After a long day's rest, of course, Keller's spirit and magic power have almost recovered. In fact, because life lies in exercise, Kailar, who consumed all his mental power and magic power yesterday, has made a little progress.

What he had to do was simple: to teach the novice doctors.

Although Keller has tried his best to ensure that students learn evenly enough, but because he wants to cultivate students' free thinking, some aspects of Keller are only vaguely pointed out, and some of them are not mentioned: for example, psychology

Although these things need to be honed, their psychological preparation greatly underestimates the cruelty of the battlefield. The medical students who are carrying the weight of life are better than ever.

In fact, later feminists have always praised this measure of Keller. They think that it is Kailar who promoted women as a career rather than a tool for reproduction. As an equal professional, the individual is also the idea first put forward by Keller.

Most of the wounds of the wounded soldiers have been stitched up, but Keller can only slightly aggrieve them for the sake of the students.

"Hansen, hold on." After taking a picture of this big boy, whose eyes are firm and resolute, just like a warrior who gives up his righteousness, Keller purses his mouth and slightly suppresses his smile. Surrounded by more than a dozen medical students, he can only pretend to be an iron man even if he breaks one hand You can't hurt a Bachelor of more than 20 years! If it wasn't for the city guard profession, other people would have been married and had children! At this time.

He picked up the dagger next to him and cut open the scabby part of Hansen's broken arm. Keller quickly grasped his bleeding hand and began to explain: "you see, this is skin, this is subcutaneous tissue, this is blood vessel, this is capillary This is the vein This is the artery... "

Hansen cried You can't hurt a guy like a fountain with a bloody hand!

Keller only explained it once, and whether the students remember it or not, he just threw a light ball on his wound: "well, Hansen, you're really a man. I'll cure you right away..."

Hansen's bone stubble began to come out slowly. This is the bone that quickly extends out of the calcium extracted from his body, and then the blood vessels, muscles, and skin.

When his hands show a light wind red skin, the whole treatment is almost the same.

After patting Hansen, who is still frowning, Keller says with a smile, "eat more vegetables, salad, bones, and pig blood."

Then kylar called out to the outside, "next batch!"

Looking at the medical sister group of more than 100 people, Hansen was honored to faint

Of course, Keller can't let everything make Hansen a white mouse. Happily, he has hundreds of experimental subjects

All the wounded soldiers suffered this kind of crime once. Most of them fainted directly. Before they were transported, they had only one thought in their mind: Thank you, the sage is from our side. If the sage adult came to torture the executioner, it would be a bad dream of the whole world.

In the learning atmosphere of "harmony and love", Archduke Andre came back.

He also brought back a special guy, an old acquaintance of Keller: Gavin.

At this time, Gawain was sitting on his horse, his body was bruised and bruised, as if he had just been abused, while the Knights behind him were silent. Keller simply noticed that there were many more knights in his father's house.

On the way up, Prince Andre noticed the cavalry armor piled up on the square like a mountain, the horses tied on the trees beside the road, and the cavalry guns and swords.

Obviously, these things show that someone attacked the red leaf ridge while he was away, and no one came out to fight against it, indicating that the Knights' order was defeated Or destroyed?

The old-fashioned Prince Andre was not sure that Keller could defeat the knights with his militia That's stupid.

"Kay, what happened?" Looking at the figure of kylar's welcome, Prince Andre asked in disbelief, "and how is your mother?" (youmamok?)

"yes, it's OK, Dad." Keller smiles: "after this war, the two knights are removed."

Andre doesn't fall off his horse in fear. The Knights are out? Or two? How is that possible? With a mob of just five thousand?

Prince Andre couldn't figure it out, but Keller took his reins and went forward: "well, father, this is not a place to speak. Let's go inside."

"By the way, Argus, we can clear the war alert." Keller said this to his disciples.

"Gawain, are you ok?" Coming to Gawain's horse, Keller whispered, "what's going on?"

Gao Wen gave a wry smile: "what happened? My father was blinded by the throne, power and money. I stopped my father's rebellion and was sent to prison by my father. My uncle rushed into my father's castle and cut off my father's head. I took our knight to surrender directly. It's so damned What kind of shit is this? " Gao Wen scolded fiercely, his face was full of sadness."I'm sorry It's going to be okay, Gavin. Trust me He patted Gawain on the thigh - he could only get there, Keller comforted.

With a smile more bitter than lotus seed heart, Gawain and his knights walk into the city with the breath of a bereaved dog.

Because of the triumphant return of the Lord of the city and the withdrawal of the war order by Kailar, the people in the city put their hearts back into their stomachs, flowers, cheers, whistles, and the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami.

The whole Hongye mountain is full of happy atmosphere.

In three steps and two steps, Keller ascended to the head of the inner castle of the red leaf castle, where it was the most conspicuous position and a place that everyone could see.

"Very well, my father returned triumphantly, bringing us double victories!" Keller's first words made everyone stand up with pride: "but, in order to protect our homeland, 1725 people have lost their lives forever! They died to protect you. Please observe 30 seconds of silence for them Keller's words made everyone close their mouths, gently close their eyes, and put their hands together in mourning and praying for the dead soldiers , the fastest update of the webnovel!