one can count five thousand of Keller's infantry in combat units.

I have to say that the idea of Knight supremacy in Britain is really stubborn and deeply rooted.

Whether it's British, Scottish or Irish, it's the same!

"Do you have any plans?" Standing behind Keller, Denise is full of energy, and she is obviously more attractive to others than altoria Especially a lot of mature women control and so on.

However, denissa's status as a sword made everyone flinch. What's more, she was arrogant. Although she was smiling at everyone, it was just a mask. She would not open her heart to anyone except Keller and enili. Even altoria was then, and his majesty is now.

In the face of denissa's question, Keller smiles and Zhizhu is in his grip.

Denissa didn't like kylar's smile, which had been hanging on his face since childhood

It's really annoying!

The first two steps stepped on the iron boots and came to Keller, pulling his face to change shape: "said it, don't show that expression in front of me!"

"Ha ha, is it because of this expression that you know your original intelligence?" Gently patting her hand open, Keller laughs and has no doubt about her intimate performance.

Ten years of friendship, even feeding and other things are not peaceful at all.

Her eyes could not help but look at the two people who made intimate movements on the left mountain top. Altoliya did not know why she was a little flustered in her heart.

"Wang. (the grammar here is king.) Asked Bedivere, a little worried, in altoriama.

"It's OK." Altoria smiles and shakes her head slightly, looking at the group of frightened enemies carrying the city defense equipment at the head of the city, but she smiles with confidence.

Bradford is a castle on a hillside (see Gondor in Lord of the rings).

It is the same as Andrea's castle, and it is also the defensive style of the inner castle in Hongye ridge.

Relying on the mountain wall as a cover, you can easily create an absolute defense area with simple digging and carving. The steep slope, bramble, mountain wall and 60 degree angle wall make the infantry not only unable to get up the ladder, but also make the knight's horse riding absolutely useless.

This kind of defense has been passed on for many years. At first, it was probably just to prevent the knight from being able to break through the city gate?

But after many attacks failed, the castle eventually became the mainstream.

Layers of defense extend to the top of the castle, and at the top of the castle is the existence of the Lord and the Lord.

The advantage of this kind of defense is that no matter how * * the commander is, even if a layer is broken, the next street fighting and layer by layer defense can still ensure that they can use the terrain to get back.

And layers of defense also greatly limited the speed and mount of the knight.

It is because of the existence of such castles that most suitable terrain has built huge castles, one is territory, the other is defense.

It was not until the middle ages that such castles became more powerful and more suitable for other terrains with better defensive power, which made this absolutely defensive wall close to the mountain withdraw from the war system.

Of course, many of these castles were used as tourist attractions (mainly in Germany and Britain).

(maybe it's not good to explain it with Gondor in the Lord of the rings. If anyone wants to see it carefully, you can go to Du Niang and search for "Knights of the Crusader". There is a design drawing on Du Niang)

"go up!" Altoria waved the sword of victory, with real vibration, five carts were pushed out

The head of each of the five carts is flat, with a three horse platform on it. After the platform, it extends out and presents a 45 ° angle slope. Under this kind of car, six wooden wheels on each side rely on the people hiding inside. A total of 50 people slowly push the car forward.

No one was able to see outside, except for the bossy guy who could see through the two holes in front of him.This chariot, called the Stormtrooper, was developed by Kellar's students, which allows knights to use this platform to directly mount the city wall. (there used to be such cars in the Song Dynasty, but I don't know what the name is. As for those who can help me find information, I really appreciate it.)

This kind of vehicle presents a 45 degree angle, which is suitable for cavalry to charge. As long as it is made firmly, even heavy cavalry can walk on the platform made of iron plate after leaning against the wall.

In other words, the advantage of the city wall was immediately flattened by these five vehicles!

The commander of the other side roared with a face of dirt. The commanders threw rolling stones, logs and torches at five assault vehicles. But I don't know why these wooden things can't be destroyed by rolling stones and logs. If the damn thing is made of iron or bronze, it can't be pushed up the slope!

But these cars slowly and firmly toward the wall on the slope slowly approaching.

When a bang against the wall, the huge car stopped, several hands at the same time extended out to block a certain machine on the wheel down.

A car stuck directly in place is like a tortoise shell, leaving the other party nowhere to start.

Adhering to her own style, altoria, holding the sword of gold in her hand, led the Knights of the round table to rush to the head of the city

Bradford was captured by the Camelot army as a strategic place!!

PS: Wuwu You guys are such a blow! also! It's not that I draw badly! Obviously, the pixel of mobile phone is not good, the angle is skewed In addition, this kind of picture should not use mobile phone It's not filtered with a printer!

PS: I'm very busy recently. I owe you two shifts. I'll make it up on Saturday and weekend , the fastest update of the webnovel!